So, Contie, how high is the chance that you can make a cave entrance with that mountain walls? :>
Ohh, I forgot: is the mountain tall enough? I mean, using scroll blockers along "top shape of FRM", not "horizontal line". Is this possible at all? If not, we'll have a little problem with doing it as long as you want...
Lexx said:In not normal Fallout (with Mesh's High-Res Patch) it is not possible because the new scroll blockers are only vertical or horizontal lines.
Great!Lexx said:In normal Fallout it is possible without any problems.
Yeah, but look how short existing mountain is, because of this horizontal line. With default wall like construction you may build as long as you want and you can decide how long it's going to be. You're not limited by art in ANY way. All you need is to put scroll blockers along top shape of the FRMs, or decide where do you want to put horizontal line of them. In other words: tyranny of choices!Lexx said:So regardless what you do, mountains can only be on map borders.
Not sure if I understood correctly, but you mean one, veeeeeeeery long direction only, right? If so, like I said: you'll need to put blockers above top shape of the FRMs and you may build as long as you want.Lexx said:Did you already thought about making real horizontal lined mountains, without a corner?![]()
So far only corner is under constructionLexx said:Just the wallsides left and right need some more love to make them not look that flat.
After reading I could get the was ist das? syndromeLexx said:Are you secretly reading my (german) SD2 design docs?![]()
Send them to USA and try to win Fallout's IP! Gdzie dwóch się bije tam trzeci korzysta (where two are fighting, third will gain... or something like thatJesterka said:I'm surrounded by lawyers.