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Post-War Tribal

Ay, was wondering how ya'll be dressin up in the wastes. Personally I like to keep it realistic, and neat. Rp purposes ofcourse.
Maurice Hughes, was born into a life of constant wandering, never staying the same place for too long.
My tribal genius, Rinoa (not her original name in RP). She was born a Sorrow but had itchy feet just like Follows-Chalk does so she left Zion to become a courier, caravan guard, and interpreter. She fell in with some Followers and a former Brotherhood scribe along her travels, which kindled the interest in Pre-War energy weapons that she always had. She never bought into the "Father in the Caves" superstitions of her tribe nor the Mormon faith of the New Canaanites, which made her something of an odd duck among the Sorrows. She's just as at home using a holorifle or laser pistol as with a Yao Guai fist and throwing spears. Eventually, she made it to Primm to take a job delivering a platinum poker chip. Then she made it to Goodsprings before Benny shot her in the head and shanghaied the chip.


Set up Jsawyers Ultimate, winging it with an energy weapons crit build. Mulling over whether I should focus on lasers or plasma and lamenting at how neglected energy weapons are when it comes to animation mods.
Laser. Full mod laser rifle = best weapon in the game. Not the unique version; AER14; the normal one.

Don't belive me? Just try it. There is one condition. DONT USE VATS.

What makes this weapon good is the speed of the shots when out of the vats. with the scope you will not have problems hitting the targets
Laser. Full mod laser rifle = best weapon in the game. Not the unique version; AER14; the normal one.

Don't belive me? Just try it. There is one condition. DONT USE VATS.

What makes this weapon good is the speed of the shots when out of the vats. with the scope you will not have problems hitting the targets


Man, you weren't kidding. Just got laser commander, almost everything I kill disintegrates. The Weapon Mod Menu mod lets me add and remove the scope at my leisure, so that's handy.
Laser. Full mod laser rifle = best weapon in the game. Not the unique version; AER14; the normal one.

Don't belive me? Just try it. There is one condition. DONT USE VATS.

What makes this weapon good is the speed of the shots when out of the vats. with the scope you will not have problems hitting the targets

Dude, you weren't kidding! Holy shit, the Laser Rifle is a boss! Got all the mods and just unlocked Laser Commander. Using Max charge and optimized MF cells. Its deadly outside of VATS like you mentioned. I just cleared out all the Deathclaws in and around Quarry Junction with relative ease and didn't go through too much ammo. Mind you, I hid up on one of the cranes. But no one needs to know that...
Dude, you weren't kidding! Holy shit, the Laser Rifle is a boss! Got all the mods and just unlocked Laser Commander. Using Max charge and optimized MF cells. Its deadly outside of VATS like you mentioned. I just cleared out all the Deathclaws in and around Quarry Junction with relative ease and didn't go through too much ammo. Mind you, I hid up on one of the cranes. But no one needs to know that...

yeah, I also did not believe it when they told me, in the old Bethesda forum.

How can one of the supposed worst weapons in the game be considered the best? until I saw it with my own eyes. With the necessary perks and high luck and special ammunition, it becomes cowardice.

the weapon is more fragile than butter, but it is not as if it were difficult to repair....