SecuRom, in what way is this used in FO3?

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA

I have been looking around for some info on Fallout 3 DRM.
From some reviews and articles I understand SecuRom is on FO3, some say its just a check to see if the DVD copy is legitimate or not while others mention that FO3 does put SecuRom on someone's PC similar like Spore and Dead Space did.

Could someone give me an explanation on this?
Sumguy21 said:
Russian version has SecuROM. American and probably European is just a DVD check.

Incorrect. All copies of Fallout 3 uses SecuROM. I hear Russia uses Starforce.

Ghost, some details here, but people with more technical acumen than I have will have to explain what it all means
Sumguy21 said:
Russian version has SecuROM. American and probably European is just a DVD check.

I believe you're right. Although, the crafty Russians have made a working nocd the day the game was out. Yay, no more noise from my dvd-rom.

EDIT: Russian version doesn't use SF, yay.