Mildly Dipped

Hell yeah!
Everything else is top notch, love this idea.

did you read Ravager69s post?Mr.Wolna said:it compatible with RP? or i need a fresh setup?
PastaMasta said:Will this work with SFALL?
Darkform said:I would like to be able to have slaves in your party not counted to party limit.
I think making a long range maybe needle ammo that auto knocks out anyone hit that doesn't have a weapon in hand and adds them as a NPC that has slave comments and combat control only set to coward would be good unless you give them a weapon and ammo where they will rebel. also alter the Baton to be a HTH auto knockout for people that have no weapon drawn.
edit: add script where after you become a slaver they will teach you how to use the Baton and needler in that way and have them sell you a needler and knockout ammo. if you don't have training you can't auto knockout but if you acidently knockout anyone do to a crit hit and loot the weapons before they wake up they become a slave.
Ravager69 said:I believe MIB88 is working or has done something similar - if you knockout someone and use a robe on them, they are added to your inv and you can sell them as slaves.
Right now I'm testing if my tweaks work without any glitches (unfortunatly it requires time) and am planning out how to make an option of selling the little shits from the Den into slavery, instead of making an orphanage.
#include "..\headers\define.h"
#include "..\headers\command.h"
procedure start begin
procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin
variable tool;
tool := obj_pid(obj_being_used_with);
if (tool == PID_ROPE) and (is_critter_prone(target_obj) == true) then begin
display_msg("slave");//debug message
Why not prone:Josan12 said:a) instead of is_critter_prone what would i put for critter_is_KO?
if (critter_state(self_obj) == CRITTER_IS_PRONE) then
I'm thinking about some reversal:Josan12 said:b) what would i need to put in the target critters script?
if (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROPE) then begin
bbmultipass said:I'm thinking about some reversal:
...and attaching this script into slave *.proCode:if (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROPE) then begin end
Will definitely install this once it is compatible with RP
Thanks for your work! Selling slaves, what's not to like Smile
procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin
variable UsedItem;
if( local_var(LVAR_Cured_Charlie) == 0 ) then begin
UsedItem := obj_being_used_with;
if( obj_pid(UsedItem) == PID_RADAWAY ) then begin
call Node007;