Ron Burke answers Fallout 3 questions

Do you know if there is any Oblivion style "quest compass" in place?
Ooooh...Good question! I'll have to follow up. I seem to recall their being a HUD of sorts in the bottom right that had several arrows on a compass. I'll have to consult my hastily scribbled notes and/or ask the developers for the answer on that one.

The V.A.T.S. pic shows the compass. Lower left corner - little green arrow in it. Just wanted to make sure before I replied. :)
GamingTrend said:
Do you know if there is any Oblivion style "quest compass" in place?
Ooooh...Good question! I'll have to follow up. I seem to recall their being a HUD of sorts in the bottom right that had several arrows on a compass. I'll have to consult my hastily scribbled notes and/or ask the developers for the answer on that one.
The V.A.T.S. pic shows the compass. Lower left corner - little green arrow in it. Just wanted to make sure before I replied. :)
It does seem to be there and I would assume, at this point, that it is going to work as in Oblivion (as opposed to a regular compass (pointing to North), some kinda Worldmap compass (pointing to a town) or a user set direction (ie. a location already visited)).

Also, you can edit you post, rather than making two. ;)
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I was just wondering if you could give me a general feel for the size of Megaton, since it's apparently the second largest city in the game.
1. "Poor INT will NOT affect your dialogue choices." (like in Oblivion) :cry:
Should INT affect any more than CHA? I mean that is what Charisma is… how you effect people

"Game areas are not scaled such as in Oblivion although there will be some minor scaling of creatures withing a predefined range of levels to maintain a fair bit of challenge.
Because XP and Levels are used, they are able to determine PC level/power better and be able to tailor quests/direct players to zones appropriate for their levels" (almost like in Oblivion) :cry:
If im not mistaken, there was zero scalling in FO1/2 just equipment scailing. Im against character scaling, just give them better equipment.

3. "Oblivion style "quest compass"" (like in Oblivion) :cry:
I agree, quest compass is dumb, i hope they don't add that in on the final cut

4. "PC version will be ported fom Xbox 360 for sure to reduce time and costs (like Oblivion) :cry:
Do you not pay any attention to any of the releases? THey have said a billion times that THEY WILL NOT PORT! THEY ARE BUILDING THEM GROUND UP FOR EACH SYSTEM... ass

5. "PC version UI will be ported from Xbox 360 (like in Oblivion)" :cry: I read on Gamespot (some time before Oblivion was released) that PC version UI of Oblivion will be suitable for keyboard+mouse users ;)

Once again, ass, they are building each version specifically for each system. So yes, pc version will be tailored for keyboard and mouse.

And i too was horribly pessamistic about the game, but the more info that is released the more towards excepting i become. Even though i still have many reservations, why don't you quite the insesent bitching b/c it dosent change anything, beth is set in what they are doing and will not change it due to our complaints. They already stated that they know more about fallout then we do and know how to change it to make it "better"
dirtnap said:
Should INT affect any more than CHA? I mean that is what Charisma is… how you effect people
I wouldn't get your hopes up. I bet nothing will affect dialogue in FO3 as much as low INT in previous FOs.
dirtnap said:
Should INT affect any more than CHA? I mean that is what Charisma is… how you effect people
Did you even play the first game? IN affected what you can say, since you shouldn't be able to talk about high-level science if you had an IN of 2. Apparently, they now feel that you should be able to do that, which is ridiculous.

dirtnap said:
Do you not pay any attention to any of the releases? THey have said a billion times that THEY WILL NOT PORT! THEY ARE BUILDING THEM GROUND UP FOR EACH SYSTEM... ass
Hey ass, how about you not insult people when there is no reason to?
Remember Oblivion and the 'Yeah, we built everything seperately for every version'?

dirtna said:
Once again, ass, they are building each version specifically for each system. So yes, pc version will be tailored for keyboard and mouse.
It'll have a keyboard and mouse interface, yes, that doesn't mean that the interface itself will be properly changed for the PC version vs. the console version.

dirtnap said:
And i too was horribly pessamistic about the game, but the more info that is released the more towards excepting i become. Even though i still have many reservations, why don't you quite the insesent bitching b/c it dosent change anything, beth is set in what they are doing and will not change it due to our complaints. They already stated that they know more about fallout then we do and know how to change it to make it "better"
Wait, because they're not going to change anything we're not allowed to complain?
Are you fucking kidding me? That's ridiculous.
Thanks for your work/answers but Fallout 3 is Oblivion with gun :(
Why ? :
That statement is premature.

1. "Poor INT will NOT affect your dialogue choices." (like in Oblivion) :cry:
Has this been stated somewhere that I don't know about?

2. "Game areas are not scaled such as in Oblivion although there will be some minor scaling of creatures withing a predefined range of levels to maintain a fair bit of challenge.
Because XP and Levels are used, they are able to determine PC level/power better and be able to tailor quests/direct players to zones appropriate for their levels" (almost like in Oblivion) :cry:
I'm trying to understand here. What do you want them to do? You most certainly can wander into areas you shouldn't be and pay the price for that. What else do you want?

3. "Oblivion style "quest compass"" (like in Oblivion)
Not everyone wants to wander aimlessly.

4. "PC version will be ported fom Xbox 360 for sure to reduce time and costs (like Oblivion) :cry:
Again, what would you like? No console versions? That doesn't make business sense.

5. "PC version UI will be ported from Xbox 360 (like in Oblivion)" :cry: I read on Gamespot (some time before Oblivion was released) that PC version UI of Oblivion will be suitable for keyboard+mouse users ;)
They'll be reworking the PC interface to make it work for PC. I've seen that in multiple recent interviews. I'm sure they looked at what modders did to Oblivion and took note.

6. "Q: Do you plan to support the modding community by providing them with tools?

A: We don't know yet - we're discussing it. It is something we've done for Oblivion, but this doesn't automatically mean we'll do the same for Fallout. The truth is, preparing such tools takes a lot of time, and this is time lost to production of the actual game" - so not moddig tools , all mods PC players will have to buy :cry:
So if I'm reading this correctly, you think "We don't know yet" means an automatic no and welcome to microtransactions? Let them get a little closer to launch and ask again would be the more appropriate thing to do.

Of course TES V: Fallout will be great game (graphic, sound etc - something for young players) but not Fallout anymore .
You've clearly already made up your mind. There is no point in trying to convince you otherwise.
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Joe Kremlin said:
I was just wondering if you could give me a general feel for the size of Megaton, since it's apparently the second largest city in the game.
It is? I hadn't heard that. The city seemed pretty big visually speaking, but we really only went to the one bar location, and down to the bomb to arm it.
GamingTrend said:
Joe Kremlin said:
I was just wondering if you could give me a general feel for the size of Megaton, since it's apparently the second largest city in the game.
It is? I hadn't heard that. The city seemed pretty big visually speaking, but we really only went to the one bar location, and down to the bomb to arm it.
They said that there was a city on an aircraft carrier that was the biggest, with Megaton being second. Which I found odd since you'll have the option to blow it up fairly early (though not as early as in the demo I'd assume).
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pnutz said:
xdarkyrex said:
Oh and actually, the behemoth being 30+ feet tall makes it seems pretty plausible that he could survive a mini-nuke.... so I guess that explains that.
He survived 4 mini-nukes. It took 5 to kill him.

It's something I really wouldn't want to see in this game. Not only this Godzilla thing but can't they make just an ordinary rocket or grenade launcher? Besides killing it with 5 simple rockes would look better then lauching 5 nukes...
Bezimek said:

"The game could be categorized as a first-person shooter.

Fallout 3 could be described as a first-person shooter...

...first-person shooter vs. a top-down classic RPG.
Global Gaming

...first-person shooter quality action.
Twitch Guru

Guns will be one of the major weapons in Fallout 3, and for the most part, the game will play much like a first-person shooter.
Games Are Fun "

As you see maybe i am right or maybe not.

Comments by reporters who mostly haven't played the original games, writing articles for a mostly mainstream audience, really should not hold that much water. These quotes are taken out of context as well.
FeelTheRads said:
Really doesn't sound to bad at all.

What doesn't sounds bad? The fact that MAYBE (remember MAYBE since he's just making assumptions) they won't be so retarded as to make every car explode in a mushroom cloud?

Yes, that and some other things.
You think so ?

As you see maybe i am right or maybe not.
None of the people above have played the final game. It is their impression. Still premature, no matter who says it. Could it end up being that way? Sure.

I want that Betsy remove level scaling from game. Once and for all
They said minor scaling. We won't know what that really means until later.

Yes, you are right. Not all players want waterdown rpg, some wants "wander aimlessly" like in..... Fallout 1/2 or BG 1/2 :)
BG 1/2 was pretty much on rails, so I don't know quite what your point was there. F1 and 2 could allow you to roam where you wanted to, yes, as will F3. So many games get dogged for NOT having a compass - you don't want it? Mod it out.

You are right " we don`t know yet" means an automatic no (like turn base combat in Fallout 3 ). Just look on Oblivion mods - player make better mod that Betsy so who will buy mod make by them ? But maybe Betsy give us modding tools if we press them !
No, its not 100% turn based, but they've integrated a turn based system into the world. You, who haven't seen it, don't like it. I'm not changing your mind.

Yep that my opinion. It is good that Dragon Age and Jagged Alliance 3 are going to town
JA3 was pretty hideous looking at E3. Jagged is right. Looks like you'll get your isometric turn based title though. I wonder if JA3 will clear 100k copies....
So many games get dogged for NOT having a compass - you don't want it? Mod it out.

Of course you can always mod it out later, but not all of it's accompanying damage can be undone. They are designing the dialogue and other forms of giving directions with having a compass readily at hand in mind. So without the compass you might but left out in the rain without any sense of direction, except an NPC randomly pointing to a direction and hinting where the next shelter might be.