Schroeder Loses Vote Of Confidence

Oh, of course, it's EXACTLY the same as Labour in the 80's! What's next for your political insight, it's EXACTLY the same as the Roman Empire in the 5th century? I laugh at your lack of political understanding.
'In a similar position' is not exactly, so fuck you.

They won't win this election, there are probably a few North Rhine-Westphalias in the next few years, but they could come back. Personally, I think it will be in the guise of another party, but they will come back same as Labour did with Blair.

Yes, yes you were.
I think I should decide when I am humiliated and when I am not.

What else Schröder could have done? He can not govern against the Bundesrat and the conservative opposition on the one, and the labour unions and the left wing of his own party on the other side.
Humph. I guess you are right. It just sounded like you thought the CDP would not win this election, which at this point is pretty fucking obvious.

Because of Germans with Turkish ancestors and pacifists, my dear.
EDIT: Okay... on second thought: You're right with the Anti-Americans.
Darn tuten.
John Uskglass said:
They won't win this election, there are probably a few North Rhine-Westphalias in the next few years, but they could come back. Personally, I think it will be in the guise of another party, but they will come back same as Labour did with Blair.

No doubt, no doubt. And next up is the Rightified European Union.

Schröder was a failure and disappointing to his people, but not because he was left, but rather because he was a neo-liberal type leftist idiot. Similar to GB, I guess

John Uskglass said:
I think I should decide when I am humiliated and when I am not.

Really? Seeing as you're such a poor judge of it, why?
Who cares what party is winning next time? It's getting worse and worse anyway.
Current government fucks up -> opposition promises to do better (without any concepts) and they are elected.
Wählt die Anarchistische Pogo-Partei Deutschlands!
And the British prime minister is pretty much hated by his people. And France is pretty much corrupt and fucked up in various ways. And Italy is pretty much a dictatorship. And these are the countries that lead the European Union. And they say noooo Turkey can't join, that would be so wrong somehow.


PS. Love your sig, Bux.
Per said:
And the British prime minister is pretty much hated by his people. And France is pretty much corrupt and fucked up in various ways. And Italy is pretty much a dictatorship. And these are the countries that lead the European Union. And they say noooo Turkey can't join, that would be so wrong somehow.

Actually, the leaders of the EU are France, Great Britain and Germany (all hated leaders) plus Spain and Poland (somewhat popular leaders, though I hear Poland's leader is in a spot). So yeah, sucks to be us, ey.

Incidentally, the current prime minister is the most unpopular premier of the Netherlands ever, by all polls.

Smells like a conspiracy to me
I dare say, reading newspapers in lovely bankrupt Berlin for the past week has given me the opportunity to revive this topic:

The black/yellow coalition (CDU/CSU and FDP) will in all probability not come into being...

due to Lafontaine's new block formed of PDS (post-DDR reformed commies) and WASG (left wing SDP), which has already risen to a whopping 11% in the polls, chewing off disgruntled SDP voters who had originally turned to CDU. Quite lovely really, what will happen next? A CDU/SDP coalition? God forbid.
Back when the Iraq war started coming up again I was very happy to have Schroeder in the position my vote was aiming for, earlier. Early on I was checking who's for what, and who might be best in charge of what, I was even more convincend. With other people in power - they might have just simply joined in to invade the Iraq despite the whole country was up in mass protests.

Okay, so now - these politicians messed up alright. I believe that most everyone else would've messed up too, or gone to too great lengths to avoid it.

And the price everybody is paying for "freedom" at the moment is annoying. A few years ago I would've just said there's a price to be paid for reasonable security. By now it's a monthly fee. Depending on what kind of ideas this Schily person comes up with next.

I've kept my eyes on the CDU now, wondering what they have in store for the future. Sadly though, there is nothing much, nothing much new.

Now, I've never voted for them and here's their chance. But if they choke up Merkel for chancellor - like - really, they'll definately not get my vote, even if all their other plans look good.

Merkel will not push this country forward. Merkel is pushing herself foward quite happily; and that's all she's ever been about.

Since yesterday I've had been listening to a few things the greens were discussing. A lot of opinions I like - right there. Now, if they got people with guts to bring them forth, they might get my vote again, too. I always liked underdogs anyway.