SiCKO - See it today - Bring tissues and your passport?

Surprisingly, what [PCE] is saying is remarkably similar to what the Chinese government is doing. Life is incredibly cheap here. Nobody cares whether you live or die as long as you get out of the position in society that everyone else is fighting for. If you don't like your baby? Dump it, some sucker will care for it. Hit a guy with your car? Here is 200RMB for your trouble. Hit a foreigner with your car? Hey, Mr. Poorly paid PublicSecurity man, here is 2000RMB, which is half your monthly salary, would you kindly look the other way? A homeless guy rapes a girl in the middle of public street in broad daylight? Hey, a free show!

The REALITY of that kind of attitude is here, now.

I didn't much care for a lot of things(besides what concerns me personally) before I came to China, but after living here for a while, I learned what would really happen to a society when nobody gives a damn. When a society lacks even the laws and concepts to protect basic human rights, you will have a country where you are only worth as much as how much money you make, and who you know in the ruling party. There are no dreams and hopes here if you aren't born in a good family. The only ticket anywhere is number in your banking account.

Anyway, sorry to rant on, but I usually believe only certain majority of (not all) Chinese people don't give a damn, and when I see a westerner to do it, it ticks me a bit.
Maphusio said:
What are your views on social security? What are your views on the current state funded education system? What are your thoughts on fire, police and welfare? These are all examples of things you and I pay for in our taxes. These are examples of other people improving our quality of life.
All those things (with the exception of welfare) are reciprocal. You pay for it with taxes and you get something in return.

Also, just because we help other people out through taxes and charities and whatnot - doesn't mean we are responsible for aiding them.

Maphusio said:
You seem to be implying that the poor should not have a life like you and I. That they should grovel in their filth and leave children to the more well off individuals. Many of those people do not have a chance given our almost cast like system. The poor have just as much of a right as you or I. A good country is judged by how it treats its porrest (a quote right from SiCKO). What you are implying is NOT what this country is about. Bring me your poor, your rich, your huddled masses -What were they thinking when they said that?
I implied nothing of the sort. You don't agree that you shouldn't have children if you can't afford them? I know sometimes children are born unexpectingly even if a couple takes precautions - but what about the thousands that don't give a shit and are continually irresponsible. Is there nothing to be said about them? I'm just sick of people playing the blame game. Our government does help out misfortunate people - maybe not as much as other countries might - but it's not our government's fault that people are poor.

Maphusio said:
The current democratic presidential candidates that are most likely to become our next president, have said their plan is to install socialized medicine in this country. If you are so adamant about keeping that insurance card... I suggest you start fighting... Then again, with as much faith as I now have in this country (Thank you George and others) I would not be the least bit surprised to see that president killed off.

Yeah just keep blaming whatever president is in power, blame the system, blame everyone. Maybe I should just wait for socialized medicine and and stop making insurance payments - let everyone else pay for my blood work and CT scans and all the other shit that I have to get every 6 months
Damn, I just watched the movie...

Surely Moore is a populist and likes to show things in an extreme context, but I am glad as hell that I live in Germany.

And I am glad as hell that I had an insurance during my high school exchange year 7 years ago.

I would have to pay more than 1000$ after I chipped my teeth in the mosh pit of an Cypress Hill concert, I got all my money back.

I am glad that some of my tax payer money is used to support our humane health care system.