Isreal? Dan is Isreali though, right?
Isreal? Dan is Isreali though, right?
Political fractioning is good because it gives the voter options, the system in the USA is far from decent in that respect. In fact, it absolutely sucks.Sense when was political fractioning a good thing?
Gwydion said:Interesting point, welsh, about tyranny of the majority. Unfortunately, that's what democracy is. Might makes right. It's like two wolves and a sheep sitting down to vote on what to have for dinner. You have to be willing to accept the bad with the good, and you need the courage to change the things you can.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:The Rhineland system, with it's almost comical swaying in the breeze did not do the world good in 1933.
Still, I would *not* mind more parties in the US, that is for sure, although I think that to the degree that our political system looks anything like France or Italy, where people like Berlisconi take power and the choice is between Chirac and LePen would not fare America well.
Roland Deschain said:I can't imagine how horribly I would have reacted to that muslim bitch you met, Blade Runner. Holy fuck. I hope that cunt dies a horrible horrible death. I hate such blind, misguided hatred.
My blind hatred towards her is merely a defensive measure, and I simply can't help it.(
Actually, the United States of America is a Federal Republic. Get your facts straight, yo.ConstinpatedCraprunner said:we have a Represntative Democracy
While Russia is annihalating entire towns of Muslims, and China is repressing MILLIONS of Muslim Mongols, we are the enemy, you know why?On the other side, a lot of folks in the world, especially the islamic world, feel that the US is part of the problem they face, that the US has caused them great pain and sadness, ruined lives, maintained ruthless dictators, kept them in poverty and dispair.
That hated is a problem for 90% of Islam, the Koran and thirteen hundread years of Arab history. There is one incedent in which the Arabs have not tried to annihalate Christianity, and that was when they where under Christian rule.That hatred is a problem
Sorry.USA is a Federalist Republic
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:Because of the Nazi influnce. Everything wrong in the Arab world can be traced back to the Nazis and the Soviets.
That hated is a problem for 90% of Islam, the Koran and thirteen hundread years of Arab history. There is one incedent in which the Arabs have not tried to annihalate Christianity, and that was when they where under Christian rule.
What problems with the Arab world? The problems where they dislike the USA for being a power-hungry nation that tries to suck the blood out of the Middle-East(And thus Arab) world? WOw, you really think that has anything to do with Nazism or the SU? No, a definite no. The Arab world hasn't been fond of the SU any more than it has been fond of the USA.Because of the Nazi influnce. Everything wrong in the Arab world can be traced back to the Nazis and the Soviets.
Yeah, and the Arabs definitely wiped out entire Christian communities and what not when trying to conquer Europe(Spain etc.). Oh wait, they didn't, they just let the Christians live quietly and peacefully and remain Christian. All they ACTUALLY did was raise higher taxes on the Christians. That's right, definitely eradicating Christianity.That hated is a problem for 90% of Islam, the Koran and thirteen hundread years of Arab history. There is one incedent in which the Arabs have not tried to annihalate Christianity, and that was when they where under Christian rule.
Sander said:Al-Qaeda, for instance, started out as an anti-Soviet organisation, with ties to the CIA. When the Soviet Union broke down, Al Qaeda didn't do much, other than gathering resources and training, with CIA-provided measures.
Bryn Jacobson said:Fascism defined
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language published by American Heritage Publishing Co. Inc. and Houghton Mifflin Co. (revised in 1975) has an interesting definition of a really ugly word. Let us quote:
fas-cism n.
1. a philosophy or system of government that advocates or exercies a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with an ideology of beligerent nationalism.
2. (references to Italy during WWII).
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:A) It is called the Armenian Genocide. Also, the Orthodox Church NEVER had a Crusade, dispite the fact that they have taken all the major hits from Islam, dispite Lebanon. Infact, it is impossible to be completly forgiven for the murder of an Infidel in Orthodoxy. That is why legendary warrior figures in Byzantine history become monk-like- to seek forgiveness for thier sins. The beggining of Mt. Athos can be traced to this, when, after a particularly brutal campaign, Nicephorus built a personal monastary.
B) Peaceful? Do you know what Muhammed's last words where? "May there never be two religions in Arabia"
C) How about "He who dies without going on a campaign dies in a sort of unbielief""A day on campaign is greater then month of fasting and praying""Paradise is in the shadow of swords""The nip of an ant should hurt the martyr more then the stab of a heathen sword, for while the one is painful, the other is more welcomed then cool water on a summer day in the desert""Allah marvels at those who have been brought to Paradise in Chains". And Sharia gets worse.
D) When Islam spread, it killed hundreads of cultures. It annihaleted everything in it's cultural path. When was the last time you heard an Egyptian speak in Coptic? When was the last time you heard a Syrain speak Syraic?