Russian PC Igry Previews New Vegas

Ixyroth said:
Anyone who has ever worn a gas mask would never want to wear one unless it was absolutely necessary.

Maybe they're ultra-health conscious about inhaling any radioactive dust. It could also be allergies.

Probably a lot of dust and sand kicking about
SomeBritishDude said:
It feels to me like the gas mask is just a way to give the NCR it's own distinguishable style. Caesar's legion obviously has that whole roman thing going on, Obsidian just wants to give the NCR their own look too.

I personally quite like it, in a generic post apocalyptic sort of way, the kind were people were gas masks for no reason. And like people have said, anything to hide the faces.

Not really, we have screenshots showing NCR troops and they have berets and Brodie helmets.
Maybe special NCR dudes who we haven't seen yet though.
We saw many different NCR armors already, if I am not wrong.
Ausir said:
They're New California Rangers (although there's also another ranger armor variant).

Yea the brown/orange combat armour which is why I'm not sure who the dudes in gas masks are unless they are super special awesome NCR rangers.
I think someone mentioned it in some other thread about FA Vegas that it looks very similar to Jin Rohs armor. But now with those concept art. It looks more similar then ever.


Ausir said:
They were identified as NCR Rangers too in previews etc.

What preview's? Are you sure your not getting confused with the NCR soldier's that we have seen in many previews?
As we all know, black is just the BESTEST color for desert operations/combat. Great camouflage and stays cool too.
Ixyroth said:
As we all know, black is just the BESTEST color for desert operations/combat. Great camouflage and stays cool too.

I believe they are black in those screens because they are black and white hand-drawn sketches.
I think this means that there will be more variety in uniforms. We've seen a few NCR soldiers with hats, berets, trenchcoat armor, bulky riot armor, and others. We've also seen a few Caesar's Legionairres, one with a cape and one without. Looks pretty cool.
I'm bumping this because I also noticed the New Vegas guys looks exactly like Hunk from the Resident Evil series. I'm SURE someone else has mentioned this, but has there been any commentary on this? Either in this forum or officially?