Security issues with Fallout 0?

Guys please remove the files from the downloads gallery until a version with no suspicious code is made, please. And say that you've made it on the front page, just to be on the safe side.
Cabal said:
The Fallout 'noobs' arent worth my time for allowing them peace of mind!"
I wasn't talking about you. That was about this pre-Enclave deathclaw here and guys like him, who don't understand anything in programming, but who want to look smart, so they would write huge posts of bullcrap (Thats what I call noobs).
bwhahaha! priceless...

that impolite & bitter deathclaw just happens to know more about games, gameplay & development than you'll probably ever know.

anyhow, i take it i'm with the others that "don't understand anything about programming, but want to look smart"? you'll be glad to hear i'm certified in Java, Oracle, & Cobol. (and more or less proficient in C++, but that's self-taught.)

goddamn it, see what you made me do? now i look like a nerd again!

just drop it, Cabal...
Or better, keep it up and give us the hilarity of you being mocked by Rosh. Really, Cabal, research who Roshambo is before you start throwing shit at him.

Deathclaws aren't the most forgiving.
Cabal said:
Try making one. All enthusiasm is flushed away the moment you realise "fans" are insolent, unthankful sob-s.
Because people dislike the possibility of having a virus? gee.

Cabal said:
I wasn't talking about you. That was about this pre-Enclave deathclaw here and guys like him, who don't understand anything in programming, but who want to look smart, so they would write huge posts of bullcrap (Thats what I call noobs).
I assume you're talking about Rosh, me and SuAside. You don't want to know how completely wrong you are.
Which is why I'll tell. Roshambo is a veteran programmer who has probably written code for a longer time than you exist. I'm currently enrolled in the third year of university doing Computer Science. SuAside is also a Computer Science student for as far as I know.
So who, exactly, knows more about programming? Hell, you were the one who claimed that there aren't and never will be mobile phone viri.

For fuck's sake, man. All we're asking is that you change your code so that it doesn't look like a virus, which is pretty goddamned logical since no-one wants to play a game that potentially has a virus embedded.
Cabal said:
Try making one. All enthusiasm is flushed away the moment you realise "fans" are insolent, unthankful sob-s.'s more like you got caught trying to pan a virus onto someone and now you're trying to divert attention from that. Again, only a "noob" would bitch because they would have to change their code so that it didn't look like parts of THE SAME VIRUS to MULTIPLE SCANNERS. Oh, and only a "noob" would be so hopelessly stupid as to believe that people would like to download and play what likely looks virulent.

Oh, and I have made a free game, with hundreds of players, at the same time. A MUD, true, about 10 years ago. As long as you do things right, the fans don't really have a reason to bitch.

You have HARDLY come close to doing things "right".

I wasn't talking about you. That was about this pre-Enclave deathclaw here and guys like him, who don't understand anything in programming, but who want to look smart, so they would write huge posts of bullcrap (Thats what I call noobs).

Funny, child, I think I already mentioned that I have source code older than you. Obviously so, given your absolutely retarded "there are no virii for mobile phones, nor will there ever be". YOU, child, are the noob. The one still going to college yet presumes to act like a professional, giving unprofessional advice. I wonder what your dean (or rector, as they are called at your university) would think, given that it's a technological institute, about your advice of "just turn off your virus scanner" in regards to your suspected virus propogation. In other words, that would pretty much mean an automatic failure and disenrollment from any technological university I know. Any code you released would be put under scrutiny, and I would be only too happy to send the rector a copy of the suspected infected files and explain exactly how they show up as parts of a virus (including HOW you are distributing said files), and how your dumb ass is pissing away someone's education money while making their university look like a joke.

Take your little noob game and your noob programming skills and take your sulky little noob ass out of here, before we show you exactly what we can do to people like you.

Briosafreak said:
Guys please remove the files from the downloads gallery until a version with no suspicious code is made, please. And say that you've made it on the front page, just to be on the safe side.

Given the amount of bullshit this kid believes he can use to cover up his garbage, these files will never be publicly offered from NMA again.
When I read your posts a couple of days ago, I thought you were going to get yourself into trouble here. You need to be more respectful in your posts, listen to what your players are telling you and act on the advice given (especially if it is a technical problem).