
First time out of the vault
I was toying with this idea for a long time. FALLOUT: Route 66. I thought it would be cool to have an adventure along historic Route 66 from LA to Chitown or vice versa.
Yeah Route 66 would be an awesome way to see the US, and by attaching it to a FO setting, would make for a great game.
And maybe we could make it so that you just follow Route 66 the entire time and end up on an island!!! :P
*slaps Morpoggel*

Actually, the Route 66 idea is a pretty good one. As pointed out before, tres Americana.
except kinda hard to justify no?

why confine the game to following the yellowbrick road?

i'd be a huge distance. how would you set up a believable PA story that sticks to following such a landmark?

of course, wanderers & drifters could do it, but thats not really a good starting point or reason to confine your freedom of movement that badly.
Well, one possibility would be to be from a tribe of wanderers going along the historic route 66 because they think that they will find some kind of salvation at the end of the road.

Suppose that they're then attacked, you're dragged off by a bunch of raiders along with a couple of other people in the caravan. You manage to escape and have to go back to your tribe to warn them for a bigger raiding party up ahead. The tribe has already gone farther along route 66, hence you're creating something streamlined along the route.

The only problem is then one of confining movements, but this can be solved by giving the player the sense of freedom. Scatter towns around the route and especially a ways off the route so the player can still go off-track and ignore large parts of the route if he wished.
Also, you don't have to keep the whole of the road, a section would be fine.
Wooz said:
*slaps Morpoggel*

Sorry, couldn't control myself... :P

Also, I'm from Holland, I don't really know what the deal is with Route 66. Ok, I understand by now it's something special, but why exactly?
Route 66 was a huge highway from Chicago to Santa Monica, spanning almost the entire US. It is featured in a lot of American pop culture, in a song (Get Your Kicks on Route 66) and a TV show named Route 66.

It's basically the symbol for American culture along the lines of riding free through the wild.
Sort of a Grapes of Wrath type idea. When there's nothing left, hit the road. I love it.
yeah and with all the cityies and such I don't think it would be very linear. I mean nothing says you have to stick to the road. And anyway in the actual games FALLOUT and FALLOUT2 you are eventually confined by the borders of the region you are in anyway. In my original idea, R66 is damaged but largely intact enough to make it a main merchant route for crossing the wastes. But this being the case it is also a major hunting ground for raider gangs and the like. I really like the idea that people would follow it trying to find some garden of eden sort of spot. That's much cooler than my idea where your character is from a village that gets hit by raiders and they take your sister or kid or something because unbeknownst to you their DNA has some special properties that are of value to a group of medical ly inclined crime lords. As you went along, the story would unfold to be something much larger than a simple raid on a small village. Anyway, you'd travel the 66 searching from town to town trying to get your sister/kid back.
Shruggerios. The kid/brother/whatever family thing in games or movies always seemed extremely cheesy-cliche to me.
I like this idea. I think that in the middle of the game it should turn out that the sister is a Child of Bhaal too :) .
Although this would be a great idea, I've just realised that it would just create a linear game, if all you are doing is following the single road.

Sidepaths and quests that diverge you from the path would be a great side quest to create a more non-linear game.
Who could resist taking that side road? Where might it lead? Maybe I should adapt a Fallout type story I've been working on to this idea? Hmmm...
SNorth said:
Who could resist taking that side road? Where might it lead? Maybe I should adapt a Fallout type story I've been working on to this idea? Hmmm...

Sounds like a plan my friend! If you have any ideas I'm sure we would all like to hear them, even if some of us here seem overally critical.

I think a portion of it is enough. I wouldn't want to see things devolve into some kind of buddy road trip movie.

One idea could be (I'm lifting this from the Romero flicks) that Chicago has become shining beacon of hope and people are travelling from the west to find refuge in Chitown. Of course when you get there it's a bleak/distopian/slit your wrists becuase humanity is hopelessly doomed kind of city. :D