Security appears outside of Infinity Ward offices


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
ORIGINAL STORY: A strange situation is reportedly unfolding at Infinity Ward's offices. G4 is reporting that "a bunch of bouncer-types" recently appeared outside of the Modern Warfare 2 developer's offices, and were unwilling to disclose why they were there.

According to a source within the studio, Infinity Ward studio heads Vince Zampella and Jason West met with Activision this morning and haven't been seen by staff members since. Word is that the relationship between the developer and publisher is "tense."
How ironic...

I think this pic sums this up perfectly

OH LAWDY LAWD! Quite Interesting news I do say so myself dear watson.

Let's have tea and crumpits down by the water side and fly kites expressing our true love together. Make effort to set your sails to TOMFOOLERY! WOO HOO

I think My head is bleeding.

Anyways I was saying once about something make Infinity ward go doo doo?
Blackwater is working for Activision apparently.
It could have been worse, they could have sent a team of lawyers. But yes weird as hell and not good publicity to Activision.
lol, I see a mini iphone app game for this... :P

Game industry drama is fun and all, but nothing new in the corporate department. If any of the rumors are true, Act basically told them to screw themselves when they ask for their loyalties. Since Act is the owner, I fail to see if they can really do anything about it.
Activision has since said that they want to expand the CoD brand to other genres, including stuff like action-adventure games. IW probably told them not to water down their franchise, and Activision showed them who wears the daddy pants.
rcorporon said:
Activision has since said that they want to expand the CoD brand to other genres, including stuff like action-adventure games. IW probably told them not to water down their franchise, and Activision showed them who wears the daddy pants.

Heh, have you played MW2?

Anyway, I'm glad it went down like this. They sold their souls for more console sales, so fuck em.
coliphorbs said:
Water down the franchise? We're talking about CoD, here.

I agree with you guys, but from IW's point of view, I can see how they wouldn't want "Uncharted: Modern Warfare" to come out from another dev.
So they decide to off the guys behind one of their most successful franchises? I see.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
rcorporon said:
Activision has since said that they want to expand the CoD brand to other genres, including stuff like action-adventure games. IW probably told them not to water down their franchise, and Activision showed them who wears the daddy pants.

Heh, have you played MW2?

Anyway, I'm glad it went down like this. They sold their souls for more console sales, so fuck em.

and who's to say it was their idea to turn the franchise into what it became? it could just as easily have been Activision who forced them to do it. either way, this is against so many ethics it's not even funny. the gaming industry is starting to look even worse than the music industry.
As soon as big money gets thrown into the mix, it attracts mobsters and other lesser humans such as these.
I find this all ironic....

Wasn't Activision created by ex-Atari devs who hated how badly Atari treated their developers? And now Activision is doing the same to its own developers......

History repeats....the Cycle of Corruption and Greed Continues....

The Good people are fired and the leeches like Kotick are rich....

WTF is wrong with the videogame industry?