Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Snackpack said:TheWesDude said:and those are the only 2 places i have heard of any kind of discrimination. but then again, in most places i have worked men dominated the higher positions.
TheWesDude said:if you are working or looking for work, you are at a DISADVANTAGE if you are a white male.
Looks like you just defeated your own argument there bud.
nope. once a company gets to a certian size, they are legally required to maintain certian %s of minorities. at least in the US. its just far more obvious in the governmental side because they went about things in the wrong way imo.
in the private sector, ever wonder how that dumb blonde got that job? ever wonder how that ( insert minority here ) who has no frickin clue about what they are doing got there? affirmative action. in smaller companies, its a better chance of being hired/promoted based on your merits, but any time you start looking at large companies or governmental work, your minority status can very well determine you getting a job. of course there is more reverse discrimination in the private sector, its just much harder to find.
Snackpack said:I assume by "Aboriginal" you mean black? Get some facts to back that up then, because I'm pretty sure poor people the world over are having lots of children regardless of skin color. Especially Catholics, every sperm is sacred you know.
oh yea, trust the guy from brooklyn to turn a point of discussion about minorities into a racist issue. good job!