here is how I place tactics compare to everything else..
FO2--FO1---FO:tactics--- (lots of lines here) --FO

FO3 not on there as I have no actual experience of it.
My point being, I never took tactics about being a role-play-esque game which should involve lots of talking / whatever, I took it to be the fallout inspired (and I think true to cannon), fallout style, fallout game play tactical squad shooter, like someone had come along and improved X-COM UFO, and falloutified it (the original X-COM being one of my gods of gaming...)
the quests were samey, but that suited the game, it was about being/becoming a part of the almost mystical wasteland entity the Brotherhood Of Steel, and I liked that. To me the BoS are supposed to be the guy's kitted out to the teeth that turn up near your settlement blow the crap out of something/someone (usually considered to be a target which could be called 'badguys') and be on there way without so much as stopping to ask for a cuppa tea.
I like pretty much EVERYTHING about FO:T, it really is top ruddy notch, and if I cant talk someone into doing something for me, hell i'll just order my Support sniper to remove his head.
As for should FO:3 be FO:T2, hell no FO:3 is even further from FO:T than it is from FO:2
edit:- yes FO:BoS (PoS) 2 would be more suited as it retains he same game play elements, I can presume a grammatical err and this could be what OP meant.
also edited to ensure my own grammar/game ref's are comprehendable.