S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Steam sale

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Steam is having daily sales as they usually due in the holiday seasons. Among today's sales: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.! Specifically, Shadow of Chernobyl is €2.49 or $4.99, Call of Pripyat is €3.49 or $3.74, and Clear Sky is €2.49 or $2.49.
If I could pay in dollars, I would think about AC, but for euros they can suck it.

Stalker sale is nice, but I own all of them since their release.
Damn I hope GSC goes on somehow.
Paul_cz said:
I own all of them since their release.
Damn I hope GSC goes on somehow.

Same here, I think I'll just gift a copy to a friend. I also hope this sale helps saving GSC.

To potential new players looking to improve the visuals and stability of all 3 STALKER games check out the Complete mods:


PainlessDocM said:
Paul_cz said:
I own all of them since their release.
Damn I hope GSC goes on somehow.

Same here, I think I'll just gift a copy to a friend. I also hope this sale helps saving GSC.

To potential new players looking to improve the visuals and stability of all 3 STALKER games check out the Complete mods:



Unfortunately the best Mod for STALKER SoC is only aviable in German: Wlad's "Soljanka" Mod.

It is an adaptation of this Mod:

Soljanka makes Stalker into a real survival game, Stalker Completes enhances the "shooter" game experience. Take your pick.
I never liked that mod. Too hard and just unfair very often. If I want to sodomize me, I can find more pleasing ways.
Lexx said:
I never liked that mod. Too hard and just unfair very often. If I want to sodomize me, I can find more pleasing ways.

Well I deactivated the bobytrapped corpses and the invisibile anomalies. :wink:

Bartering artefacts instead of hoarding huge sums of worthless money is the key to success.
Brother None said:
Steam is having daily sales as they usually do in the holiday seasons. Among today's sales: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.! Specifically, Shadow of Chernobyl is €2.49 or $4.99, Call of Pripyat is €3.49 or $3.74, and Clear Sky is €2.49 or $2.49.

(fixed ;=)

And some extra notes.

Neverwinter Nights 2: Platinum Edition is 50% off.
Yesterday it was 75% off when I bought it though. 8-)