Secondary Combat Skill For Melee Characters


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I had a lot of difficulty with my last HtH character because she was pure melee, her only long range attacks were coming from her teammates. Enemies with guns made for difficult battles.

One online guide I read says that you should bring a gun with you for those occassions. Since this sounds like a good idea, what would be the best long range combat skill for a secondary attack for melee characters?
I think this is in the wrong forum part. Since it is not in a specific game section I have no idea what game you're asking this information about :confused:.
Shouldn't this be in the General Fallout Discussion? And seriously. @DwayneGAnd, make a general thread on skills and builds in the aforesaid Fallout Discussion. You're making a lot of threads for things you could simply post in a single general thread.
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Adding guns to a meleer would make melee/unarmed secondary attack.
If you're up to the way of melee you must avid ranged combat with maybe the exception of throwing.
To do this you must level up without fighting whenever possible and know your game well. Or in case of Fallout Tactics you must learn to use covers the sorroundings provide.

But given you don't tell which game and where u had the problem, can't go into specifics.
how are you having trouble with Unarmed in Fallout 1/2? Just like NV, it's potentially the most awesome skill to use. This question and such is really vague, man.
This is for both Fallout 1 and 2.
Thenthe answer iis simpler. Avoid hard fights until you get proper armor.
Thing is, the maps aren't that big in F1-F2, meaning the distance between you and the enemy can be closed in 1-2 turns at worst with the exception of only a couple of fights. And whatyou can't do, you can always avoid.
A lot of threads? C'mon, he has barely started 50 or so...
Oh wait, it's 98 by now. Didn't see the dozens of threads in the Gameplay/Tech subfora. Just... Stop munchkinning and just play the fucking games already!
Best use in F1/2 skill for melee and unarmed are sneak+outdoorsman. You play like predator only with your hands and melee weapons :)