So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Welsh, you had Ron Reagen, son of a recently departed and beloved by Republicans, who's a total dipshit by all acounts, speaking on a treatment technique no one outside of a University really understands.
Rrrright. So does that make Nancy Reagan a dipshit as well?
If I was the president of the Democratic Party, I'd kick that lying, backstabbing demagogue out.
That would be something I'd expect from the GOP. "How dare you not tow the party line!?"
That some of these systems fell during the time the Cold War was ending and were systems to be used against the Soviets- in otherwords weapon systems to fight a war that was already over.
Yes, but while the Cold War was technically over, that doesn't mean that we should stop developing and manufacturing strategic bombers. Staying on top requires constant strides forward, and if we stop for even a few years, somebody might one-up us in the Strategic Bomber department.
Its almost like saying we should dismantle our nuclear arsenal because "Putin seems like an ok guy."
Justifying the B2 project by using the bombardment of Afghanistan was pretty stupid though. You don't need a STEALTH bomber to attack a State which lacks any air force whatsoever.