Yesterday my cousin was shot to death on her way to work by Muslim Militants wanting to make some kind of point. The deaths of children and innocents on both sides will continue to spur emnity and retaliation.
The reality of war and death in Southern Russia is first hand and a daily part of the struggle of living. It is difficult indeed for anyone to forget who they are, where they come from or why they are being targeted. When you are attacked simply for being Russian (Or Ossetian, or Chechen), you tend to take pride in your national identity and it strengthens your resolve to maintain that identity.
Meanwhile, the further north you go, the more distant that reality becomes. In the small space that my world was, I never thought anyone really could feel different from me. I was angry and scared, often times full of hate but it seemed totally justifiable. This "Patriotism" that they are now trying to breed is entirely separate from the nature of Nationalism in the south. There, just surviving is enough cause to generate all the nationalism one could want.
I guess elsewhere, where the reality of that struggle is only conceptual in nature, it is easy to lose that "edge" that Putin wants to keep Russia on. What he's doing now is no different from the Young Pioneers or Hitler Youth of old. Trying to awaken the younger generations to the reality of the national cause, rather then keeping it just conceptual where it is easy to take apart or ignore.
I'm not saying blood shed for narrow minded nationalism is good, but I'm saying the reality of National struggle on a personal level is hard to ignore. Make the cause personal, make it about survival, make the horror and sacrifice necessary for the greater good, play off the fears and hopes of the general population, and they'll have all the support they want.