Shelter video

There are both of those functionalities. Shelter language can do both character stat checks and attribute checks.
shihonage said:
There are both of those functionalities. Shelter language can do both character stat checks and attribute checks.

So master of lies for example is an attribute you can improve on rather than a perk comparable to fallout?
Attributes have internal levels, they can be improved, yes. Unless we don't want them to have levels, in which case they don't (some shouldn't). I guess that would make them more like a perk...
Viliny: As far as I remember some of the examples of the SSL (only a few lines were those), it's even simpler than that. Of course, comparing multiple instances is available, so both of your examples would be possible.

Mr. S - correct me if I'm wrong here.

EDIT: Yep, confirmed.

EDIT2: Sorry for being PITA regarding graphics, but I've been too long into this 2D stuff to see some of the most notorious limitations of the (now already rather old) game engines like FO or JA2... So I have to ask you this: Are there going to be multi-layered sprites supported? I guess not, but anyway...
lisac2k said:
Viliny: As far as I remember some of the examples of the SSL (only a few lines were those), it's even simpler than that. Of course, comparing multiple instances is available, so both of your examples would be possible.

I made the example in the only language i can form cohesive if-structures - PHP.

lisac2k said:
EDIT2: Sorry for being PITA regarding graphics, but I've been too long into this 2D stuff to see some of the most notorious limitations of the (now already rather old) game engines like FO or JA2... So I have to ask you this: Are there going to be multi-layered sprites supported? I guess not, but anyway...

They have made their own engine so basicly anythings possible with the cost of added developing time... right?
Viliny's code example accurately reflected the existing Shelter functionality.


We may have multi-layered sprites. It is just cosmetics, however - a low priority in the near future.
I have to say that i will take well done 2d/2.5d ? over shoddy 3d anyday.

Fallout:tactics looks good even these days, and the little film clip shoved that shelter is going to look great. :clap: they use different engines, but still i had to make the comparison

Plus i love sprites, i guess its because i played NES and Sega megadrive when i was kid. :)

Edit: i wish i had an working C-64..even though the darn thing has the habit of working when it wants to.
lisac2k said:
EDIT2: Sorry for being PITA regarding graphics, but I've been too long into this 2D stuff to see some of the most notorious limitations of the (now already rather old) game engines like FO or JA2... So I have to ask you this: Are there going to be multi-layered sprites supported? I guess not, but anyway...

You 'ol graphic whore. :lol:

Saw your stuff in the bears pit for a while and yes, multi-layered sprites in JA2 would be something really great. I want to see the difference in my weapons, even if they are just some pixels... I really need that.
I don't mind pretty graphics if the game has good gameplay etc.

Shelter however looks like it has surpassed the bar already.

So far i somehow get the feeling of Flashback/Fallout comes together, and i think it works very well.


Viliny said:

Ouch that was a stab in the heart Viliny. Flashback was my all time favorite game as a kid...unfortunately, my computer/game/idontknow broke as I was about to finish it, I still have the corrupted save games in the alien world. :(

Anyways, Shelter looks great as always. Some quick questions though.

How much is this going to cost? Will it be down loadable?

When making those attribute checks like kill 5 guys with you bare hands, will it say that a certain level of that attribute check is required (like next to the text in Fallout3)? I think it would be better if you could say that and not know that the game is checking some if statements.

You say that you want to eventually get rid of all of the tactics sprites, but will you still adhere to the same art style? Will there be power armor and the like, or will you design new types or weapons and armor?

P.S. I love you :clap:
It is too early to speculate on distribution options.

Attribute checks can be done in both ways:

1) You only see the option when you've done the prerequisite deed
2) You always see the option and you know what has to be done to do it

The general art style will remain "wasteland". Details are unknown at this time. We will not, however, go off into some left field and do something wacky, like having Shelter look like World of Warcraft. You can be assured of that.