Should i laugh or should i cry...

Rusty Skull

Vault Senior Citizen
...when i see VIP starring Pamela Hookerson (or was it Anderson :roll: ) with other actors whose IQ is smaller than their shoe number?I mean someone actuly is paying milions of dollars for this piece of ....(no,i won't insult shit) and even worse someone actualy WATCH this.Hmmm could be useful as anestetic in neuro-surgery!Some kid in Liberia who could be helped with the monie that is being used for this...(again i will not insult shit) will die for 30 mins of Pamela waving her boobs acroos the screen!
You should probably laugh. Besides the fact that she's ugly (REALLY) and suffers from some kind of disease, she's just plain sad.

And there's really no way to overcome that difference.
Well you are probably wright.Still i am sad when i think about all that money thrown into the wind.BTW she has hepatitis C.
Well, that amount is nothing.

There's a lot more money being thrown around for stupid causes.

No, she has big boobies. OOOooooh, big boobies, OMG yeah that's so beatiful.

She's an ugly dumb cow, who isn't attractive(to me at least) at all(No,I'm not gay, if that's what you're thinking right now ;)).

But, ofcourse, you are entitled to your own opinion.
she took the fake things out. She's still really hot, even if she does have hepatitis. It doesnt mean girls have to have big breasts to be attractive but shes definately not ugly.
Fyu-jon!!! said:
Am I the only one who thinks her boobs are nasty? They're waaaay to big and unnatural for me.

So true, so true...

I never believed that "removed the silicone story", i did had one girlfriend with a pair of boobs almost as big, but the only way she had perfect hard peachy boobs was because she once had a surgery on them, to remove some nasty stuff, and the surgeon decided to do some "art" work, so she wouldn`t feel so bad about having scars, even small ones on just one breast, that he carefully hide, while putting both at the same size and characteristics.

But silicone, nah, just doesn`t feel right when touched...
Pamela Andersson? Hot? Her boobs are grosse and fiddled with, her face is like... designed for a majestic cumshot, and she's about ten times my age.

Uhm... IMO. ;)
LOL what's with all the negative input about Pamela? I thought she was supposed to be the ideal woman.

Either way, I'd still like to look like her (or any other celebrity out there). She has *potential* to look classy - but she obviously prefers a more.. revealing.. attire.
She has enough silicones in her boobs to compete with yearly INTEL's microchip production :lol: .BTW i saw some photos of her without make-up at all.You wouldnt recognise her on the street if she walks right next to you.
Aragorn said:
Well, that amount is nothing.

There's a lot more money being thrown around for stupid causes.


*scratches head*

Yeah, and Paars. They didn't have the money to pay for health care, but they sure could try out a multi-billion guilder traffic jam-control plan that was doomed to fail...


PS: this reminds me of something. You know how CDA kept bad-mouthin Paars during the Fortuin elections? It was stupid, since they never opposed Paars during the 8-year reign.

People that didn't critizise during have no right to do it afterwards.

Which is why I find all the slamming down on Clinton annoying. I sure couldn't hear anyone doing it when he was still El Presidente.
Meh, Clinton being criticised because of his adultery always seemed odd to me, I mean, not that it's good that he commited adultery, but what does that have to do with how he ruled the country? For as far as I know he did a pretty good job at that.

Katja: I never got why she was supposed to be the perfect woman, she certainly isn't in my eyes. Meh...

Kharn: Fortuyn elections were completely silly, a lot of people just forgot about political stability, and political meanings, and supported Fortuyn because they liked him, and he said something about the immigrants. The rest of his ideas were mainly silly... Meh.
Clinton being criticised because of his adultery always seemed odd to me, I mean, not that it's good that he commited adultery, but what does that have to do with how he ruled the country? For as far as I know he did a pretty good job at that.

It's not in the black in white job description that the leader of our country has to be a model citizen... but i do think it is kind of implied. How am i suppose to respect him when i know he's a petterass.

As for Pam, you all are lyers if you say you dont think she's attractive. If Pam had absolutley NO reputation at all, you knew nothing about her and you saw her walking down the street... youd want to hump her brains out. If not, it might be time to question your sexual preference.
How am i suppose to respect him
You're not, you're supposed to agree with his political leadership, not his privacy.

And according to you Prez, I'd have to question my sexual preference, because I think she's ugly. She doesn't have a nice face, she does have a nice body, but the size and looks of her breasts pretty much mess that up. Meh, besides that, she doesn't look too bright, and I can't stand women who can't carry a decent intelligent conversation(I'm serious, I'd get incredibly irritated).
Sander said:
Kharn: Fortuyn elections were completely silly, a lot of people just forgot about political stability, and political meanings, and supported Fortuyn because they liked him, and he said something about the immigrants. The rest of his ideas were mainly silly... Meh.

Heh, actually...especially BEFORE he joined Leefbaar Nederland, Pim had a good head on his shoulders and a lot of common sense. More so than most politicians at that time. I may not have agreed with his ideas, but I could sure agree with him, if you know what I mean.