Sketch(not FO related)

Ghetto Goose

It Wandered In From the Wastes
Sketched last night. Opinions, constructive criticism appreciated.

Looks good, proportions seem well balanced, but his sign language skills need to be practiced upon.
It's better than the previous sketches you posted.


If the light comes from the right, you can't have the same lighting on both sides of the face, especially on the nose. It gives the impression that the face is flat. Try "building" the shapes and depth with lighting contrasts.

And, to be extremely anal, the pectoral muscle (chest) supporting the raised hand can't be in the same shape as the idle one on the guy's left side. His right one should be fully stretched if he's raising his arm.
Wooz69 said:
And, to be extremely anal, the pectoral muscle (chest) supporting the raised hand can't be in the same shape as the idle one on the guy's left side. His right one should be fully stretched if he's raising his arm.

the only case where sodemy gets my thumbs up. and to take it up one more notch (anal god level), the fabric doesnt fold correctly around his legs. bagginess around his ankles and torsion around his thighs is what u need to remember. put on a pair of pants and look at urself in the mirror. (shirt off arm raised). you'll see what i mean.

*anal off*

good work buddy, keep it up

again ghetto, heres an example of what i mean by 'the physics of folds' (images taken from


This is your base, a good pose for showing the effects of pull and torsion on fabrics

here you see the artist (Patrick Shettlesworth) has shown you where the 'forces' are, when you get good enough, these arrows are in your mind, you wont need to actually map them out

last step is easy, follow the lines with folds, gives your picture a good sense of 'fluidity'

hope this was helpful, i sure was for me =]

Ghetto - I like the simplified style, makes the drawing strong - tho all points stated are true.

Good work!
Holy, it's kind of you to point out flaws and post tutorials. The "look at yourself in the mirror" comment was pretty good.


The tutorials you post are tutorials on how to draw anime. Anime, as far as I know, isn't the pinnacle of human existence when it comes to drawing. Keep in mind that anime is an extremely manieristic, "exagerated" drawing style. Human proportions are ignored most of the time.

Unless huge gleaming eyes, heads the size of waists, and triangle noses are your definition of anatomy.

Moreover, "bumping" threads, relplying to threads that haven't been active for a couple of months is unwelcome, it's generally scowled upon. Double-posting too.
What Wooz said. I'm getting sick and tired of these lessons in anatomy you're posting, holyrebellion. You're posting examples of one style (which is anatomically incorrect as well, by the way) as if it is the only way to go. Do you ever read comics besides manga and marvel crap? There's lots of ways to deal with anatomy - probably as much as there are artists.
And I'll second what Wooz stated: STOP GRAVEDIGGIN'! I just spent half an hour going through what looked 'new' threads while they were all months old. Stop that! It's friggin' annoying! :evil:
Whoa thats pretty good. Helluva lot better than anything I can make. I like the guys expression and the look of his clothing.

The Vault Dweller