Scientists fear the future of possible killer Robot revolt.

And that's the reason why Radiant AI had to be dumbed down ! It was too powerful and potentially a threat for humankind.
Well, eventually we'll have these little buggers policing the nastier parts of the big cities; I just hope they don't get jacked and sold off to other countries.

MrBumble said:
And that's the reason why Radiant AI had to be dumbed down ! It was too powerful and potentially a threat for humankind.
No it was only a threat to Bethesda as it outsmarted their leaders :mrgreen:
Alphadrop said:
At-43, it's a tabletop wargame.
It's fun, I got the newbie boxset.

Seems like the setting of AT-43 is humans Vs. humans. I though The Therians (the alien looking one) are alien at first sight. :shock:

Edit: Just found there is one alien race in that game. :oops:
I am still not sure a robot rebellion would be the worst of possible worlds. It would be better that then if we wipe ourselves out, no?

Chances are there would be some kind of human/robot hybrid- the capacity of human minds to blend with artificial bodies.

But in the end, in terms of memory, learning, analysis, data storage- the human mind is already being dwarfed. Big Blue did win at chess.

The question isn't whether we'll be challenged by a more intelligent race, but whether that race will be robots and whether it will be alive.

Think that very few creatures are apparently self conscious or aware. I would suspect that most living creatures would have some sense that life has some form of "meaning" if only it is to avoid getting squashed.

Would robots have greater sense of self? Awareness? Can a robot have a soul? Does it have too?

But what if robots could dream, aspire to greatness, challenge the status quo, love and hate and laugh... wouldn't robots potentially be our replacements.

Like neanderthals gave up to homeo sapians, wouldn't we have to surrender the world to the next species of life?
How about not creating AIs and killer robots in first place?
If they want to commit suicide, it's their decision. They shouldn't decide for the rest of us, though.
welsh said:
But in the end, in terms of memory, learning, analysis, data storage- the human mind is already being dwarfed. Big Blue did win at chess.
That does not mean much though. that would be like to claim a computer is more inteligent then Stephen Hawking cause it can calculate Pi a lot more accurate and faster then he ever could.

Kasparow was so far beaten twice by a machine (Deep Blue) but he played 3:3 against Deep Junior. When he loost I think Kasparow said something that he would only respect a machine when it could writte a symphony. Intelligence and creativity are not just made by sheer calculation and memory power. As long computers lack awareness we still have a lot of big advantages.
I've not yet heard a convincing argument for thinking machines. It would be a lot like a king paying for some rebels to overthrow him. It's not rational, really.

Would be nice if we put that time and creative energy (also physical energy) into something that's more useful than "Rule of Cool".
