Antediluvian as Feck

No, it's a bad sequel for being like a cuckoo in the nest—the same with FO3. These are unrelated games, in all things except for a bit of fiction drapery. FO3 is a TES re-skin with a few cherry picked names from the Fallout IP. FO:NV is FO3 with a few improvements. Arcanum is a better Fallout game than anything after FO2. Wasteland 2 could almost pass for a proper Fallout 3... Which is an awful shame considering it doesn't pass for a Wasteland 2 IMO.Basically it's a bad sequel for being a type of game you don't like... That doesn't work. The core of fallout is very much alive in new vegas and I'd argue it's more present in new vegas than it is in 2.
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