Sin City - movie

Well, the trailer looks fantastic. The casting seems well done, and the music is nice as well. (Though I downloaded the non-instrumental version, God the singer's voice annoys me)

As for my doubts, I'm not sure if Jessica Alba is right for Nancy Callahan. Second, and more importantly, the director is the guy who made Desperado and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. While I'm sure he'll do a good job of making everyone look cool, Sin City was deep enough that it'll need more than cool-looking heroes. Hopefully with Frank Miller being involved in directing as well, it'll be a good adaptation.
It's going to fucking rule. Period.

I love the Sin City books, and I love Robert Rodriguez. The casting is nearly perfect (I am a bit skeptical about Alba as Nancy, especially since she won't be doing any nude scenes and that's really the essence of the character), and the fact that it's pretty much filmed frame for frame from the books is awesome.

Oh, and Mickey Rourke makes the perfect Marv.

welsh - I've been really eager to see this trailer on the big screen. What movie did it play on?
welsh said:
On the bad side- yet another movie based on a comic strip.

Please don't over simplify Sin City. It's not "another comic strip." It's a terrific series of dark film noir-ish novels, that happen to be illustrated.

That's like putting Watchmen in the same catagory as Garfield.
I agree, I am looking forward to seeing Mickey Rourke as well. That poor guy screwed up his career, but did a few very good movies. Even the supporting bits he does these days are often pretty good.
Well, fortunately, Marv is the kind of character that could give a well-needed jolt to Rourke's career.
Malkavian said:
What are you trying to say?

That Nancy Callahan had more depth than Nudie Bar stripper. The eroticism of her topless frames can be easily replicated with a top. Unless you really really really like boobies. Like I do. :(

Get to see Carla Gugino's knockers, though. She goes from the mom in Spy Kids to a lesbian parole officer.

Go figure.
More depth? Not really. Most of her scenes in the Sin City novels equalled her dancing on a pole and not saying anything.

She got a little more depth in That Yellow Bastard, but for the most part, she just looks pretty and bridges the gaps between scenes.

I'm not complaining that she's not naked because I'm a pervert, I'm complaining because I'd like it to be kept as close to the source material as possible.

But whatever, I guess it really doesn't matter that much.

Also, welsh, what movie did you see this trailer with? Constantine?
No I went to see the Aviator. To be honest I was disappointed. I expected better. The scene where Howard Hughes is shooting the dogfights in Hells Angels was pretty cool, though. Actually, it was nice to see bits from Hells Angels again.

I had to admit to having mixed feelings on the trailor of Sin City-

On one hand, I thought it looked good and interesting, and graphic novels have been turned into films- sometimes fairly well- the Road to Predition, From Hell, etc.

But then again, it bothers me that so many American movies are based on violent comic books. It reflects a rather juvenile mindset in our culture.

But I do like hardboiled noir fiction.
welsh said:
But then again, it bothers me that so many American movies are based on violent comic books. It reflects a rather juvenile mindset in our culture.

Yes, I'd much rather see more movies about eccentric playboys who fuck everything in sight and waste their money.

Malk, I'd like to think american films can do better than just draw from graphic novels. Granted graphic novels are a big step up from comic books. American Splendor was a comic book before it was a movie.

But it does seem that the films are made for an ADD audience between movies based on comics or video games or sequels.

Of course, we have porn for horny playboys, but I'd like to think movies could be more than that.

If cinema is an art form, than why shouldn't it be intellectually engaging or just more mature? Selling to a kids audience sometimes seems to be selling to the lowest denominator.

I am hoping Sin City is better than that. At least it looks interesting.

I don't think we need Hulk 2 . Another film like, for instance, Donnie Darko or American History X would be appreciated.
The world needs another film noir. I don't really care what the story is based on, it's simply been ages since a good film noir has been filmed. With the flow of patronising, feel-good, 'educating' and 'epic' rubbish flowing out of Hollywood these days, it'll be a nice change.
Malkavian said:
(I am a bit skeptical about Alba as Nancy, especially since she won't be doing any nude scenes and that's really the essence of the character)

I was considering seeing this movie, but now I won't.

Also, there were dogfights in the Aviator? Or am I just not getting it?
Re: THe Aviator- * SPoilers*

Howard Hughes goes to Hollywood to make a movie based on the airwar in World War 1 and the movie becomes very expensive and risks ruining him because he wants it perfect and won't compromise on the last scene- a massive dogfight. THe film protrays Hughes filming that last scene, and later there are bits of Hells Angels shown throughout.

So yes, there is dogfighting but it's kind of indirect. Actually it was one of the best scenes of the film.
welsh said:
I don't think we need Hulk 2 . Another film like, for instance, Donnie Darko or American History X would be appreciated.

Donnie Darko is nothing more then a retelling of The Last Temptation of Christ /w time travel bullshit. Anyway, Donnie takes quite a bit of influence from comic books, in that it deals with the notion of an Ubermenschen, as does, say Watchmen (only Watchmen is cool).

This is not The Hulk. On average I'd say Graphic Novels are, if anything, more intellegent then films these days; for every Requiem for a Dream you have a hundred films with the Olsen twins, while fantastic graphic novels are almost a dime a dozen these days. If anything, they can also take the same situation (say, for instance, the holocaust or Weimar Germany) and make them more then a movie ever could be, primarily because Graphic Novels are not hindered by bad performances or shitty prodercs. Honestly, compare, say Cabaret to the graphic novel Berlin, or Baran to Persepolis. Even Schindler's List to Maus .
I saw the trailer in theatres today actually, and That yellow Bastard looked more orange in theatres as apposed to the internet trailer.