Slightly better NMA


Night Watchman
Staff member
The forum is available again, and it's gotten a bit better, we hope. You should see an improvment in its speed, which was a problem lately, and also - we've taken the trouble to merge the posts from the old forum into the current one.

This of course means you n00bs will have more chances to find answers to your Fallout questions (and be ridiculed if you fail), veterans can experience their fallouty juvenescence, and anyone who's curios may scour the boards for random gems of thought. Nearly all the posts have been re-published in their respective forum sections.

If someone was a member of NMA on the old board and wants their posts adopted for a RIDICULOUS increase in postcount, PM an Admin.
It's incredibly fast for me! Goody!

I want an obscene postcount and a new joining date, if it's possible.
Your posts were joined into your account already. I thought you'd like it.

As for reg dates, no-one gets a date before 02.IV.2003 except maybe Miroslav.
isn't lightning fast as it is for briosa, but at least no minute long wait for the forum to load (until now).

Another place to pass the boring old days of my life.

But that is a good thing!
Ok, I'm happy that the Forum is faster but I'm still not satisfied with the archives. There's stuff missing. There's a lot of months missing from the 2002, 2001 messages in GD. I needs them!!!

Ok, no rush, I realize that it's a big job. Just be careful with those archives.
There's slightly under 400 threads from the old General forum, and 600 threads from the old Fallout 3 forum, that need to be sorted, moved, and spliced into the search tables. We didn't have a Vats back then, so generally people would just ignore the stupid stuff unless it caused problems, which is when we'd lock the thread. So now we're sorting while we're moving.

"It's alive, it's alive!" Herheh I also said that a few day ago when I repaired my Fiat Uno 83' back into life. The sucker died on the highway...but after changing all the ingitions parts (minus one) it lives! The horror on wheels runs again! Of course this is totally offtopic, but's about living.

And I definelty want a custom description of bastids. Or I'll furry you...
Free vaporizer
Wow! Not only is the forum not crashing, but its super-fast. Like it was when it had no problems...I assume this means all problems are gone then.

I'm more happy though just realising this place wasnt gone permanently. (A thought in the back of my head.)

The Vault Dweller
I was like number 35 on post counts before MR left---Now my post count is pathetic. It was traumatic to me in the beginning, but I'm past that now. It's almost as if I trimmed all the fat away and I'm sleeker, younger, fresher...

Oh by the way, it appears to be much faster. Very nice.
Damn. The terrible lag wasn't that bad really. It totally demotivated me to visit this site, thus solving my (incurable) NMA-addiction. Which was highly appreciated by the missus, by the way. "Less typing for you, more cock for me," she said. Right. Now that the problem has been solved and this site is up and running again and moving faster than a cougar on vaseline, I once again will have to dedicate roughly 75% of my office time and at least 50% of my free time to filling this site with great stories, big mysteries and other utter crap. So yeah: thanks a lot, assholes. :evil:
alec said:
Which was highly appreciated by the missus, by the way. "Less typing for you, more cock for me," s

Give us her address, and we'll' give her all the cock she can imagine.