Smack that bottom?

Should we spank kids?

  • Yes, take away the rod, spoil the child

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way, this causes a lost of self-esteem and we don't want that!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, kids that are spanked become psycho-killers as adults

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Screw the kids, I am having trouble getting my date to spank me!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
No actually you're a teenager, but then again to your mother you will always be a kid. /me speaks on phone: "Yes, mom..I changed the sheets, yes and did the laundry..Yes I fine! Dinner? Coming!!"

As to the adult age standard set by the goverment, that's all politics. As you said, gets more money, sets a standard for law enforcement etc..etc..
We've got the same thing here, you're considered an adult when you reach 18, you can vote in elections BUT you can't buy liqur/spirits only beer/wine.. go figure...

damn...I feel old all of a sudden..
Actually, I have never been hit, but I am damaged beyond belief by my father's remarks. Just goes to show that love with a little slapping is not as bad as loathing combined with bitchy remarks.
Ratty said:

And Welsh, what's the deal with all those polls? Are you doing some kind of a research? :lol:

Ratty, you should have children. A world without kids raised by you would be somehow less interesting, I think. And yes, I got a bit poll happy the other day.

I would also tend to concur with CC's last comment. An occassional slap from a loving parent is better than a biting remark from a psychologically abusive parent.
I was spanked as a child.... quite more than i would have liked. And everytime i would HATE my parents. So i swore that i would never do it to my kids, because i don't want them to hate me as i did my parents.

Then again all the talk who of you have any kids? I think i'm old enough to be some of y'all's dad.

It's just like people that says that having kids will not change anything in their life, it's horseshit. Having kids changes everything. You cannot know in advance how you will react in front of your kids at 3 am when you just had a fight with your wife, are half drunk and one of the kids pisses in the fridge (i'm paraphrasing, this never happenned).

btw i never spanked my kids and neither did my wife.
People get angry because of spanking? My dad once went to town on my face with his fists because I liked to make marginal drawings (you know little drawings in the space above and in the bottom of the notebook's pages). That asskicking did kill a part of the love I have for him. If any of you guys is raising a child (*cough*UglyJohn*cough*) please never hit them in anger and/or with your fists....and NEVER taunt them after the asskicking. That stuff can fuck up a relationship real bad.
I guess what Americans would consider child abuse is more frequent in Latin America.
Let me get this straight the French will smack the crap out of their children, & when a facist regime invades their country it's "we surrender"

No doubt in my mind the two go hand in hand... simple cause and effect...

I think everytime a child acts poorly take away something he likes examples...

If he starts cussing at school.. tell 'em the Easter Bunny is a myth...
If he throws a tantrum... Tell 'em you shot Pokemon while hunting
If hedoesn't do his homework... Tell 'em Santa died while drunk behind the reigns on Grandma's egg nog
If he doesn't take out the trash... Tell 'em DisneyLand burned down
If he misbehaves at dinner... tell 'em Seasame Street is the red-light district
If they won't eat their veggies... tell 'em the veggies will eat them while they sleep if they don't eat the veggies first.
Pschycological "terrorising" and/or physical abuse isn't something that's good in raising a child, first off that child will look up to you for guidence and respect (if you don't slap it around). Now I'm not saying that a small slap on the bottom, when the kids has been really bad, is bad. But what you guys must understand is that going from a slap to a fist in the face isn't that far apart.

And no I don't have any kids, but I do have a nephew that I've been looking out for. Since his father didn't want anything to do with him, NOW THAT I HATE!! Stupid men that don't take responsibility for their actions!

Physical abuse isn't good, you all know it. Your initial feelings inside isn't good after you've slapped someone, if it need to sit down and start thinking..
Odin, you've never wanted to drive your nephew to a burned out old warehouse and say, "Oh god, Disneyland musta burned down..sorry.."

then drive him to Disneyland....

but by that time it would probably late and time to go home anyway...

I think when/if I have little tykes of my own I will spare the rod. I never got spanked too much to the point I hated my folks, but I do tend to think that kids need to know violence is a last resort and that they shouldn't be bullied by people using it and stand up for themselves, something the French child beaters seem to have lost along the way...
I think there are better ways of getting kids to behave and learn manners.
Scare tactics, deprevation, yelling and just plain meanness as motivation works for war, and that's about it...

I fully agree it is sad when guys can't own up to having a child...the abandoning dads just have no solid excuses in my mind...

(10 points to who can name that DisneyLand burned down reference....)
EraserMark said:
If he misbehaves at dinner... tell 'em Seasame Street is the red-light district
If they won't eat their veggies... tell 'em the veggies will eat them while they sleep if they don't eat the veggies first.

When my folks told me Seasame Street turned into a red light district, I ran away from home.

Gosh was I disappointed. Parents FUCKING lie!

I liked that veggies one. I was thinking about threatening to sell my kids to arab slave traders. "How much for the Children? The Little Girl? Give them to me!"
Let me get this straight the French will smack the crap out of their children, & when a facist regime invades their country it's "we surrender"
That did NOT happen. There was NOTHING those French could have done to the Blitzkrieg warfare by the Germans. Bah.
Well Sander, now that's not true. The French could have intervened much earlier. There was also a very long pause between the conquest of Poland and that of France.
welsh said:
Well Sander, now that's not true. The French could have intervened much earlier. There was also a very long pause between the conquest of Poland and that of France.

They still did a lot more than Holland. And still nobody, accept DammitBoy of the AOF, refers to us as "Dutch surrender monkeys"

What, just 'cause we supported the US' invasion of Iraq? Bah, I say.
Surrunder Monkeys!!!

Seriously now, if you can't think of a way to convince a child to do the right thing, than what are you doing with a child? Honestly, we don't need to make laws for this, do we? The only (good) way to bring up a child is to give it nothing but positive input twentyfour-seven. When you hurt a child's feelings, physically or psychologically, you've made a void in their self-esteems. True, they may just bounce right back up, but how will you know in advance?
I've lived in France for 19 years (I'm 19); many French parents resort to slapping their children, however this does not seem to be improving overall behaviour of children, quite the contrary in fact. :!: I often come to wonder why some French people bother having children - they'll ignore them most of the time, then slap them if they speak up or cry, so that they can go on ignoring them some more - ; it's more common than you might think.

My parents never slapped me, but imbued me with a very clear moral sense through simply telling me off, while never resorting to threats.

On the other hand, I cannot stress enough the importance of encouraging one's children when they are doing well; oh, and don't ever, even jokingly, ask why they only got 19 out of 20. If one can also encourage them to become fairly independent once they get into their teens, it's all for the best; parents should be around for guidance.
Yea spanking isn't much compared to phsychological stuff or more creative physical stuff. I don't remember smacks but I remember stuff that hurt me like being slapped several times in a row, banged against something. I forgot what I actually did though, so really it's sort of negative?

No, it's not entirely true., they could've intervened against the Germans, but that was all the general approach to politics in those days, that wasn't just France,. but also more specifically England. They were more involved there.

Against the actual attack in 1940 by the Germans, they couldn't have done anything, they were just too strong.