Sen. Zell Miller (democrat) @ Republican convention.

Welsh, you had Ron Reagen, son of a recently departed and beloved by Republicans, who's a total dipshit by all acounts, speaking on a treatment technique no one outside of a University really understands.

Rrrright. So does that make Nancy Reagan a dipshit as well?

If I was the president of the Democratic Party, I'd kick that lying, backstabbing demagogue out.

That would be something I'd expect from the GOP. "How dare you not tow the party line!?"

That some of these systems fell during the time the Cold War was ending and were systems to be used against the Soviets- in otherwords weapon systems to fight a war that was already over.

Yes, but while the Cold War was technically over, that doesn't mean that we should stop developing and manufacturing strategic bombers. Staying on top requires constant strides forward, and if we stop for even a few years, somebody might one-up us in the Strategic Bomber department.

Its almost like saying we should dismantle our nuclear arsenal because "Putin seems like an ok guy."

Justifying the B2 project by using the bombardment of Afghanistan was pretty stupid though. You don't need a STEALTH bomber to attack a State which lacks any air force whatsoever.
Rrrright. So does that make Nancy Reagan a dipshit as well?
Did she speak at the DNC? No. Did she lie and say that Ron was okay with her going to Ballerina school? No. Has she become the antithesis of everything her sickly father stood for? No.

Sander said:
I get my sick kicks out of making 3 page long posts on a Speech no one asked my opinion on just to provoke controvoersy for the oppertunity of MORE mental masterbation
Ok then. It is, however, hard to infer exactly what your argument is, since the only thing you gave us to go on is that Ron Reagan spoke in front of Democrats about Stem Cell Research.

So what do we have to conclude here, assuming that we didn't have any prior knowlege of Reagan's son (or even cared to acquire any)? Apparently he's a dipshit for talking about Stem Cell Research in front of Democrats. Not necessarily an event card that forces you to draw The Dipshit.
Well, admit it, if Lincoln's son had talked at the DNC about the importance of the horseless carrige, no matter how fundementally important allowing the horseless carrige dominance of the road, it would have been a cheap shot for the Dems and would have pushed Lincoln's son towards dipshitness.

The fact that this hypothetical, fictional Lincoln son also lied about his father being okay about going to a fucking Ballet school and going against everything his father stood for is icing on the cake.
Well, admit it, if Lincoln's son had talked at the DNC about the importance of the horseless carrige, no matter how fundementally important allowing the horseless carrige dominance of the road, it would have been a cheap shot for the Dems and would have pushed Lincoln's son towards dipshitness.

I fail to see the reasoning behind this. Are you saying that people shouldn't be allowed to excercize their opinions?

The fact that this hypothetical, fictional Lincoln son also lied about his father being okay about going to a fucking Ballet school and going against everything his father stood for is icing on the cake.

Now, perhaps you should explain how this relates to Ron Reagan, because in case you didn't notice, we know fuck-all about Ron Reagan.

It is funny to note, though, how people's stances change when their horse becomes fatigued.
I fail to see the reasoning behind this. Are you saying that people shouldn't be allowed to excercize their opinions?

But that's the rough equivilent of Bonehoffer's son talking at a David Duke meeting. You know that, and it's in even poorer taste to show it to millions of people.

Now, perhaps you should explain how this relates to Ron Reagan, because in case you didn't notice, we know fuck-all about Ron Reagan.
Ron left Yale to go into Ballet school. His father was furious. Ron said he did'nt have a problem. That makes him a lair. He's also said Ron Reagen would'nt support GWB. That makes him an idiot. He also can't seem to keep his religious views in order ("...I'm an athiest".."yadayadayada afterlife").

He's an idiot who spits on his father's tradition and decided to leave possibly the greatest school in the world to join the ballet.
I suppose he's a liar. And a tad foolish for dropping out of Yale. Dipshit, though, I don't think so.

I didn't really question that he was a dipshit, though. I just wanted to point out that you didn't give any examples.
Personal Agenda

Personal Agenda

I don't consider Zell Miller a "dip-sh-t" for speaking at the Republican Party Convention while still flashing his Democrat card.

So maybe we can do the "don't ask don't tell" thing for this son of a former President. He wanted a national soap box for some theoretical medical research, and those that would watch the Democratic Convention would be more open to this message, since the issue of how one gets stem cells to play with goes beyond folks allowing their body parts to be recycled after they die . I don't think he
crossed a line and openly attacked Bush or the Republicans. Any appearance of being 'used' is a price he has to be willing to pay.

Maybe dip-sh't is kinder and gentler than "ruthless".

And "ruthless" may apply to Z. Miller, if we fail to respect his call for national unity in a time a crisis, while declaring his 'declared ' party's
candidate as unfit for Executive Service.

If I understand his career, Z. Miller was appointed to his senate seat.
He was a governor of Ga. but I don't recall any other exposure to national politics.

His separation from the, national, Democratic Party started with his experience in Washington D.C. as a Senator. I extract from some NPR commentary, that a socially elitist or holy brahmin attitude, which may be common in all corridors of power and privilege, rubbed Miller the wrong way. The same commentator suggested that his rural, southern, appalachian roots were insulted, and I think he felt (feels) betrayed.

Miller's Democratic roots may have been nurtured by how the New Deal helped the rural south in the 1930's Depression. Miller may be a fan of FDR and Truman. And from the sweep of his tar brush, Miller must be a stalwart war horse of the "Old" Cold War.

We can all assume that his moral outrage is pure and his motives intelligently calculated for maximum theatrical effect.

Since he was a speaker in a party convention that nominated Clinton, it's obvious that he likes, or rather knows the impact, of that level of "attention getting".

Staying "Democrat" did not change which party would have majority status in the Senate. Perhaps it gave a feeling of balance. Staying "Democrat" might honor the populist ideals of his youth. Perhaps "hanging'" with Republicans stroked his conservative virtues.

And. Staying a "Democrat" increases his media stature
and has given him a national (Republican) spotlight to further his, ... personal agenda .

Well, something Democratic p-o' ed Z. Miller

Consider this further evidence of how the Democratic Party is losing, or has lost, it's populist 'big tent' appeal. There is a question of it's 'national' status if it's not representative of some constituency in every region.

And, something Democratic p-o'ed Z. Miller.

Bradylama said:
him talking at the DNC because he is who is is a Dipshitty act.

C-c-c-c-come again?
Sorry. Was kind of floating on Cloud Amsterdam there for a second. :oops:

Because he is the son of a recenly desceased, beloved Republican president he should not have been allowed to talk at the DNC. It's simply in bad taste.
Sander...youve almost made me angry! Why? You have demonstrated that any person of decent and intelligent standards has no reason to vote for Bush and that doing so puts my country in even more jeopardy. Now why does this make me angry?



If only people here took as much time as you Europeans do understanding international country, no...the whole world would be a much better place! Dont worry though...Im sure Bush will lose.

Sincerely Ticked Off,
The Vault Dweller
I'd dare say that the Europeans would have a better understanding of International Affairs since our policies affect them.

Its sort of the position of the King in the court. The matters of the King become the matter of his subjects, thus the King's business becomes his subject's business. Thus is it the same on the World Stage, in which the American Subjects are slowly attempting a defection to King Europe.
CCR- actually I think it's fine to have a democrat speak at the Republican convention.

But I think the issue is one of context- something that makes thing a bit more complicated and we know how the Republicans hate complications- like Iraq.

Zell Miller is representative of the old pre-Vietnam Democratic Party- the same party that supported segregation. Miller supposedly said that intergration was like muddying up the porridge. He's a dixiecrat from Georgia, a pretty conservative state with strong Christian leanings. And he's trying to sell a book and knows that political books are hot and controversy is hotter.

Can you really take this guy so seriously? He barely represents what the Democrats are today. Much like Bush is little like Republicans were during the days of "Trust Busting" Teddy Roosevelt or "Emancipation Proclamation" Abe Lincoln.
Already Happening

Already Happening

I know little about how stem cells are a part of some present cancer treatments, so scan this as a reference crutch:

First heard of this recently because someone at work is now undergoing something similar.

The controversy starts when people speculate where the researchers can cultivate stem cells. Fear of harvesting human embryos. Why they can't use adult donations like is used in this bone marrow (see above link) reconstruction is beyond my knowledge base.

Thanks to CCR's recollections, we can observe that this son of Reagan has not been one to follow a traditional trail. Maybe that's why he was willing to use the DNC as a platform for generating support for stem cell research. The speculation for stem cell research includes
possible treatment for alzheimer's disease, so maybe he was more of a caring son in that respect.

The prospect of 'poor taste' is still of interest if one can document
some Democratic operative trying to milk this appearance for crass
political points.


Dixi-crats need to be judged on an individual basis. If stereotyped by my political education, I tend to NOT forget the brazen way these operatives can play the "race-fear" card, even after they were 'born agin" Republicans. Popped my little warm and fuzzy cocoon of Cold War Era, Freedom and Liberty, mysticism. So I guess I'm obliged for being set straight on how the, or their, world works.

Sorry if this bitter reflection is in 'bad taste'. But I managed to forge some hard won optimism, later, when I went west.

CCR said:
Sander said:
I get my sick kicks out of making 3 page long posts on a Speech no one asked my opinion on just to provoke controvoersy for the oppertunity of MORE mental masterbation
No one asked my opinion on it, no. Then again, no-one asked YOUR opinion on the speech either. When a post is made, people expect others to respond to it.

Secondly, I didn't do this to provoke controversy, I did this to try to show the fallacies and bullshit in these sppeches to others. You call that mental masturbation, I call it giving my opinion. Shall I accuse you of mental masturbation each time you give your opinon on something?
And here's a good reason why I should do these things:
The Vault Dweller said:
Sander...youve almost made me angry! Why? You have demonstrated that any person of decent and intelligent standards has no reason to vote for Bush and that doing so puts my country in even more jeopardy. Now why does this make me angry?



If only people here took as much time as you Europeans do understanding international country, no...the whole world would be a much better place! Dont worry though...Im sure Bush will lose.

Sincerely Ticked Off,
The Vault Dweller
Ok, people tend to forget that the B1 and B2 bombers were vastly expensive programs that went overbudget.

Hell yeah. B1 gave my dad work at the local Rockwell (now Boeing) plant back when that was in full swing.