First time out of the vault

When Pamela first came out in Playboy she was a hottie. THEN hollywierd got in here head and the whole thing just spiraled down from there
You're not, you're supposed to agree with his political leadership, not his privacy.
Meh, besides that, she doesn't look too bright, and I can't stand women who can't carry a decent intelligent conversation(I'm serious, I'd get incredibly irritated).
[PCE said:el_Prez]i disagree. I think the President of the United States is suppose to represent our country (as in - all the citzens of that country) to all foreign people and leaders. Therefore he should be a respectable moral person.
If you elevt a president just to put a John Hancock somewhere, why go through the trouble of electing him in the first place?
Sander said:PS: YOu do realise that President Kennedy was one of the biggest womanizers ever. He was way worse than Clinton....
The President really doesnt need to do anything that his cabinet couldnt do by themselves. He's just got to put the old john hancock and hes done for the day.
Sander said:I don't know how good he was at ruling the country
Gwydion said:It's true that the economy was better while he was president, but the president doesn't really have any direct control over the state of the economy.
Gwydion said:Bush inherited a slowing economy from Clinton, and the situation was exacerbated by the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11.
Easy for you to say, but the President does have a huge influence on international politics, while he has none on national politis. This means WE get fucked over when YOU elect a bad president.
Well, with regard to Clinton's infidelity-
(1) Lets not forget that he's living in a country with a 50% divorce rate in which adultery is fairly common.
(2) He's the president of the country- I mean, with that kind of power can you imagine the kind of ass you can tap?
(3) He's married to Hilary.
[PCE]el_Prez said:Well, with regard to Clinton's infidelity-
(1) Lets not forget that he's living in a country with a 50% divorce rate in which adultery is fairly common.
(2) He's the president of the country- I mean, with that kind of power can you imagine the kind of ass you can tap?
(3) He's married to Hilary.
Adultery is still wrong no matter what the circumstances. Of course he can get a lot of ass, but if he wanted to live the swinger life, he shouldn't have gotten married.
Jeez, Prez, stop being such a prude. Yes Adultery is wrong, just like not paying your income taxes is wrong. It just that probably the majority of the country makes it the second most popular past time (after cheating on your taxes).
Besides you can't really be a swinger until you're married.
I honestly don't understand the Bill-Hillary partnership. I am upset that he tried to cover himself up so damn much and would have respected him more if he came out and said, 'Yeah, ok, so I did it."
Considering most of the country probably does it (either grass or adultery) I think he would have gotten more crediability. It would have reminded us of an important matter of civility- mind your fucking business. That Bill lies and perjures himself is a violation of law. That he fucked around just means he likes to fuck women other than his wife, and that, to me, is a matter that our society believes is a matter between the wife and husband.
I have said this before, all this bullshit about telling people what lifestyle they should leave is nonsense. People should live the life style they want to, as long as it doesn't hurt another person. There are pains that come with adultery - but that is a matter between spouses, not the public. All this moral pontification is just self-grandizing when the real issue is why our quality of life is not what it should be, why the middle class is dieing, and why so many poor people are caught in inescape dispair.
Gwydion is half right and half wrong here-
(1) Bush did inherit a declining economy from Clinton, just as Clinton inherited a revitalizing economy from Bush senior. That this occurs has, I think more to do with the product cycle than economic policy. However, for the last two years of the Clinton administration the signs where there that the bubble was set to pop, it was just a matter of when. That Greenspan was able to pull in that bubble helped limit the damage but not prevent it.
(2) To say that the president has little economic power is in error. The President, through the Office of the Management of the Budget is hugely powerful. The executive of the country controls a budget that dwarfs any other institution that I can think of. The amount of public contracts that the president oversees is huge (Just ask Cheney Inc.)
Merely creating budget surpluses and controlling spending (not historically democratic strengths) as well as restructuring the public debt as Clinton managed created significant confidence in the american government. George has managed to create a sitution where the public debt is likely to mean that our government is in the red for the next decade, worse if the tax cuts become permanent. And the guy is planning more!
Like companies,governments are consider credit risks, and the level of risk determines the amount of FDI flowing into the country.
Throughout the 1990s the US and China were two of the biggest recipients of Foreign Direct Investment. In otherword the same if not more investment that was coming into China, giving them such rapid growth, was flowing into the US, and it was predicted that the US would dwarf China and most other countries from 2001-2005 with over 26% of the FDI flows (Economist, Feb 2 2001)
On June 25th the Economist wrote, " FDI inflows declined sharply last year in America (down by 77%) and Britain (down by 60%). Foreign investment in both countries is a mere shadow of what it was at the peak three years ago—in America, FDI inflows last year were a mere tenth of the amount received in 2000; in Britain, about a fifth." In the chart it shows that in actually France and Germany are drawing more FDI than the US.
Why? Unstability and lack of faith in the country. Part of that has to do with the economic slowdown. But the slow down impacted most the over-valued tech stocks. In fact, before Sept 11, many economists predicted that the Sept 11 shocks added perhaps 6 more weeks of recession and that the country was coming out.
Now the problem is that current indicators look good, that the economy is show 3% growth. That might not sound like much when you compare it to China- but lets not forget China's 8-10% growth comes in a country where in 1989, most of the people drove bicycles, crapped in the street and the amount of fecal matter in the area would have killed just about any "green" in Europe or the US (remember you have to be a wealthy country to have good environmental policy). 3% is pretty freaking good- our 3% kicks the crap out of China's 8%
So what's the problem? No one is getting freaking jobs. Hiring is down, unemployment is relatively high. More people are working longer hours, and are more productive, but pay hasn't increased dramatically. Compare the quality of life issues between Europeans and Americans on one indicator. Vacation time. Most americans get two weeks of vacation that they rarely take, 6 months maternity leave for new mothers. Six months of unemployment- and last I checked you don't get until 4 weeks pass and then its only $300 every two weeks (enough for groceries for a family of 4). What do you get in Europe?
When you compare that to declining environmental standards, lower quality social services for the poor, bankrupt state institutions (thanks to George Bush- although to be fair, under Clinton the feds weren't paying their bills to the states either), that adds up to some beg freaking problems.
Net result - the poor continue to get fucked, the rich continue to get rich and the middle class is dieing as a few make ito be rich but most find themselves working longer ours for relatively less pay.
So Bush did inherit this economy, but he did manage to make it worse then it could be. What Bush has managed to do is probably fuck up the economy for the next decade while creating favorable energy polices for oil interests and big tax breaks for the wealthy. And the beauty of it, is that he won't probably be in office when the rest of us have to pay the bill.
Finally, I believe every single one of you would nail this, if you had the chance.
In fact, I am probably the only person who wouldn't and that's because my wife would do a Lorena Bobbitt on me.
Jeez, Prez, stop being such a prude. Yes Adultery is wrong, just like not paying your income taxes is wrong. It just that probably the majority of the country makes it the second most popular past time (after cheating on your taxes).