S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: First Q&A with the Team


GSC Gameworld has published the first Q&A with its developers on their Facebook profile, concerning S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: <blockquote>Q: What will be the biggest difference between S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and the previous games, if any?
A: In brief, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 will offer new story, new set characters (with some good old ones) and, of course, the new engine powering it.

Q: Will there be more of a survival element to STALKER 2?
A: Yes.

Q: What features have been removed/compromised in the PC version due to the multiplatform release?
A: Since we develop primarily on PC, you won't see any compromises in the PC version. The key difference between the PC and console versions will be the beauty of graphics (meaning PC will offer more of visual effects).

Q: Will there be any new kinds of interaction with NPCs?
A: How do you mean? It's difficult to answer this one.

Q: Will Sidorovich be in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2?
A: I will refrain from answering this one for now.

Q: Will the faction wars return?
A: No.

Q: Will the interface (inventory, map, etc) on the pc version suffer (like other games have) by trying to cater for console systems?
A: No, whatsoever.

Q: Will there be any new mutants?
A: Yes.

Q: How many weapons will be in Stalker 2?
A: It's difficult to give the quantitative figure at this point.

Q: Which part of the zone will it take place? Or is it the zone at all?
A: We'll be locating the game in the triangle of CNPP, the cities of Chernobyl and Chernobyl 2 (where the huge antenna is located).

Q: Is Zone going to be a large single [area]?
A: Let's postpone this question for now.

Q: Will it support DX11?
A: Yes.

Q: Will we see more X-Labs and secret underground complexes?
A: Yes.

Q: Will GSC expand on the import-a-weapon feature introduced with Nimble, and allow players access to more varied and custom weapons from outside the Zone by importing them through specialist contacts?
A: We have some interesting new ideas on this matter.

Q: Will artifacts be something we can go out and transmute through Anomalies?
A: No. However, the area of artifact application will expand.</blockquote>Link: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Q&A with the Team #1

Spotted on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki.
at least they dont make a ton of promises again.

I guess its to early to say anything about the game yet.
Yes, they don't seem to be making huge unrealistic promises. At the same time, though, I would like to know more about what exactly they are planning/working on. :shrug:

I guess that it's a no-win situation, to a certain extent.
Even though I liked the Stalker games, I am not really interested in this (yet?). Guess after all the years and the bugs I've gone through, I am kind of stalker-burned out.
I like the series despite it's flaws and I hope Stalker 2 will be just as hard and grim as the previous games were.

But sadly, since it's being made for consoles as well, we can probably forget about having the same dynamic fast battles and player raping AI, since I can't imagine someone playing a STALKER game on a gamepad.
Guys if you were let down by the bugs of the first couple iterations of STALKER then prepare to be dazzled. I played through Call of Pripyat (the latest stalker game) and never had any bugs! Anyone whos ever liked STALKER at all should play it. Oh and another good thing about Call of Pripyat is that it doesn't reuse any old area from the previous games!

I'm pretty excited for another Stalker game. Especially if it is better than Call of Pripyat which is probably the best of em.
Yeah, loved CoP for not being a bug fest like Clear Sky. Then again, a patched SoC hardly had any bugs either.
Patched CS had barely any bugs either, just the funky a.i and funkier faction wars.
Still yet to complete a STALKER game but I'm looking forward to 2.
CoP was pretty gripping - I didn't do anything with my free time until I beat it. I liked the idea behind Clear Sky, but it just didn't pan out the way it was supposed to - I never beat that game. Still, my tastes lie much more with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. than they do with Metro 2033. I just wish they still had those guys from 4A working on the engine - Metro 2033 was beautiful.
So, yeah, excited. But I wish they could make good on their promise for coop on one of these installments. The console port has me worried, but at least they're primarily PC developers. We'll see how long that lasts after they see the sales comparisons.

Hyphen king here.
Nothing major, but still it's nice to see things are moving forward.

Among many things, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was/is one of the best atmospheric FPS IP of all time, and I hope they wouldn't "streamline it" along the vain of above mentioned Metro 2033 (as a closest “linear kin”). I'm sad to see that faction wars are thrown away. No recent game has come close to a liveliness of stalker world, and a faction wars are the big part of that. They (devs) should have tried a little harder to make it work. Yes, it was broken in many parts, but sill - a lot of great unique gameplay moments; and one of main selling point for those games. A great opportunity lost.

I just hope they wouldn’t follow western devs and make game for idiots.
I actually believe them when they say that the PC version won't get consolized. Which means that the console's ports are going to be pretty poor, probably.
WorstUsernameEver said:
I actually believe them when they say that the PC version won't get consolized. Which means that the console's ports are going to be pretty poor, probably.
I'm not sure what did they mean by "not be consolized".

I share Makagulfazel's worries about that. If all game-play elements are the same in all versions (core game, I'm not counting graphic and textures), then it MUST be consolized to a much hated "lowest common denominator" - x360 or ps3, whichever you find to be inferior. I think big part of the reason for absence of faction wars is due consoles limitations. In this case, God will not help us, but modders could. And probably will, but this is about, at least, 6 months more of waiting, as this game will have new engine and all the fuss that comes with it. Unless it's crytek (which would be really really awesome by the way) - their modding community is pretty good.

As fallout world have passed transition to a Bethesdistan, S.T.A.L.K.E.R is only, if not the only post-apoc game that has serious attitude toward the player and that's one thing I appreciate a lot. It would be a sad day if it turns out to be another sellout in the game industry. Well... stranger things have happened.
How come no faction wars ?

I was let down by Call of Pripyat ending.
Go fetch Strelok basically.
But the game is pure awesomeness, not epic as Shadow of Chernobyl. And bug free.Only for PC :3
Q: What will be the biggest difference between S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and the previous games, if any?
A: In brief, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 will offer new story, new set characters (with some good old ones) and, of course, the new engine powering it.

Oh, so they'll basically be no differences at all?
