Russian Nuclear Drill with 40 million people.

It's real, but it's annual-- no one is reporting on it because it's not really news, any more than any given American vote to extend military funding. Russia does various drills like this every year at the start of October as part of their civil defense month. The numbers they publicize on the national news site (which is every bit as much a mouthpiece as one would expect) have been going up every year. It's all part of Russia's neo-cold war bit.
Russians are all about love anyway. But it's tough love.
Considering the U.S has like a gazillion military bases all around their borders I would be shocked if Russia didn't prepare a lot.
All I've got in my bag is a knife, some basic medical supplies, a Life Straw, a "seed vault" (a large can filled with bags of seeds for vegetables and fruits), some water bottles, a deck of cards, and a book. Planning on getting a map and a compass. Anything else I should get?
Yep, I'm locked and loaded. My Bug Out bag is ready and I can grab it at any time and get the hell outta dodge if the shit hits the fan

You ready?
You certainly got the lingo down, which is half the story. Could use a few more abbreviations, it makes you sound even more prepared because it shows you ain't got time to fool around with long words when you could be furiously prepping.
You certainly got the lingo down, which is half the story. Could use a few more abbreviations, it makes you sound even more prepared because it shows you ain't got time to fool around with long words when you could be furiously prepping.
Stfu pal I bet your inch pack is smaaaies my shtf sack took vlt to make unlike your plk. By bye sunshine gotta go pftiatic.
All I've got in my bag is a knife, some basic medical supplies, a Life Straw, a "seed vault" (a large can filled with bags of seeds for vegetables and fruits), some water bottles, a deck of cards, and a book. Planning on getting a map and a compass. Anything else I should get?

All I've got with me is a pistol and an electric prod.

I do have a bugout bag but it's a joke. My plan is to rape and pillage minus the raping part.

I do have a bugout bag but it's a joke. My plan is to rape and pillage minus the raping part.
Hell yeah, let's start a raider group.
Also, let's sell prep-stuff for future raiders. I mean, all those prepper sissies have online stores where they buy all sorts of stuff, but where can you buy spiked-out hockey pads and crudely welded flails? That's a huge market right there.