RPGCodex: Fallout: Take Four

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
VDweller of RPGCodex is offering us a clear-cut look at Fallout 3 as presented by GI:<blockquote>Three years later we are presented with a first person, real-time, survival horror-esque Resident Evil-version of the Fallout world.
To show that Bethesda understands and, like, totally digs the setting, the game features exploding nuclear reactors in cars and mind-blowing "tell me it's a joke" handheld nuclear catapults. In the example described in the Game Informer article, the main character, undoubtedly inspired by the famous Baron Munchausen, kills two giant ants by shooting at a NEARBY car's nuclear reactor. A small nuclear blast destroys the car and the ants, but ignores the resourceful main character, standing a few meters away. The nuclear catapult is an even more retarded concept and, hopefully, needs no explanation. Using nuclear explosions in close combat in a survival game that watches your rad count is kinda stupid. Even for Bethesda.
Anyway, did you notice that the article does not mention any option to do something differently? One would think that Todd would have illustrated or at least mentioned all the options while playing through this quest. Something like "of course, you can blow a hole in Mister Burke's head instead" or "you can talk to the sheriff", etc. So, either these options are not present and the game railroads you or Todd doesn't think that these options are interesting / have consequences / worth mentioning. Either scenario is alarming.</blockquote>Link: Fallout: Take Four on RPGCodex
Good article :) . It nicely sums up what we know about Fallout 3 :) . When The Age of Decadence will be finished?
Beginning of works on The Age of Decadence or beginning of raping Fallout?
Hello Sorrow,

Actually I didn't realise you meant another game with The Age of Decadence (just googled it up, yes I do know it was mentioned on NMA, just never took much notice of it), but what I mean is, the raping of Fallout is just beginning.
I think that it started around the times of Fallout 2 ;) . Except that they still wanted to make a good RPG when they were making F2...
Know what? I've been expecting this goddamn game for too long, and even thought I try to be as open minded as possible, saying that I'll play the game just to see if it's good as a game (not as a Fallout RPG) it doesn't change the fact that - and here is a prophecy I really want to be remembered by my fanbase pals - "Fallout 3" is going to be worse than that Brotherhood thing people talk about as example of a bad game (FO:POS, iirc).

Yes, I use (") because I do not dare to call this... thing... Fallout 3.

Really, when I saw GI scans here on NMA, and all hope of an iso/tb/ultra-fluffy RPG faded, I said: "well, let's hope it is, at least, a decent FPS, with respect for the canon and great videos and all. But no, everything, from basement to roof top, is messed up... it won't even be a nice and simple FPS, thanks to that V.A.T.S. thing...

And finally, because I don't like to lose my time discussing shit like this thing that Bethesda is doing, and won't post about it, I'll tell my old wish, that didn't become true (and won't either):

One day, when Interplay anounced the franchise was on sale, I dreamt that Blizzard would buy it. And if that happended things would be different, because Blizzard doesn't fuck things, know how to do stuff (remember Blackthorne? made by IP and Blizzard together?) and would have done FO3 real nice. But that didn't and won't happen.

Sorry for sharing rant, but I needed to say it before shuting up my mouth on the subject from here on, until the day a Fallout product is made my any other company than Beth, somehow...
I agree that nuclear engines in cars and "nuclear catapults" are too much (otherwise generally happy with descriptions) .

By the late 21st century, gasoline will be a "thing of the past", so I would not expect gasoline engines in cars -- maybe fuel cells -- but not nuclear. Moreover, nuclear would not explode anyhow. Hopefully, there is a missed communication on that one.

A grenade throwing catapult yes -- maybe powered by energy cells. Not nuclear however. Hopefully, another missed communication.
I can imagine this kind of news article in Bethesda's Fallout 3 Pre War

GNN "And on other news today, a car crash in downtown Chicago has rendered the general area uninhabitable for years to come..."
Hey Makenshi, mentioning Blizzard, at least Starcraft 2 seems like it's on the right path. Done by the same company, nearly all of the same team are returning, it's keeping the same overall look and feel, progamers are helping them with the balance, etc...

It's almost like Fallout and Starcraft are two sides of the same coin. One has been whored out, the other has maintained its integrity through everything.

I mean jeez, Blizzard even canceled Starcraft Ghost, being developed for XBox/PS2, because it "wasn't living up to the standard set by the original". Ever wish we could've had that happen with FOBOS?

And christ, Ghost actually looked like it might've been a fun game regardless of the clusterfucks. FOBOS didn't even have that.

Looking at the two franchises... it's uncanny, and it's really upsetting in a way.
Thanks for the support Kan-Kerai ^^

If Interplay didn't got bankrupt, what would we be seeing on GI now? Van Buren... Really, I hope Beth NEVER gets it's hand in Blizzard stuff, in the unlikely event of something bad happening to this great company. (knock the wood 3x)
I can imagine this kind of news article in Bethesda's Fallout 3 Pre War

GNN "And on other news today, a car crash in downtown Chicago has rendered the general area uninhabitable for years to come..."

that was great, and so true.
that is pretty stupid they try to sell it that they made cars with nuclear exploding engines, what BS, maybe energy cell cars that blow up nice, but not nuclear!
Bethesda finally realised, that "mature content" (not needed violence is really rather childish and immature...) doesn't make the sales worse so they put explosidng heads in the game. Their audience is still the console kids who will pee in their pants sooting teh greatest new nuclear handheld catapult that vapourises evil and dangerous super mutant! They simply don't care about consistency, their game will be cool enough and popular magazines will say anyway that the game puts everything that was so great in Fallout in their game, good hype even though their target audience never played Fallout.
Goweigus said:
that is pretty stupid they try to sell it that they made cars with nuclear exploding engines, what BS, maybe energy cell cars that blow up nice, but not nuclear!

I believe you could argue a car with miraculously remaining microfusion cells could be described as nuclear, but it wouldn't explode with a small mushroom cloud, due to insufficient force. Neither would a thermo-fission generator. Enough conventional explosive will give you a nice little mushroom cloud, but you still won't live to appreciate it if you are nearby, as in the story.
Makenshi said:
Thanks for the support Kan-Kerai ^^

If Interplay didn't got bankrupt, what would we be seeing on GI now? Van Buren... Really, I hope Beth NEVER gets it's hand in Blizzard stuff, in the unlikely event of something bad happening to this great company. (knock the wood 3x)

Sigh... I wish Van Buren never have died, that was the closet thing to a real F3 we could had (since TC and other like him turned away from the project)...

Reading Van Buren "Bible" it actually transmits Fallout Spirit.

Interplay had the oprtion to invest the 25% work remaining on VB or to make POS, they decided and Karma doesnt forgives!

Plus, on a sidenote, regarding to BOS appearence again. In F2 i actually was a lil sad because of the lack of REAL appearence of BOS. BoS on F1 was great and its like NCR on F2, it makes perfect sense to continue appearing... What ppl fail to realise is that the BOS from tactics and POS is not the BOS from FO and you shouldnt take that into consideration (seen some coments of ppl critiising the again appearence of BOS).
The nuclear catapult is an even more retarded concept and, hopefully, needs no explanation. Using nuclear explosions in close combat in a survival game that watches your rad count is kinda stupid. Even for Bethesda.


I've been struggling with this for a few days and after I read the article I feel as though he pretty much summed up all of my concerns. A great article.
RPGCodex: "Fallout: Take Four"

nice article, maybe a little pessimist... Bethesda has made some good RPG, ... once ? :lol: