Sequels that are at least debatbly better than their predecessors? (All genres and mediums)

Er I like doom1/2 as much as the next guy (I actually spent most of math class junior year playing it while I was bored out of my fucking mind) but I think your over blowing it a bit much. DOOM 4 is certainly much harder on its higher settings obviously but like doom1/2 is really not that hard or challenging on the regular difficulties either. It not some super deep survival horror sim. Also the weapon upgrades add variety to the combat they're not pointless RPG upgrades and they have tactical use if anything. If anything you seem hell bent on discrediting alot of the smart mechanics in NuDOOM simply because you like the older one more. Im afraid tot ell you its not some heresy. Also mods have no bearing on a vanilla games quality, they just make it last longer.

Both are good games, I like the newer one more its not that deep dude
Laugh Out Loud.
Er I like doom1/2 as much as the next guy (I actually spent most of math class junior year playing it while I was bored out of my fucking mind) but I think your over blowing it a bit much.
Bring something to the table then, if you really think i treat it too harsh.
DOOM 4 is certainly much harder on its higher settings obviously but like doom1/2 is really not that hard or challenging on the regular difficulties either.
It address nothing, every games out there is harder on higher setting.
It not some super deep survival horror sim.
No one say it is, you are the only one mention it.
Also the weapon upgrades add variety to the combat they're not pointless RPG upgrades and they have tactical use if anything.
I say Health and armor limit upgrade, you don't even actually read it do you?
If anything you seem hell bent on discrediting alot of the smart mechanics in NuDOOM simply because you like the older one more.
Another claim, you do enjoy making claim very much don't you?
Im afraid tot ell you its not some heresy.
So far you are the one calling it "NuDoom", i call it Doom 4, who will be the real heretic?
Also mods have no bearing on a vanilla games quality, they just make it last longer.
It provide the player with much more value than just base game, not just last longer, it make lots of Monster slaughter wads and many TCs out there happened, also the release of source code from John Carmack only make the game have even more value since it let lots of even better wad and great source ports could happen, let doom have even more value for the players.
And what do we got in Doom 4? a simple map editor that don't actually do much and with lots of artificial limits.

Now, bring something real to the table.
Just finished reading Metro 2035. I won't say that it is better than 2033, but it definitely stand on its own feets and it is amongs the book i definitely don't regret reading. (Altough, i was very disapointed by Metro 2034)
Just finished reading Metro 2035. I won't say that it is better than 2033, but it definitely stand on its own feets and it is amongs the book i definitely don't regret reading. (Altough, i was very disapointed by Metro 2034)

There is Metro 2035? Huh, first time hearing of it.
Metro 2033 was okay for me. It had a great vision of a PA world, even if the philosophy presented in it was lackluster and somewhat on-the-nose. Then again, it was written by a teenager basically, so it's pretty good.
Sad to hear sequels don't top it in quality.
Bring something to the table then, if you really think i treat it too harsh.

It address nothing, every games out there is harder on higher setting.

No one say it is, you are the only one mention it.

I say Health and armor limit upgrade, you don't even actually read it do you?

Another claim, you do enjoy making claim very much don't you?

So far you are the one calling it "NuDoom", i call it Doom 4, who will be the real heretic?

It provide the player with much more value than just base game, not just last longer, it make lots of Monster slaughter wads and many TCs out there happened, also the release of source code from John Carmack only make the game have even more value since it let lots of even better wad and great source ports could happen, let doom have even more value for the players.
And what do we got in Doom 4? a simple map editor that don't actually do much and with lots of artificial limits.

Now, bring something real to the table.

1. Its not that your treating it too harsh, your enjoyment of a game does not effect my enjoyment of the game. We can disagree but no one is wrong in a fairly subjective belief. I very much pitty the person who thinks games are objective. I am fair to criticize your response to myself you know.

2. Well then the original DOOM isn't very hard on normal then either, unless your mentally disabled or something. Ive heard of people playing at the age of 6 or 7 so..And dont give me any bs le level design makes it hard.

(side not if you think its stupid to criticize and compare to completely different games of this series I should remind you what forum your on bub)

3. I was addressing upgrades in general which there are many, you are also welcome to not take any which would make the game harder. :P

4. Stop acting so passive aggressive, I dont think I insulted you did I?

5. Thats so cringy and lame, please just dont ever say that again

6. Is English not your native language because your sentences seem off. No it really doesn't, mods can very in value and if that's the case bethesda games are very very valuable and good. You can practically mod any game these days, probably new doom too. Ive seen a few clever things done with it, it was a novel effort to make modding tools easy for everyone to use but I guess that's a bad thing :smugoticon:

Finally stop being so passive aggressive about what doom games people prefer. You sound like a baby.
No, English is not his primary. Your opinion is pretty shit though tbh.



Please do not speak about bad English when you have several errors above THIS FUCKING POST.
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1. Its not that your treating it too harsh, your enjoyment of a game does not effect my enjoyment of the game. We can disagree but no one is wrong in a fairly subjective belief. I very much pitty the person who thinks games are objective. I am fair to criticize your response to myself you know.
"Every is subjective." doesn't mean one can say one is better than other and think it's a "fair judgement" without at least something to back it.
2. Well then the original DOOM isn't very hard on normal then either, unless your mentally disabled or something. Ive heard of people playing at the age of 6 or 7 so..And dont give me any bs le level design makes it hard.
Guess some typo get in the way, what i want to say back there is "Doom 4 generally plays like easy/normall difficulty of painkiller." as it's arena generally won't have more than 12 of enemy in totall and only have 3 or 4 enemy spwan in the same time in the arena, and only one enemy will attack at a time, the difficulty setting of Doom 4 also only change the damage you and the enemy take which make higher difficulty change not really much.
(side not if you think its stupid to criticize and compare to completely different games of this series I should remind you what forum your on bub)
I guess you don't get this one, move on to the next.
3. I was addressing upgrades in general which there are many, you are also welcome to not take any which would make the game harder. :P
And i was addressing some of those upgrade simply don't need to be there for a fast pace shooter, been there likely just to make player feel they are "making progress", weapon alt fire is nice and well, but the rest simply don't need to be there.
6. Is English not your native language because your sentences seem off. No it really doesn't, mods can very in value and if that's the case bethesda games are very very valuable and good. You can practically mod any game these days, probably new doom too. Ive seen a few clever things done with it, it was a novel effort to make modding tools easy for everyone to use but I guess that's a bad thing :smugoticon:
English is not my mother tongue, and now you bring up people dislike bethesda again for no reason, also you can say the mapper for Doom 4 is easy to use, however both of it's software limit and artificial limits still make modders not going to do much with it, and that's the point back there.
4. Stop acting so passive aggressive, I dont think I insulted you did I?
5. Thats so cringy and lame, please just dont ever say that again
You sound like a baby.
How irony, you speak like a clown.
Finally stop being so passive aggressive about what doom games people prefer.
What you say back there is one better than another, not you prefer one over the other.
But i guess you will say i just nitpicking of your wording.
Yakuza games get gradually better and better with every new main game.
I very much pitty the person who thinks games are objective.
I and others have explained that not everything is subjective when it comes to quality of games. Liking something is not the same as looking at it from a critical standpoint. I like several games that are pretty mediocre but i don't go around throwing "well, that's just your opinion, man", i know they are mediocre.

But please, resort to more strawman arguments like in the other thread where you claim we were "attacking" you for liking Fallout 3. Only thing i did myself was call out on your bullshit when you claimed that we complaining that traits being removed in Fallout 3 was "nitpicky".
THIS IS LITERALLY THE SHIT WE WERE ARGUING ABOUT FALLOUT 3 in 2007! Bethesda fans would come in here and say the same tired fucking bullshit that @Supreme Shah Ismail is parroting. WORD FOR WORD. Sander told them off...of all people. I should post it. I actually thought a little more highly of you, but it appears the DECLINE is real. Half the people on this forum are outright Bethesda fanatics at this point. The same people that bought Fallout 4 and all the DLC and now they want 76 and they act real edgy about how they are so against Bethesda yet they buy all their shit.

Read your fucking history. Your opinion is shit. You like Doom 4? Fine. Claiming it is better with 0 facts and using FANBOY rhetoric makes you look like a moron. I used to think like you. Then I took a bullet to the head.

1. Its not that your treating it too harsh, your enjoyment of a game does not effect my enjoyment of the game. We can disagree but no one is wrong in a fairly subjective belief. I very much pitty the person who thinks games are objective. I am fair to criticize your response to myself you know.

2. Well then the original DOOM isn't very hard on normal then either, unless your mentally disabled or something. Ive heard of people playing at the age of 6 or 7 so..And dont give me any bs le level design makes it hard.

(side not if you think its stupid to criticize and compare to completely different games of this series I should remind you what forum your on bub)

3. I was addressing upgrades in general which there are many, you are also welcome to not take any which would make the game harder. :P

4. Stop acting so passive aggressive, I dont think I insulted you did I?

5. Thats so cringy and lame, please just dont ever say that again

6. Is English not your native language because your sentences seem off. No it really doesn't, mods can very in value and if that's the case bethesda games are very very valuable and good. You can practically mod any game these days, probably new doom too. Ive seen a few clever things done with it, it was a novel effort to make modding tools easy for everyone to use but I guess that's a bad thing :smugoticon:

Finally stop being so passive aggressive about what doom games people prefer. You sound like a baby.

This whole post in general. Until this point you were fine but then you resorted to the old objective/subjective in regards to whether something is better or not. The insulting thing isn't even a factor in the equation because I don't give a shit about that.

Of course your post was a troll in the first place and you have no facts to back it up since that is the point of the thread really.

For some perspective you have two old school FPS players that know their shit debating with a modern FPS fan that doesn't know what he is talking about, but he likes the way NuDoom plays. Which is fine until...

DOOM 2016 better than Doom? No fucking way. Ever. Get the fuck out. Not literally mind you. Heh.

I can give you Doom II has shit maps, but a game is more than what launches, as a Bethesda fan such as yourself should know.

HR better than Deus Ex? You just label yourself a moron really. I can't take you seriously anymore.

Sit down for a minute and let old Toront tell ya about something. It's about PURISM. Not racial purity you fucking skinhead. GET OUT.
Now that he is gone let us talk about the decline of GAMING...not just Fallout. What declined after the 90's? Was it just ISOMETRIC TURNBASED RPG'S?
No. The DECLINE extended far and wide. It reached even the shores of NINTENDOHARD where it lessened the difficulty in platformers, practically giving you a cheat button in some cases. It most of all spread through the FPS genre where it tainted our youth as you can see here in this thread. A bunch of shit. I tolerate it but don't expect me to like it or not comment on it. Resident Evil is shit. Doom is shit. Fallout is shit. Capcom is shit. Konami is shit. Bethesda is shit. Time to move on to new things and evolve, so that we can lessen the ties that bind us to these failed money grab franchises. Cheers.
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No, English is not his primary. Your opinion is pretty shit though tbh.



Please do not speak about bad English when you have several errors above THIS FUCKING POST.

I found it hard to follow some sentences so I assumed it was not his primary language which is fine mind you, better than assuming he was dumb or something. Again your free to disagree but the fact you are so hostile about it means your clearly upset over nothing. How does this in any sense effect you, it may not be a popular opinion or something you agree with but the fact your so averse to it means your taking a discussion on WHAT I THINK PERSONALLY way too fucking seriously mate.

Also this issues are with punctuation not a full written essay or argument. This is not my college paper so forgive me for not putting that college effort into my writing on a video games website :P.

"Every is subjective." doesn't mean one can say one is better than other and think it's a "fair judgement" without at least something to back it.

Guess some typo get in the way, what i want to say back there is "Doom 4 generally plays like easy/normal difficulty of painkiller." as it's arena generally won't have more than 12 of enemy in total and only have 3 or 4 enemy spawn in the same time in the arena, and only one enemy will attack at a time, the difficulty setting of Doom 4 also only change the damage you and the enemy take which make higher difficulty change not really much.

I guess you don't get this one, move on to the next.

And i was addressing some of those upgrade simply don't need to be there for a fast pace shooter, been there likely just to make player feel they are "making progress", weapon alt fire is nice and well, but the rest simply don't need to be there.

English is not my mother tongue, and now you bring up people dislike bethesda again for no reason, also you can say the mapper for Doom 4 is easy to use, however both of it's software limit and artificial limits still make modders not going to do much with it, and that's the point back there.

How irony, you speak like a clown.

What you say back there is one better than another, not you prefer one over the other.
But i guess you will say i just nitpicking of your wording.

You didn't ask me to back it, Toronts response was YOUR WRONG AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD BECAUSE I DON'T AGREE WITH YOU!!! I like doom 4 more than the originals for a variety of reason which im happy to explain if people aren't going to be so offended by my very personal subjective opinion that has no effect on your enjoyment of a video game what so ever. I'm not a reviewer and this isn't going on metacritic.

You could potentially argue that health and armor upgrades allow for more ramped up encounters without making the fight feel unfair or overwhelming.

More often than not on this site I see people shit on perfectly fine games simply because its made by bethesda or isn't exactly like the game they like from 20 years ago. Its a toxic attitude in my opinion. Again I think you miss the point its not for modders at all but for every day people who dotn have those skills to have fun with he same tools as modders..

I and others have explained that not everything is subjective when it comes to quality of games. Liking something is not the same as looking at it from a critical standpoint. I like several games that are pretty mediocre but i don't go around throwing "well, that's just your opinion, man", i know they are mediocre.

But please, resort to more strawman arguments like in the other thread where you claim we were "attacking" you for liking Fallout 3. Only thing i did myself was call out on your bullshit when you claimed that we complaining that traits being removed in Fallout 3 was "nitpicky".

Ugh this again, also I already concluded your use of straw man wasnt actually a straw man but whatever. Objectivity is impossible, im sorry but that's true, You can strive for objectivity by perhaps distancing yourself from your own personal biases but if you think you have you are sorely mistaken. You can argue performance or fps is objective. Bugs and crashes are objective. However what you value and seek to gain from a game differ from person to person. I didn't not value traits as much as you. That was subjective, I did not see nearly as much value in it compared to the other systems. Please stop being butt hurt about it.
THIS IS LITERALLY THE SHIT WE WERE ARGUING ABOUT FALLOUT 3 in 2007! Bethesda fans would come in here and say the same tired fucking bullshit that @Supreme Shah Ismail is parroting. WORD FOR WORD. Sander told them off...of all people. I should post it. I actually thought a little more highly of you, but it appears the DECLINE is real. Half the people on this forum are outright Bethesda fanatics at this point. The same people that bought Fallout 4 and all the DLC and now they want 76 and they act real edgy about how they are so against Bethesda yet they buy all their shit.

Read your fucking history. Your opinion is shit. You like Doom 4? Fine. Claiming it is better with 0 facts and using FANBOY rhetoric makes you look like a moron. I used to think like you. Then I took a bullet to the head.

This whole post in general. Until this point you were fine but then you resorted to the old objective/subjective in regards to whether something is better or not. The insulting thing isn't even a factor in the equation because I don't give a shit about that.

Of course your post was a troll in the first place and you have no facts to back it up since that is the point of the thread really.

For some perspective you have two old school FPS players that know their shit debating with a modern FPS fan that doesn't know what he is talking about, but he likes the way NuDoom plays. Which is fine until...

DOOM 2016 better than Doom? No fucking way. Ever. Get the fuck out. Not literally mind you. Heh.

I can give you Doom II has shit maps, but a game is more than what launches, as a Bethesda fan such as yourself should know.

HR better than Deus Ex? You just label yourself a moron really. I can't take you seriously anymore.

Sit down for a minute and let old Toront tell ya about something. It's about PURISM. Not racial purity you fucking skinhead. GET OUT.
Now that he is gone let us talk about the decline of GAMING...not just Fallout. What declined after the 90's? Was it just ISOMETRIC TURNBASED RPG'S?
No. The DECLINE extended far and wide. It reached even the shores of NINTENDOHARD where it lessened the difficulty in platformers, practically giving you a cheat button in some cases. It most of all spread through the FPS genre where it tainted our youth as you can see here in this thread. A bunch of shit. I tolerate it but don't expect me to like it or not comment on it. Resident Evil is shit. Doom is shit. Fallout is shit. Capcom is shit. Konami is shit. Bethesda is shit. Time to move on to new things and evolve, so that we can lessen the ties that bind us to these failed money grab franchises. Cheers.

What the fuck is this? This is not a personal attack on you or your opinion. Why are you taking this so damn seriously?? I'm not some bethesda fanboy or troll and the fact you've resorted to calling me that for no fucking reason is very insulting. Its a discussion on video games, I used objectivity and subjectivity to contrast that our points differ. This is not a personal argument and you need to calm the fuck down. isn't about fallout or bethesda. Not everything is or has to be on this god forsaken site.

My opinion is shit thanks for your critical analysis man I'm sure to take you seriously from now on :smugoticon:

I play old school FPS, I stated that from the beginning. Your making assumptions because I have a differing opinion on a game you enjoy which I ENJOY TOO.

Im no longer acknowledging what you have said or what you will say, this discussion is going downhill fast and im not interested in some spergy ass fight on a fucking forum over something as trivial as what games I like slightly more than others. Fuck you for the name calling and assumptions, grow the fuck up.

This is my last post on this thread, dont @ me.
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The only thing that bothered me is someone that can't type proper English telling someone clearly not a native English speaker to type better and then calling him a baby. Calling you a moron is about on the same foot, although I did not outright say that...

That and your initial post didn't really have any facts to back it was just opinion. You still don't have anything to go on in this post, so your opinion is really just an opinion with 0 facts to support it.

But since you are done discussing it I won't bother elaborating; don't bother responding. I make no assumptions about you or what you like. If someone says they like Doom 1 but Doom 4 is harder and a better game with nothing to offer but objective/subjective conjecture? Nonsense. I will call it out as such. Don't call people babies if you don't want to get treated the same way. You throw out a little verbal barb. You get a barb in the ass in return. There is no reason to go cry in the corner about it, or run off to Discord and talk shit.
If I ever actually read 2034 (been 5 years since I've bought it), I'll read the sequel too.
There's actually a whole lot of books written in that setting by different authors. They take place in different metros all over Russia and even Kiev and England. I guess for most of them you have to speak Russian, though, since they're not yet translated.
Would love to read more of those, though.
There's actually a whole lot of books written in that setting by different authors. They take place in different metros all over Russia and even Kiev and England. I guess for most of them you have to speak Russian, though, since they're not yet translated.
Would love to read more of those, though.

I had no idea about that. It's pretty cool that it's a shared setting.
Supreme Shah Ismail said:
You didn't ask me to back it, Toronts response was YOUR WRONG AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD BECAUSE I DON'T AGREE WITH YOU!!! I like doom 4 more than the originals for a variety of reason which im happy to explain if people aren't going to be so offended by my very personal subjective opinion that has no effect on your enjoyment of a video game what so ever. I'm not a reviewer and this isn't going on metacritic.
So you still haven't anything to back up your claim, of course.
Supreme Shah Ismail said:
You could potentially argue that health and armor upgrades allow for more ramped up encounters without making the fight feel unfair or overwhelming.
And what i was saying is those health and armor limit kind of upgrade is don't really need to be there and never say it will make this game too hard or too easy, either you don't actually read those post or do it on purpose.
Supreme Shah Ismail said:
More often than not on this site I see people shit on perfectly fine games simply because its made by bethesda or isn't exactly like the game they like from 20 years ago. Its a toxic attitude in my opinion. Again I think you miss the point its not for modders at all but for every day people who dotn have those skills to have fun with he same tools as modders..
And you again bring up the people dislike bethesda again, also missed the point that the tool they provided don't actaully allowed any kind of modder do much more no matter the skill of the modder, with all of those artificial limits in it.
But i guess calling people toxic is easier than making an actual argument.
Supreme Shah Ismail said:
What the fuck is this? This is not a personal attack on you or your opinion. Why are you taking this so damn seriously?? I'm not some bethesda fanboy or troll and the fact you've resorted to calling me that for no fucking reason is very insulting. Its a discussion on video games, I used objectivity and subjectivity to contrast that our points differ. This is not a personal argument and you need to calm the fuck down. isn't about fallout or bethesda. Not everything is or has to be on this god forsaken site.

My opinion is shit thanks for your critical analysis man I'm sure to take you seriously from now on :smugoticon:

I play old school FPS, I stated that from the beginning. Your making assumptions because I have a differing opinion on a game you enjoy which I ENJOY TOO.

Im no longer acknowledging what you have said or what you will say, this discussion is going downhill fast and im not interested in some spergy ass fight on a fucking forum over something as trivial as what games I like slightly more than others. Fuck you for the name calling and assumptions, grow the fuck up.

The victim complex is strong with this one.
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