Smack that bottom?

Should we spank kids?

  • Yes, take away the rod, spoil the child

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way, this causes a lost of self-esteem and we don't want that!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, kids that are spanked become psycho-killers as adults

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Screw the kids, I am having trouble getting my date to spank me!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Because Kurgan, we need France for our Antonie Doniels. Duh.

Please excuse the stupidity of the question, but who is Antonie Doniels? The closest match under Google is Anthony Daniels who voiced C-3PO.
He obviously isn't important enough to be on the internet, that's for sure :)

I mean, c'mon man, even I'm on the internet and I didn't even know until I did a google search for my name out of boredom one day.

One of my friends found himself on the internet the same way, and lord knows that HE isn't worthy of such an honor...
Sander said:
No, it's not entirely true., they could've intervened against the Germans, but that was all the general approach to politics in those days, that wasn't just France,. but also more specifically England. They were more involved there.

Against the actual attack in 1940 by the Germans, they couldn't have done anything, they were just too strong.


The French could have intervened when the Germans went into the Rhineland. This was Hitler's most desperate move and had the French intervened the balance of power might have favored them. Instead the French did nothing but protest.

The French knew what the German military was capable of because they had only to witness the testing of German weapons and tactics in Spain. If not Spain then Poland and Norway. Furthermore the French might have been paying attention when the Germans had Anschluss with the Austrians and then occuppied Czechoslovakia.

At the time of the Blitzkrieg against France, the Germans were still in the early phase of their militarization. A few tank divisions and infantry divisions, not nearly the size of the army that ends up fighting in Russia. Before this the Germans are taking a significant risk in their invasion of Poland, leaving their western frontiers vulnerable.

Furthermore the best tanks at that stage of the war included one built in Czechoslovakia which is latter utilized by the Germans after the Germans take over. Better than virtually any tank the Germans can put on the field is the French Char-B. The German airforce, utilizing increasingly outdated ME-109s is matched by what the Brits and French could put in the air.

The problem is one of will and tactics. The French domestic situation is divided between right and left, with the military increasingly claiming they cannot develope an offensive military power to invade Germany because the left favors conscripted troops. It's' bullshit, but the French are playing that game in order to develop a more autonomous professional army. The Maginot line is not strictly defensive but a forward base from which the French could easily strike into German.

When De Gaulle wants to concentrate Frances few, more powerful, tanks into a more offensive force, the senior French military (relics from the First World War) say no. The French are still playing World War 1 when had they been paying attention to Poland and Spain, they would have realized that it was a different kind of war.

When the Germans invade, refugees clog up the roads stopping rapid relocation of me. Remember the Germans are using horse-drawn infantry throughout the war, including the early periods. Still the French military leaders prove ineffective at counter attack and defense.

Who is to blame- not the French per se, because the French soldiers prove to be quite good throughout most of the war- fighting in Italy (Cassino) and in the invasions of France. The fault lies with the military leaders.
Ozrat said:
Surrunder Monkeys!!!

Seriously now, if you can't think of a way to convince a child to do the right thing, than what are you doing with a child? Honestly, we don't need to make laws for this, do we? The only (good) way to bring up a child is to give it nothing but positive input twentyfour-seven. When you hurt a child's feelings, physically or psychologically, you've made a void in their self-esteems. True, they may just bounce right back up, but how will you know in advance?

Sorry Ozrat, I think this is a recipe that fails to prepare a child for the realities of the world and is unrealistic in practice.

Few parents are going to be so easy going. More honestly parents will be unfair with their kids because their kids are unfair with the parents.

That a child becomes a bit more realistic with self-esteem is part of growing up. I have a nephew who used to cry when he lost a game of Candyland. A parent giving positive feedback all the time creates false expectations in their children. Better to teach good values and an awareness of the world.
welsh, I'm talking about when you are in an argument with a child, not when a child gets upset about spilled milk.

The moment that you strike somebody in frustration or anger is the moment that you show a weakness and the child subconsciously learns that you can't reason with him or her.

It only takes one person to start an argument, so why have two? Being calm under any situations with a kid is a vital skill to have. If they learn that nothing under reasonalbe limits will get your goat, they will a rolemodel within you. If they can succeed in getting somebody irked, they will continue to do so because it is their little way of controlling somebody that's supposed to be in power.

In a rolemodel like this they will find good traits such as patience, empathy and communication skills. Aren't these important qualities to have for any path of life?

As a camp counselor that had on average 6 unique campers every week for two summers now, I think that I can speak with the experience of dealing with some serious hell-raisers and living to tell the story. I've also had the pleasure of living with some of the most spoiled and sheltered children you can imagine. Then there are the sweethearts that cannot go for an hour without holding onto your hand.

I've learned from all this that treating a child with tolerance, yet also having firm and realistic expectations from them can change their attitudes within a week. I'm not trying so say that it make them do a 180 in a week, but usually at least a small part of them changes for the better.
Ozrat I agree with you. Especially that a parent should not ever spank in anger. THe idea that one in anger can be empowered by violence, and that this is justified, is a bad lesson for any kid.

Glad to hear you have been so involved in kids Ozrat. To be honest, this is one of the things I love about teaching.
Ozrat said:
I mean, c'mon man, even I'm on the internet and I didn't even know until I did a google search for my name out of boredom one day.
Hey, this reminds me of a funny thing that happened a few months ago. Somebody at our college site put up a poll, and the question was: "When you type your name on the Google, do you get a page which mentions you and does it come up as first result?" So naturally I typed my name and clicked "I'm feeling lucky", and guess what - a site about ME came up! With my picture on it (the very same picture I edited for my new avatar, baseball cap and all) and several essays I wrote back in High School! Apparently some Chezh girl liked my essays so she made a site about me, but I still have no idea how she ever managed to get hold of them. At first I thought it was scary (it could have been the FBI most wanted page...), but now I'm thinking it's kinda cool.

Of course, I am never going to post the link to the site here, and I will never allow any of you discover my true identity! :P
Ratty said:
Apparently some Chezh girl liked my essays
You lie! It's a well known fact that all engineering students (except for of course me!) have the worst writing skills ever. We dread the classes that force us to write a ten page report when all we really want to do is learn ten new ways to get the same problem wrong.

I'll have to report you to ...