Jebus said:Let's lift the limit to how much of my posts moderators can edit per day, shall we?
Look , Jebus, there it is again!
Jebus said:Let's lift the limit to how much of my posts moderators can edit per day, shall we?
Ozrat said:Haven't you guys seen the movie "Fargo" before? Red Lake is just like that, except two more hours northeast into the boonies.
master_of_flamaster said:PS: I wonder if this will tur out as another gun thread?
Too Many Guns or Not Enough?
The community of Red Lake, Minnesota today is still reeling from a school shooting, a student's rampage that has left ten dead and several critically injured.
To most people, most times it seems that gun violence happens somewhere else, some other place -- but not this month. In Wisconsin, a man walked into a church service two weeks ago, pulled out a handgun and killed seven people. In Philadelphia, nearly two dozen people were murdered in a span of just ten days, including a ten-year-old boy.
Killings like these are adding emotional fuel to the debate over the best way to stop gun violence. Some say more guns is the answer, that if everyone had a gun it would deter the bad guys. Others say too many guns is already the problem that more weapons makes violence more likely. Slipping "the safety" on or off.
Minnesota Killings Underline Problems on Reservation
by Greg Allen Morning Edition, March 24, 2005 · Monday's high school shootings renew concerns about conditions at the Red Lake Chippewa Indian Reservation, which is largely closed to outsiders and where poverty and unemployment are chronic problems. Just a few years ago, the father of Jeff Weise, the alleged teenage gunman, committed suicide after a standoff with police.
Bradylama said:Just hired dicks?
Malkavian said:I blame Marilyn Manson and Doom
Kharn said:This is interesting. It looks like conservatives just gained a toe in their viewpoint that the internet, violent movies and violent games produce violence:
Newgrounds Staff Comment:
We are leaving this page online as part of the public record. Tom is out of town until Sunday. If you need to contact us with questions please direct them to with the subject "Newgrounds Help - Jeff"
For those who don't realize what this is about, this entry was submitted by Jeff Weise who recently carried out a horrible school shooting before ending his own life.
That's some pretty sick shit, homes (no, not the flash, the flash is not too bad, but just the whole...y'know...the whole. Man, I need some Pushkin)
Malkavian said:Man, I think New Grounds is cursed. This is the second time someone on that site has gone postal and offed others and themselves.
Murdoch said:And here I thought this thread was going to be about the Hmong hunter .
Malkavian said:Man, I think New Grounds is cursed. This is the second time someone on that site has gone postal and offed others and themselves.
That's one hell of a small toe. The kid produced the violent movie himself, thought up the violence himself, this does not have anything to do with how he came by the violence, he only produced that little flash movie.Kharn said:While we're on the subject, Lauren I love you. Wait, no, that wasn't what I was about to say.
This is interesting. It looks like conservatives just gained a toe in their viewpoint that the internet, violent movies and violent games produce violence:
Newgrounds Staff Comment:
We are leaving this page online as part of the public record. Tom is out of town until Sunday. If you need to contact us with questions please direct them to with the subject "Newgrounds Help - Jeff"
For those who don't realize what this is about, this entry was submitted by Jeff Weise who recently carried out a horrible school shooting before ending his own life.
That's some pretty sick shit, homes (no, not the flash, the flash is not too bad, but just the whole...y'know...the whole. Man, I need some Pushkin)
And more guns won't solve any problems unless everybody can carry them in public. Did the Wild West teach us nothing?
Except recent studies have shown there is no national relationship between carry or conceal and carry and actual gun violence.