RPGDot, GameSpy and Gamespot reports on Interplay

I don't know much about it, so everything I say is just what I think or out of ignorance, but I kind of like the sse team. I would be a lot happier if The Fall was TB, but it looks like a really good game so far. And the lead that posts a lot on their forums seems to pay attention to what the fans say (which can be good or bad I guess).

I seem to remember him saying that if he made the next FallOut it would be TB only. If that is the case I would love to see him get the contract. But I also remember someone from interplay talk about VB and say that it had to have RT and it had to have multiplayer, so maybe Iplay will make that one of the stipulations of liscensing FO3 out.

It could be done right and still get around the contract I think. Just design it as a TB only game, then throw in a RT button. It would make the game almost immpossible to play, but it would be there. I just picture ToEE with a RT button, everyone would play it in TB anyway.
Roqua said:
I seem to remember him saying that if he made the next FallOut it would be TB only.

I believe he said TB has priority, not TB only, though he did say something like "A non-TB Fallout would not be a Fallout".
Gamespy said:
Since 66 percent of net income for Q4 2003 was based on console games, it's pretty obvious why Interplay would focus its energies in that space

Considering that Interplay hasn't made a PC game in a long while, how are people even considering this a relevant statement? Stupidity is a disease, and it must be stamped out!
Ever Clear

Ever Clear

Agreement burns like a pure BLUE flame,
on the liquid crystal of Ever Clear .... the rant light IS AGLOW!


I wouldn't want spiderweb games to make BG3 becaus. I don't try to wreck shit for the fans of those games, yet everyone wants to wreck FO3.

This is the most infuriately hypocrisy of the BG/D-blow advocates, and their fellow travellors.

The features that FO fans consider salient to any FO sequel are back handed as unworkable for a "modern" commercial title.

The FO fans are dismissed by the snotty advice of playing FO1+2 over again. The funny thing is that we can, but I doubt they can labor through their sword and sore'cery fantasies. So they must inflict their baleful gluttoneous hell on all the rest of the planet.

They say our 'crime' is that we want to play the same game over, ...

AND they are too stupid or too black hearted evil to admit that this is their TRUE MISSION: TO PLAY BG AND D-BLOW OVER AND OVER.
Call it NWN or IWD it all looks like the same sh't, on THE SAME day to my tired old trifocaled eyes.

I can endure passionate idiots, for at least they know what turns themselves on. When they say they are having fun with BG/DA, that's great, good for them .... It is the black hearted lying bastards in this marketing demographic that must have their fairies and goblins in ALL games, .... , why their FANTASY is the ONE TRUE FANTASY and the ONLY FANTASY ALLOWED TO EXIST, is, profoundly irritaing in it's bigotry, ...

Their damn breakfast cereal must have big titted fairy marshmellows for god's Sake ... ,

And these righteous prigs can't suffer an alternate universe such as FO, to live. Their whines about 'friendly fire' are classic comedy ... ""make it go away ... I can't cope with the reality of ballistic physics ... it's too-ooo hard ... 'sniffle'""!

After all their moral posturing, they are just as nasty and mean spirited as the best of our worst, but the dark fact is they can't get a hard (or wide) on unless they rub their privates with genuine D+D funny flavored dice. The dark fact is the totalitarian agenda that puts all others to the wall so they can forever kill vertual rats in endless dungeon mazes, ... so their fairy NINja can go shopping for elvian g-strings that will enhance he-she-its' back stabbing stats.

Gold Box Era-Experience point engines cobbled to hot ejacualtions like "Joy Stick Waggle",(Yes, this was an Amiga Era parody title. Surrogate
mastubation has never left the building ...)

I have tried the BG's and the D'blows and I can't finish them.
Holy coitus interuptus .... They are BORING.
Sorry,I am not that 'hard up' for entertainment.

We don't want the same "game", we want the same GAME PLAY in that unique space and time.

It appears that this is too obscure a concept to market in this brave new age of repackaging, and Walmart box shifting.

It appears doubtful that any company can successfully translate the game play, and that includes the futile efforts of JE et al, or any other BIS refugees. The commercial features necessary to justify the production expenses, demand the cloning of the latest, greatest, AND lowest common denominator.

Gold Box stat generators with a "Joy Stick Waggle".

Now, this is my first post. Heck, I don't think i've ever so much as glanced at a forum based on the Fallout series. But, today I noticed that Fallout 3 wasn't listed as cancelled on Gamestop anymore. As a huge Fallout fan, that really got me excited, and the news that Interplay was farming out the development to an external development studio just got me thinking even more.

I decided to come here, thinking I would have a place where my excitement would be shared.

Aside from the posts that are a bit disbelieving that the Van Buren project will ever be released (which is completely understandable to me), all I found was a bunch of cynical, whiney posts by people who don't seem to want their beloved franchise developed by... well, it seems anyone other than Black Isle Studios.

News flash: Black Isle Studios is GONE. It ain't comin' back.

So, the hope would logically be that a suitable outside developer will be found that can make a Fallout 3 that would live up to everyone's expectations.

I, for one, wouldn't mind it at all if Bioware ended up with the rights. I cannot stress enough just how good of a company Bioware is. Have you guys PLAYED KOTOR? I know whats going to come now, "KOTOR is RPG lite" or some such hogwash as that. KOTOR is exactly what it needed to be as a PC style RPG developed for a console system. In fact, to date, this is the best execution of a PC style RPG on a console system EVER. That should point out Bioware as a talented developer, if nothing else.

Many of you are being rediculous. Why would Bioware make Fallout 3 into an action adventure? For god's sakes, I don't even remember them developing one. Remember, even though NWN and KOTOR are executed in real time, the system is turn based at its core.

Many of you seem to think that Obsidian, Bioware, Silver Style Entertainment, etc. are somehow out to get your favorite franchise. Well, heres something to chew on. A large portion of sales of a Fallout 3 will be from the fan base of Fallout 1/2. A VERY large part. Have you ever noticed that the gaming community is black and white on Fallout 1/2? Either they love them, or they've never heard of them. Not a whole lot of people are gonna just jump on the bandwagon with Fallout 3. Now, back to the point at hand. Do you really think a developer is going to piss of the majority of the people who are going to buy the game? Do you see Fallout: PoS flying off the shelves? A developer is going to be careful not to aleinate the series' fan base.

Sorry for ranting, sorry for my first post being so harsh to various members of the community, but I had to get that off my chest.

Roqua, I honestly cannot fathom what you are talking about. If NWN is RPG lite i must have eaten four of my two dogs and a small girl earlier today. Its the damn D&D rules! Is D&D RPG lite now? And, not to say that professional critique is everything, but is every critic in the world just wrong on those games? The hideous glaring flaws must have slipped past 'em, right?
Bootcut said:
Now, this is my first post. Heck, I don't think i've ever so much as glanced at a forum based on the Fallout series. But, today I noticed that Fallout 3 wasn't listed as cancelled on Gamestop anymore. As a huge Fallout fan, that really got me excited, and the news that Interplay was farming out the development to an external development studio just got me thinking even more.

Well, aside from pointing out the obvious lie that you could hardly be a "huge Fallout fan" without having to cringe when you hear that Interplay is handing out the license to an outside developer, I would like to point out that you're well indicative of those who seem to enjoy being fed the hype media press.

Unfortunately for you, clues aren't genetic.

I decided to come here, thinking I would have a place where my excitement would be shared.

Your excitement, perhaps. Your stupidity, no.

Aside from the posts that are a bit disbelieving that the Van Buren project will ever be released (which is completely understandable to me), all I found was a bunch of cynical, whiney posts by people who don't seem to want their beloved franchise developed by... well, it seems anyone other than Black Isle Studios.

News flash: Black Isle Studios is GONE. It ain't comin' back.

Where the fuck have you been to come up with such unbelievably stupid flamebait? We're all up to speed, but you're bitching about nonexistant things. Where have people said that they would prefer BIS? Only some, yet you try to paint with a wide brush.

In fact, BIS was skewing a number of things as it were, already doing a fair number to the universe that they started in Fallout 2, and nearly killed the franchise off there. If it weren't for the fan presence of the previous game, that game would likely have sold very little.

I, for one, wouldn't mind it at all if Bioware ended up with the rights. I cannot stress enough just how good of a company Bioware is. Have you guys PLAYED KOTOR? I know whats going to come now, "KOTOR is RPG lite" or some such hogwash as that. KOTOR is exactly what it needed to be as a PC style RPG developed for a console system. In fact, to date, this is the best execution of a PC style RPG on a console system EVER. That should point out Bioware as a talented developer, if nothing else.

So? They are talented. That doesn't mean they are talented in designing a game with the attention to detail of Fallout's setting and in the same gameplay style.

If you can't get it through your thick head to see how BioWare could hardly develop something of the sort, just don't bother to post again or it will be open season on your ass. I don't think you have that leeway, especially after what you've said. Perhaps you might want to go back and think of Fallout a little more in-depth than the usual thin flavoring BioWare does for its titles.

Many of you are being rediculous. Why would Bioware make Fallout 3 into an action adventure? For god's sakes, I don't even remember them developing one.

Then you've not played a BioWare game. I just love the narcolepsy-inducing combat. It's almost as bad as the Dungeon Siege Screensaver. The combat in KotOR was as predicted.

Remember, even though NWN and KOTOR are executed in real time, the system is turn based at its core.

That is by far the most uneducated comment I've read in months.

Many of you seem to think that Obsidian, Bioware, Silver Style Entertainment, etc. are somehow out to get your favorite franchise. Well, heres something to chew on. A large portion of sales of a Fallout 3 will be from the fan base of Fallout 1/2. A VERY large part. Have you ever noticed that the gaming community is black and white on Fallout 1/2? Either they love them, or they've never heard of them. Not a whole lot of people are gonna just jump on the bandwagon with Fallout 3.

GameSpy, PC Gamer, and many others cover Fallout, mainly because it is noteworthy and If someone hasn't heard about Fallout by now and has been following general gaming news for some time, then they're just a moron.

A Fallout that isn't anything like the originals will get flak and likely won't do well (see X-Com, Ultima), but as most Fallout players are discriminating and enjoy that kind of playstyle freedom, that excludes BioWare and most likely Obsidian as well.

I've already pointed out why those other developers would hardly be good choices, but you're too busy trying to crawl up their ass for brownie points. Sit back, educate yourself about the industry and development styles, and then maybe the next time you rape your keyboard, you won't sound so goddamn clueless.

Do you really think a developer is going to piss of the majority of the people who are going to buy the game? Do you see Fallout: PoS flying off the shelves? A developer is going to be careful not to aleinate the series' fan base.

More uneducated comments. Please keep verbally sucking off your video game primadonnas, it gives us much amusement.

Roqua, I honestly cannot fathom what you are talking about. If NWN is RPG lite i must have eaten four of my two dogs and a small girl earlier today. Its the damn D&D rules!

Two words that have obvious relevance to your above conclusion.

Nose candy.

The rules in NWN are bastardized to an extreme, and likely still buggy as ever judging from the complaints a friend has about the "SDK".

There's also an edit function if you'd like to bother using it and not double post intentionally. Learn to use a forum before you post, but wherever have you let a silly thing as background information ever hinder you?
How dare you tell me that I'm a liar for saying Im a huge Fallout fan? What EVEN gives you the right to say something like that?

Okay, humor me. Being the complete idiot that I am, please tell me, who SHOULD be developing the project? Is there anyone even out there that you people could make a game that would live up to your unbelievably high standards? Maybe the hand of God Himself is gonna come from the sky and work on the project.

Besides which, while I anticipated a negative response, I was hoping that the Fallout Community wasn't so childish as to turn anything that doesn't agree with the general concensus of the board into a duel of insults. I may have disagreed sharply, but I never insulted anyone. MAybe because I'm a nice guy, too nice even, but its something that just doesn't need to happen. Wasn't this a civil discussion? I'd appreciate it if we could keep it that way.

Oh, and by the way, those games I mentioned ARE turn based at their core. They are! I'm not lying, I promise.

Have a good day, guys.
Bootcut said:
I never insulted anyone. MAybe because I'm a nice guy, too nice even, but its something that just doesn't need to happen. Wasn't this a civil discussion? I'd appreciate it if we could keep it that way.

Earlier said:
all I found was a bunch of cynical, whiney posts

Give 'm the boot, Rosh!
Bootcut said:
Is there anyone even out there that you people could make a game that would live up to your unbelievably high standards? Maybe the hand of God Himself is gonna come from the sky and work on the project.

Wow, this is news to me. Expecting a quality product is having unbelievably high standards? Hey, maybe you're right - game developers are just poor slobs trying to do their best, we should give them all our money regardless of what they turn out. Hell, you've convinced me, from now on I'm going to be satisfied if someone just puts out a couple hundred lines of buggy C++ code - after all, they kinda made an effort to make something worth buying, why should we cruelly withold our money and praise from them? What a bunch of assholes we are, guys! We've seriously got to change our ways!
There's an old saying - "The squeeky wheel gets the grease.". It basically means if you bitch about something long enough, you will most likely get what you ask for. It actually holds true for many cases and has been used effectively to get businesses to cater to very vocal groups. Even most governmental decisions are directed by special interest groups of all persuasions. If you as a consumer don't demand the best product then you will never get the best product. You will get something inferior because it is easier for the corporation to produce.
Bootcut- since you are new here, I figured it best to give you a bit of advice.

I know you're excited but don't come into a forum looking to start a fight and than whine if you get one. Based on your first post it was pretty clear that you wanted to stir up a debate. If you want civility, be civil.

If Rosh/Hideki Hitler, is responding you with some impatience it is perhaps because he has little patience for foolishness. Considering his long dedication to fallout, fallout discussions and gaming in general, I sympathize with his impatience.

I think the Fallout Community is not a collection of Nazi fanatics demanding super high satisfication. Rather, you might find that they are a group of folks that have discussed fallout for no reason other than their appreciation of the game and not for the financial rewards that Interplay and others might reap. That said, we disagree amongst each other (and some more violently than others) the way a family might fight over a dinner table. Explore the boards a bit more, look in the archives a bit and you will find those discussions.

We are not exclusive, nor are with unitary in our demands. But neither are we that patient with newcomers who come looking for a fight. Explore the site a bit more, become more informed before initiating a debate.
I never meant to start anything close to what I started, which was a personal attack on me. However, just because I was the first person posting on this thread that didn't agree 100% with the general consensus, I expected that I could have another point of view without getting the proverbial poop flamed out of me (what proverb? don't ask).
I know you're excited but don't come into a forum looking to start a fight and than whine if you get one. Based on your first post it was pretty clear that you wanted to stir up a debate. If you want civility, be civil.
I can say I know exactly what you mean. Just because I've never posted to this forum before doesn't mean I've never been part of a community. However, A debate, discussion, arguement, whatever word you want to use for it can still be civil. I didn't apprecieate the insinuation that I snort "nose candy" in the post right after mine.

/me sighs...

Okay, heres my point, and please don't flame me for this. It doesn't make my day any better.

By the general observation that not many here wanted Bioware, or Obsidian, to develop Fallout 3, I thought that you guys wanted BIS to do it. Come to find out in the post right after mine, some people think even BIS would have mucked it up. Im not saying that I think any piece of sloppy code released with a Fallout 3 label would suffice in my book. I understand that the more noise is made, the more likely it is that the problem will be fixed. I only ask who you would like to develop the game? Biowaere is considered by most of the people I have talked to as being one of the best-of-the-best. Just because they haven't tried a Fallout before doesn't mean they would screw it up! I just think you guys are trying to put grease on a wheel that ain't a-squeakin' yet.

Another question, other than Fallout, what do you guys play? I've seen hits on NWN, Diablo, and a lot of other games that are considered to be top notch games. If these games don't appeal to you, what else is there? It only goes downhill...

If I could get answers to these questions, without personal attacks, I would be obliged.

One word of praise to the community here. At least you guys tend to be unified. I honestly never expected to lose my side to everyone in subsequent posts. However, I'm not stupid, and I don't appreciate being called so. I think we can understand that?
Bootcut said:
I've seen hits on NWN, Diablo, and a lot of other games that are considered to be top notch games.

AIIII! Understand, please, that a good ghame is not a good game in any type. Diablo is a hack-fest, and most hard-core RPGers, and a lot of Fallout fans are that, did not enjoy it or only enjoyed it on the surface.

I don't think "us guys" really all enjoy the same type of game next to Fallout, but most of us have enjoyed, say, Planescape:Torment. Or Wasteland for the older people amongst us.

As for the studio, you have to understand a lot of Fallout fans indeed do have painfully high standards. Those Fallout fans don't believe that with the current state of the gaming industry *any* studio is capable of developing a Fallout 3 that is up to specs. And I tend to agree with them somewhat, though I'd like to see Obsidian try and prove itself "worthy" of such an illustreous title, which all depends.

I don't fully agree with them, and I would personally like to see Troika or Obsidian pick it up. No doubt it'd be better than Fallout 2, heh.

The problem with BioWare that you seem to be missing that BioWare is a mass-production studio. Look at it this way: a small studio in England makes an incredibly brilliant low-budget art-flick. Warner, who makes good movies, decides to pick it up and make a sequel or remake. They give it an enormous budget and put some high-brow director on it and thus it ends up as a bland piece of garbage that *nobody*, including the mass audience, likes, because it tries to mix the brilliance of the original with mass appeal, and fails.

BioWare would do the same to Fallout. Fallout is a complex, sensitive world, one with a gritty, dirty feeling to it, a world of grayscales and open choices, and, indeed, a world of sex and drugs. BioWare would rip all of that out and produce a simplified, and incredibly bad, game.
Ah, but, this is not always the case, and maybe this is what seperates my hopefully optomistic viewpoint from your viewpoint, more that of a realist.

To use your movie analogy:

Did ya ever see Evil Dead 1 and 2? I'll make this point as if you haven't, just in case. They were both extremely low budget, small scale films, much like Fallout. They had extremely limited production values. Then, in 1991, a third movie was made in this series: Army of Darkness. Now, Army of Darkness was a much larger production. The lead actor, Bruce Campbell, actually didn't enjoy making the movie because it was on a strict schedule, with time constraints, etc.

Army of Darkness is considered by many to be the best movie in the series.

A well known developer and a big budget doesn't necessarily mean the game is a lost cause, thats all I'm saying.

I'm in total agreement that the games industry is gearing itself more toward the mainstream. But I don't agree that that is necessarily a bad thing. Now, not that these are RPGs, but being a hardcore gamer, I tend to enjoy a wider spectrum of games.

Grand Theft Auto series. Definitely, definitely mainstream. About as mainstream as you get, in fact. But they're good. They're fun, pretty, (sorta, but being a Fallout community I doubt graphics matter to you. They shouldn't anyway.) and groundbreaking. Mainstream isn't necessarily bad. This is where I'm having trouble identifying with you guys. No offense intended, but to anyone else RPG series, Bioware would be a dream developer. I can't say a bad thing about a Bioware game I've played, and I don't know many people who can either. So, call me whatever you want, mainstream or whatever, b8ut I think Fallout 3 could be in much, much, much worse hands.
Bootcut said:
Army of Darkness is considered by many to be the best movie in the series.

Ah-HAH! But that was not the only thing I was saying. The first problem with a popular sequel to a rather underground game/movie is that it tends to suck, the second problem, a problem which is only important to the fans of the original game, is that the new game has nothing to do with the original game.

Does Army of Darkness have *anything* to do with Evil Dead 1 or 2? No. It is not, in any sense, truely an evil dead. In the same way a Fallout 3 by BioWare would not be a true sequel.
Ok, I know when I am beaten. :D However, I have to thank you, because thats all I was looking for. I like to argue, so sue me. Hats off to you for shutting down my "answer for everything" machine. :shock:
In regards to one portion of the discussion being closed, I will respect that. However, other points do need to be tended to. I will agree with Jebus that your follow-up post to me was...well, I'm being honest here, given your initial post.


Bootcut said:
Oh, and by the way, those games I mentioned ARE turn based at their core. They are! I'm not lying, I promise.

You actually believe BioWare's hype machine? Just because there are regular intervals in a real-time game and that it can be paused to issue orders or automatically paused when certain conditions are met, that has nothing to do with turn-based mechanics. At the core, it's still a RT system, just like how DikuMUD is RT but with command and event intervals initiated by a "heartbeat" timer. That's all BioWare's games tend to be, and they have shown no interest in developing anything but, yet will not hesitate to crow about how great they are. Once their hype machine slips, it will likely go downhill, especially if someone else does something akin to the depth of character playability as Fallout and issues BioWare a plate of humble pie. Hopefully it will be unlicensed work, to further show that BioWare is working towards fanservice. Not the good kind, in expanding the gameplay, but in whoring Drizzt and every other popular thing in (double-bladed lightsabers, when it was supposed to be a unique thing, as well as the many other munchkin-esque Monty Haul things they've done), regardless of design.

So, seriously, how do you expect people to believe that BioWare is a good choice when they will undoubtedly kludge the game's original design to fit into their trend chasing? And people are being cynical for expecting a sequel that does credit to the original? How the hell does that logic work?

As for the remark about nose candy, that was the only conclusion that I could come up with how you could easily accept that NWN = RPG, when it's in fact more like "a heavily kludged version of D&D, made to run on auto-pilot like most of the generally control-passive BioWare games". Just because something uses the D&D rules, that doesn't inherently mean it's a CRPG, unless you go by the "stats definition". I go by the definition of how the damn genre got coined, as it was a mix of the adventure genre with dungeon crawlers and while having aspects of both, didn't fit into either definition and had the added ability to play in a variety of styles. BioWare's design has often been far too restrictive, their ability to portray evil is often hackneyed, barely there, and in a good-for-hire method, and that doesn't suit Fallout's setting at all. Try playing evil in Arcanum sometime.

Fact is, the role-playing capabilities of NWN only esist with the user-made modules, chancy as that quantification is, and not in the core modules (the first was especially noteworthy, in that only the character would be saved between chapters, no location states). KotOR was a good start, but they still have a bit to go in order to provide from something other than their usual generic playstyles, 99% of which is kill everything on the screen and collect "phat loot", then talk to someone with the outcome already planned, as speech often has no affect whatsoever on a regular basis. Rarely, yes, but not regularly.

If you're going to go by the logic that Diablo and NWN are great simply because they sold well, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Are those are indicative of is that any moron could pick up the game, play it, and recommend to their friends to play together, and they did well for their own reasons. Fallout has a respect and following for it's OWN reasons, which are not congruent to what Blizzard nor BioWare are wont to do.

Hey, I appreciate Diablo for what it is. A dungeon crawler that friends can get together and have some fun.

I like many FPS games, strats, racers, and generally quite a few genres as long as the game is created right, without slipshod polish added over it, and no smoke and mirrors approach to development. Frankly, for all the self-fellating and excuses (please do check up on one of BioWare's LEAD DESIGNERS, David "Exponential Boy" Gaider, over at RPGCodex - especially the interview where he makes excuses about why BioWare's design is so simplistic), and outrageous claims that they are "advancing the role-playing genre" (when in fact everything they've done has been done before, often better, and years ago with more creativity), I don't have much respect for them as developers, especially when the two main hype queens start spewing their PR dreck.

BioWare's games often don't hold any interest to me since they feel like the same annoyances with different wrapping, as they do to others, so that is why quite a few don't care for their style of development, especially so when their style and Fallout have about as much ability of mixing together as oil and water. Jagged Alliance 2 has more in common with Fallout than BioWare's work.

So...why should BioWare develop a Fallout 3? Because they they have profitable games? Because they can develop for console? Because they have the hype machine for the moment? Because they prefer to develop in real-time? Because they half-ass ripped off Fallout's speech system and are still trying to figure out how to develop competently with it, or at least somewhat close to what was developed 10-7 years ago? Because their idea of development is nauseatingly similar to many poor dungeon hacks I've loathed to see pop up from the minds of munchkin ten year-olds in my years of DMing?

Sorry, but you're going to have to try a LOT harder than that to have people believe BioWare would have any good touch upon the Fallout license. This isn't to continually rag on you, but you have to understand that we're far from new to this situation, we've been here before, and unless someone gives us a good reason why we should believe someone would/could competently develop outside of their chosen style, we will be more than a bit skeptical. 8)
I would never be so ignorant to say that any game is great because it sold well. But Bioware achieved a total package, critical acclaim, sales, etc, and I can hardly blame them for not wanting to toy with the formula. Every company is in business to make money first, and make people happy second. Sad, but true.

I'll still stand by Bioware's software to the bitter end though, and I'm not gonna be ashamed of it. I own NWN, and while it's honestly not one of my favorite games, I like it. I thought it was a good play. And honestly, PC RPGs are not all that common (thankfully, I like FPSes too). I take a good RPG where I can get it. And god, I loved KOTOR. That was a compelling game.

Heck, I like console RPGs too. I liked Morrowind. I thought Anachronox was great. I dunno, I just think that you guys are kinda rough on these developers. I dunno, maybe I'm too tolerant of the so called RPG lite, mass market driven (Anachronox very much excluded) RPGs, but I think you could do a lot worse.