Skills Ideas
I was just reading a thread over at Bethesda where some people thought the skills should be the same, some thought they should be more diverse, and some thought there should be fewer skills. (although I think those were mostly laced with sarcasm).
I've been thinking about it, and really the best possible solution for firearms would be:
1. Accuracy skill. All weapons would use this. But only when determining whether or not you actually hit something.
Bear with me...
There would also be stat requirements and skill requiremets on each weapon. And if you do not meet these requirements then you're far more likely to blow yourself up.
2. Military skill. Basically the knowledge of small guns, rifles, rocket launchers, miniguns, etc.. The more complicated the weapon, the higher your military skill will have to be in order to use it.
3. Science skill. For laser and plasma weapons of course. Perhaps a combination of military and science skill would be required for some weapons. If the weapon has some sort of interface then it should require at least some science skill.
4. Required strength and intelligence. Kinda like the old requirements for strength, except some of the more advanced weapons would require some degree of intelligence before it could be used properly. Or maybe just skip on the intel requirement since science could be used as the requirement instead... really depends on the weapon. Like a rocket launcher should require some science, average intelligence, and a higher knowledge of military skill (wouldn't want to point it the wrong way after all).
The same system could be used for armor, equipment, etc.. Like stealthboys, geiger counters, etc.. I mean it doesn't really make much sense that an idiot with less than 10% science skill and 2 intelligence is capable of using, and even understand, a geiger counter.
Anyway I think this would be ideal because you could choose to keep using your pipe rifle with a someone low military skill and improve the accuracy to a good amount, and if you decide to start using an SMG you'd need to improve your military skill instead and yet still be just as accurate (unless your military skill does not meet the requirement of the SMG).
I'm not sure about how HTH, melee and throwing would fit into this. Accuracy should affect everything, to an extent, where one object is launched toward another (like fist into fast, lol). Military knowledge should of course increase your character's fighting ability with combat knives, unarmed skill, and grenades. But there should also be a martial skill that provides bonuses to melee skills (including accuracy and damage) for those wishing to excell in melee combat.
Throwing and unarmed combat should both mostly be based on accuracy and your strength skill. With grenades requiring some military and/or science skill depending on it being a frag or plasma or whatever.