S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Shadow of Chernobyl

KQX said:
This complete mod looks nice. I guess it's mostly graphics oriented, how does it compare to Oblivion Lost in terms of gameplay?

I would compare Stalker Complete to Killaps fallout mod, and O.L. to MIB88's megamod. Both good in their own respect, but where one focus on more purist things that "fit" into the game whereas the other adds content for the sake of fun.

What you like most is a matter of preference, though i'd like to add that playing O.L. would make a wholly new experience whereas playing Complete would just fulfill and perfect the old feeling of the game.

O.L. features blowouts though which is absolutetly fantastic as I recollect. The effect is MUCH better than CoP in fact.
The possibly bugged stalker NPC that kept attacking me despawned when I zoned and then back back later. Pheeew.


I loved the antenna bunker! Only a few enemies but a large bunker to crawl through ... My nerves were so tense as I kept waiting for something scary to happen - and it never did, which made the whole things that much scarier especially with all the murky sounds ... :)
Deadman87 said:
What you like most is a matter of preference, though i'd like to add that playing O.L. would make a wholly new experience whereas playing Complete would just fulfill and perfect the old feeling of the game.

So I tried playing it with Complete recently, and I've come to conclusion that I don't like old feeling of the game anymore, as it is nowhere near as fun as playing Oblivion Lost for me. Even graphics, when combined with weather overhaul mod are better in OL in my opinion. But mostly, I just don't like shooting in vanilla game, OL makes it much more satisfying.
Same. The vanilla hit deviation is totally random at longer ranges and makes it a lot less fun.

I started playing STALKER SoC with the LURK mod, its really great, fixes a lot of issues and replaces almost all of the weapons, it also overhauled all of the weather effects, you can also sleep.


STALKER is like Oblivion in that there's no reason to play without mods. I haven't tried LURK but it doesn't seem like a real contender for OL.
Tycn said:
STALKER is like Oblivion in that there's no reason to play without mods. I haven't tried LURK but it doesn't seem like a real contender for OL.
If you are talking about Clear Sky I would agree with you but while most of the big mods for ShoC have been fun I always find myself returning to play the vanilla game. If only to cleanse my palette so to speak, and remind myself why I love this great game. Modders they just don't know when to call it quits and stop meddling.
Just installed this game, and was wondering if it would be better to play once vanilla, or should I delve into some of the mods right away?
I did try out LURK, but found out that it wasn't as good as super mod pack. Anyway since there is some time until SMP 2.5 will be released, if found another great mod and it did not disappoint me. Enter Sigerous Mod for SOC, first I heard from this was for COP. Then if found out its for SOC to. And I have to tell you our eastern neighbors have done awsome job. Ill list the changes that it adds.

- significantly changed storyline
- Organized a large number of scenes (like how to dump at the beginning of location, time to Yura )
- Added a game system for the different characteristics of weapons, for example if you find two AK -74 , you'll see that their characteristics or the accuracy of damage - so different ... Sorry , but this may not always be seen, because there are cases when the same stalkers spawn several times, as for example on the ATU ..
- Added Night life simulation , TE night will prosypatsya monsters , and attack at all, but by morning they will again go to sleep , to wake up at night again .
- Now, really difficult to survive in the zone, in order to profiteer greens need to look for artifacts , they are in the game are rare and very expensive . Also, the complexity of vyzhyvaniya is that all factions in the area are among themselves for territory

- Added over 95 new artifacts
- Added over 11 new species ammunitsii ( cartridges )
- Added new modifications to the weapon ( scopes , podstvolniki , etc.)
- Added over 100 new bronekostyumov
- Added 14 new types of food and medicines
- Added 150 weapons
- Added over 60 new jobs ( including in the TASK Manager )
- Changed the weather
- Increase the maximum carried weight ( it was 60kg , was 120kg ). Also, if you get dressed , such as costume " Ecology ", the minimum and maximum carried weight to increase by a certain number , depending on the costume itself .
- Graphic changes : the main menu , type in the game ( HOOD ) , inventory , menu, trade , etc.
- activate the damage bronekostyumov during the shootings, and as wormwheel added the ability to fix bronekostyumov and weapons .
- Changed the post -effect of the anomalies of
- Unlock rocking sight
- Added ability to enter into various factions
- You can upgrade weapons ( buying new parts for it or for money) and bronekostyumy ( for money )
- Changed description of caches
- You can buy the location of the caches
- For all locations of dispersed storage device with sensitive information that can be sold to merchants.
- Now the injury heals very slowly, and to stop the bleeding must be used bandages or paper
- Added two bronekostyuma in which you can run , neustavaya .
- Some characters may be purchased ( through dialogue ) is something unique , and each unique stalker , will have its own assortment of products .
- Now with the help of scientists at Yantar, can be carried eksperimenty over artifacts.
- In connection with the darkening night , many bronekostyumy can install the Plan. (At the dump , at Prapor )
- Now, the PDA can learn almost everything ...
- Added a system of dynamic messages .
- During the course of the game , the PDA will be updated topic "secrets " , which you can find the exact location of the secret hiding places.
- Now, after the header box or eclipse - will rozhdatsya new artifacts , which each time will " fall down "in different places.
- Uchitivaya various neo- introduction has been added to the advanced settings menu mode, where you can customize the " MOU "as you ought to do.
- Some of the key characters is enabled immortality , in order to pass story missions - no problem with dead targets quests .
- Now the static light will be seen the sun.
- Added a system for monitoring the marks on the map. With the system - improved labels, now they will disappear when necessary.
- Added new hiding places, and last but not least is a new kind of secrets - a mini- caches , which will vydavatsya as a reward for completing quests .
- Fully updated system encyclopedia .
- Ability to view events with the help of - radio "Stalker" .
- Added three (3 ) new groups that are actively progressing in the area .
- Now the HS will not storm the enemy base alone, to him in the passing game , will receive reinforcements . Number of soldiers who will assist you will depend on your rank and attitudes towards one faction or another .
- Changed the Hood, with the addition of new features, such as : the ability to find game time , without going into the inventory , or PDA , and the immediate in-game .
- Collect all the kevlar plates for Mojito - you can get a unique suit Arrow .
- Fixed a bug in the targets Lucas and Skulls - now you can easily carry out the task to destroy dolgovtsov Lukas , and not to spoil relations with the grouping of " DEBT " (You do not need to shoot yourself dolgovtsam , because " freedom "itself is able to cope with them ).
- Now, for the killing of major characters such as " Prayer " or " Kocherha " - will be adding capacity points , for which the main menu, you can buy a super opportunity (ie, immortality , etc. ) .
- At night time , all the NPCs almost not see .
- [ And much more ]............................................ ..............

So far it has been great fun, altough im enjoying the COP SGM/BRAZ 1.6 most. There are lot of changes and lots of new stuff to figure out, its almost like new game.

Download Link http://stalker-gsc.ru/load/sigerous_mod_soc/25-1-0-2920

small fix


Sigerous SHOC working AND translated!



Sigerous Mod (SGM) English Translation