S.T.A.L.K.E.R. DX9 screenshots

Why am I not impressed?

I think it's the textures. Some are good but overall they pretty much suck... sorry
it still looks nice.

but i hate the fact that they have cut some features out the game, imo they have cut down the best features, so there is a high chance, that this will be a standart-egoshooter type of game.
Still it has the most potential out there (unless you count FO3) and they haven't at least fcucked up the job (at least not that anyone has seen that...or tried). I still have hope for this one.

Basically I have a few games wich I have very high hopes for. I don't play any shooters, but I've always liked to see what the boys come up with Unreal. They always bring something into the table. Be it something new, or something that works better than anything else.

Shooters = unreal boys
RPG's = er...Fallouty dudes...
Others = stalker and perhaps something else.
I think it looks nice, but I agree with monsharen that the textures aren't exactly up to snuff. At least the distance isn't Oblivion-hideous.
Is this the same game that's been in development for like 6 years?
Wooz they actually had a playable MP demo on E3 in 03 I recall it was. Which back then the graphics was amazing and all of that. Now they look ok, but tbh it should be released before 07.

But with all the trouble the studio have had, I'd buy the game if it just got out the door.
I went crazy for this game when it was first announced, so full of promise. Now I simply don't care whether it's released or not. It's old news to me. The fact that THQ had to hire someone else just to finish the damn game says it all. It's obliviously not going to be everything that was envisioned in the beginning, since THQ just want it out of the door now. It'll probably end up being your regular stock FPS piece of crap. I doubt any RPG elements have survived (given how long they can take to balance).
Same here, I was really looking forward to this game back when it was first announced. I havn't heard that they cut features before now, but if so, which?
Nova said:
Same here, I was really looking forward to this game back when it was first announced. I havn't heard that they cut features before now, but if so, which?

Dean Sharpe working on Stalker:

So, what has changed in the game? Sharpe was able to enlighten us.

'There isn't that much that's been cut … I've made some minor changes. There were some types of mutants that I pulled out. I took out sleeping and eating - a couple of the minor RPG elements. I also shortened the amount of dialog in the dialog trees - there [was a lot] of back and forth that wasn't needed.'

What was most surprising however was Sharpe revealing that 'I may or may not take out the vehicles - I haven't decided yet'. Vehicles were a big part of the game's original feature-set. If they were to be removed it would pose more than a few design problems, considering the size of the 30-square kilometre area covered in the game.

link: http://www.atomicmpc.com.au/article.asp?SCID=27&CIID=37941&p=2


well, thats why its probably gonna suck. he really cut some RPG-Elements out! Such an dumbass. :roll:
Lame, the eating and sleeping thing was one of the really interesting things, IMHO :D
Thanks for the heads up
Oh, that is just what the hired gun has cut. Before they brought him on to help finish the game they had already cut quite a bit of stuff. I would guesstimate between six and a dozen feature met with the axe. I wish I could remember it all but that was two or three years ago and I just don't give a shit anymore. When it was a survival simulator with RPG elements it sounded like no other game that had been made. Now it will be just another FPS in a different environment. And I stopped buy FPS a couple years back. HL2 was the last.
cutting some features doesn't hurt the game by default. with all the dev time they've already had, i'm led to believe they took on too many ideas and features. leading some to be obviously underdeveloped and downright annoying.

a huge list of features does not make a good game.
True. But the homogenized ammo and the not being able to sleep thing kinda bug me. Will I at least be able to sleep in order to avoid nightime baddies? Will there just be 5.45mm ammo for all AK rifles instead of all rifle ammo or all pistol ammo?
What gets me is that I have no idea why the game hasn't been released yet.
The core functionality seemed to be working years ago. The graphics engine, the basic character controls including combat and vehicles, many NPCs seemed implemented with working graphics, sounds and AI.
So.. what exactly was lacking?

Piranha Bytes hadn't even finished their engine a little more than a year ago, with even the design of many elements of the game not finalized. Admittedly the result was a buggy, unpolished game with a reduced scope in several areas, but they basically managed to go from a barely finished engine to a full game in that time.
And what progress has STALKER made in the time? What? Apart from cutting features, what the fuck happened with the game?
better this way than have a craptic buggy game released, don't you think?

i'm sure they have more than enough pressure to release the game already. i suppose they have a good reason for not doing so.
SuAside said:
better this way than have a craptic buggy game released, don't you think?
That doesn't really mean anything unless you mean to imply that this would be the alternative. Anything more substential?

i suppose they have a good reason for not doing so.
So you don't really have any clue. Thanks for trying anyway.
Claw said:
SuAside said:
better this way than have a craptic buggy game released, don't you think?
That doesn't really mean anything unless you mean to imply that this would be the alternative. Anything more substential?
we'll have to see about that when it comes out, won't we?

now why would a game be possibly delayed (of an otherwise healthy developer: no huge personnel issues, no money problems,...) except for increasing quality (of either story/content or of the stability/bugs/performance/...).

so yes, i suppose that releasing a craptic or buggy game is the alternative. mind you however that after this time it could still be craptic and buggy, so only time will tell if it's good or not.
Claw said:
i suppose they have a good reason for not doing so.
So you don't really have any clue. Thanks for trying anyway.
yeah, the alternative is that they like sitting on their thumbs and getting scolded by their bosses & distributors. that's so very likely indeed.

thanks for trying... :roll: