- significantly changed storyline
- Organized a large number of scenes (like how to dump at the beginning of location, time to Yura )
- Added a game system for the different characteristics of weapons, for example if you find two AK -74 , you'll see that their characteristics or the accuracy of damage - so different ... Sorry , but this may not always be seen, because there are cases when the same stalkers spawn several times, as for example on the ATU ..
- Added Night life simulation , TE night will prosypatsya monsters , and attack at all, but by morning they will again go to sleep , to wake up at night again .
- Now, really difficult to survive in the zone, in order to profiteer greens need to look for artifacts , they are in the game are rare and very expensive . Also, the complexity of vyzhyvaniya is that all factions in the area are among themselves for territory
- Added over 95 new artifacts
- Added over 11 new species ammunitsii ( cartridges )
- Added new modifications to the weapon ( scopes , podstvolniki , etc.)
- Added over 100 new bronekostyumov
- Added 14 new types of food and medicines
- Added 150 weapons
- Added over 60 new jobs ( including in the TASK Manager )
- Changed the weather
- Increase the maximum carried weight ( it was 60kg , was 120kg ). Also, if you get dressed , such as costume " Ecology ", the minimum and maximum carried weight to increase by a certain number , depending on the costume itself .
- Graphic changes : the main menu , type in the game ( HOOD ) , inventory , menu, trade , etc.
- activate the damage bronekostyumov during the shootings, and as wormwheel added the ability to fix bronekostyumov and weapons .
- Changed the post -effect of the anomalies of
- Unlock rocking sight
- Added ability to enter into various factions
- You can upgrade weapons ( buying new parts for it or for money) and bronekostyumy ( for money )
- Changed description of caches
- You can buy the location of the caches
- For all locations of dispersed storage device with sensitive information that can be sold to merchants.
- Now the injury heals very slowly, and to stop the bleeding must be used bandages or paper
- Added two bronekostyuma in which you can run , neustavaya .
- Some characters may be purchased ( through dialogue ) is something unique , and each unique stalker , will have its own assortment of products .
- Now with the help of scientists at Yantar, can be carried eksperimenty over artifacts.
- In connection with the darkening night , many bronekostyumy can install the Plan. (At the dump , at Prapor )
- Now, the PDA can learn almost everything ...
- Added a system of dynamic messages .
- During the course of the game , the PDA will be updated topic "secrets " , which you can find the exact location of the secret hiding places.
- Now, after the header box or eclipse - will rozhdatsya new artifacts , which each time will " fall down "in different places.
- Uchitivaya various neo- introduction has been added to the advanced settings menu mode, where you can customize the " MOU "as you ought to do.
- Some of the key characters is enabled immortality , in order to pass story missions - no problem with dead targets quests .
- Now the static light will be seen the sun.
- Added a system for monitoring the marks on the map. With the system - improved labels, now they will disappear when necessary.
- Added new hiding places, and last but not least is a new kind of secrets - a mini- caches , which will vydavatsya as a reward for completing quests .
- Fully updated system encyclopedia .
- Ability to view events with the help of - radio "Stalker" .
- Added three (3 ) new groups that are actively progressing in the area .
- Now the HS will not storm the enemy base alone, to him in the passing game , will receive reinforcements . Number of soldiers who will assist you will depend on your rank and attitudes towards one faction or another .
- Changed the Hood, with the addition of new features, such as : the ability to find game time , without going into the inventory , or PDA , and the immediate in-game .
- Collect all the kevlar plates for Mojito - you can get a unique suit Arrow .
- Fixed a bug in the targets Lucas and Skulls - now you can easily carry out the task to destroy dolgovtsov Lukas , and not to spoil relations with the grouping of " DEBT " (You do not need to shoot yourself dolgovtsam , because " freedom "itself is able to cope with them ).
- Now, for the killing of major characters such as " Prayer " or " Kocherha " - will be adding capacity points , for which the main menu, you can buy a super opportunity (ie, immortality , etc. ) .
- At night time , all the NPCs almost not see .
- [ And much more ]............................................ ..............