Vault Dweller
Didn't you hear? We aren't even animals!
Some researchers believed that from 1996 to 2000, 26 to 73 million sharks were traded yearly. The annual median for the period was 38 million, nearly four times more than the UN estimates, but considerably lower than those of many conservationists.[7] Shark fins are a billion dollar industry.[32]
Major declines in shark populations have been recorded in recent years—some species have been depleted by over 90% over the past 20–30 years, with a population decline of 70% not being unusual.[33] Only a small amount of the shark is actually kept. In a process called finning, the fins are cut from living sharks.[34] After the fins have been cut off, the remainder of the fish, which is often still alive, is thrown back into the sea.[34] When returned to the ocean, the finless shark is unable to swim, and sinks to the ocean bottom and dies a slow death.[35]
.Pixote. said:Back to the sharks...the Whale Shark - one of the most useless marine animals on this planet. If only they could be trained to eat Surfers and smash UN flag ships. Thankfully, they are the dumb and gentle giants of the ocean, and the Chinese love the taste of their fins - actually the fin has no discernible flavor, but a certain culinary texture, that our Asian friends can't resist. In truth, it's the money they can't resist, shark fins make huge profits for the dealers in Hong Kong, billions...
.Pixote. said:Back to the sharks...the Whale Shark - one of the most beautiful marine animals on this planet. If only they could be trained to sink fishing boats and smash their occupants. Sadly they are the dumb and gentle giants of the ocean, and the Chinese love the taste of their fins - actually the fin has no discernible flavor, but a certain culinary texture, that our Asian friends can't resist. In truth, it's the money they can't resist, shark fins make huge profits for the dealers in Hong Kong, billions...
It's the invasion of the Orderites!))<>(( said:Is it just me, or did NMA become fun again?
o There are 475 different species of Sharks in the world's oceans and coastal waters, only 15% of the shark species inhabit coastal waters or shallow depths where anyone would encounter these species. 400 of the 475 total species of sharks are smaller then 6.5FT in length and 50% of that 400 grow smaller then 3.5FT in length. It is not true that the larger the shark the more likely it is to attack Humans, the largest sharks like the Whale Shark and Basking Shark feed on Plankton and are docile creatures.
o In all of the shark species, there are 4 species which have been responsible for 85% of all Shark attacks. The Species are the Great White Shark, the Tiger Shark, the Bull Shark and the Great Hammerhead Shark.
o On a worldwide average there are less then 75 shark attacks per year and only 2% of them fatal.
PainlessDocM said:[youtube][/youtube]
... and Siberian tigers .
and sometimes the dolphin go away... but sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that dolphin he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about a dolphin... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes.
.Pixote. said:When you remove the shark, the balance is destroyed - as a consequence there are now regions in the oceans where practically no surface fish exist (marine deserts - climate change is also a factor)...there will probably always be the deep sea varieties.
Less sharks means more squids. More squids kill more people then sharks would ever do.verevoof said:Sharks are trying to protect you from true evil (praise be to sharks!) and you're all unappreciative bastards.