I plan to get both.
![Smile :) :)](/../../xencustomimages/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Damage and range first, ofc. Here's my perk plan, notice that i save some perks for 3 or even more levels:
lvl 3: saved for future use.
lvl 6: B.R.D. rank 1.
lvl 9: Sharpshooter.
lvl 12: Action boy rank 1.
lvl 14: Divine Favor (saved perk from lvl 3 used).
lvl 15: F.R.o.F.
lvl 17: B.R.D. rank 2.
lvl 19: Better Criticals (and some Voodoo for tough mission fights - to make it better combo at this point; gun skills will be high enough for good sniping at this point, too).
lvl 21, 23, 25: More Criticals, all 3 ranks.
I will get 21% critical chance at lvl 25 without drugs, as well as bonuses to damage and 12 AP - 3 aimed shots a round, as long as character is under someone's leader. If he's not - then 1 shot of 3 will be unaimed, not of that big deal anyways, as i plan to have my Leader near the main for all combats. If i will ever need a sniper "somehwere else", i'll use other sniper(s).
As for NPCs, BTW: i plan to save first two perks. At lvl 9, they will get mutation to Gifted and Sharpshooter (for ones with a need for Tag at 12, and also for ones with predefined, and thus "spent" first perk - lvl3 one, - no Sharpshooter at this point). Still one perk in "reserve". At 12, they will get both ranks of Action boy. 12 AP will allow them to shoot 3 unaimed per round. At 15, they will get F.R.o.F., ofcourse. Sharpshooter for anyone without it at 18, and then it's B.R.D. time. I'm a fan of damage, you see... =) So, i plan to have 3 recruits with 3 aimed shots per round, Sharpshooter, and both B.R.D. ranks at lvl 24; one of them will have 1 rank of More Criticals on top of that. With character #5 being a "tank", and character #6 being a "miscelanious", ultimately, - the robot (he saves some exp for others, not taking any itself, can shoot somewhat, and also have his own "tanking" abilities if provided with Brahmin armor, - i've read some report about that somewhere). That's the plan.
Edit: Ok, i'm doing some tests with turrets right now; results will be later, today. For now, i have one thing i can't wait to ask about: i made a crit of 1504 damage with hunting rifle. Kinda "woooot!", you know. Here's screenshot made right after the crit:
For your information: Shot was made aiming at processor, - alas, before this moment i already made about a hundred CRITS to the processor, with various setups (and reloading the test, ofc), - top damage was 27, except this one. At the moment of that uge crit, target (turret) was very low with health already, - below 50. I regularly checked health of the turret via Rage's ability. Another thing: in previous tests, nothing similar happened; and also, in previous tests, character has below 10 luck - but this time, he got 12 (6 base plus voodoo - twice). Questions:
* Could it be that luck=12 is the reason of such a massive crit?
* What is it? Is it that instant-kill you told about?
Chapter A. Results of my tests.
A.1. Environment.
* Range: Except very last one test, range was 20 tiles. For last test range was below 10 tiles.
* Picture:
* Characters: guy in red armor - my main character, level 6, performed shooting. There is also Kevin few tiles behind main charater (not visible on picture), providing Leader perk for main character.
* Target: "lower-left" turret, - target that had been used for ALL tests. It have 349 hitpoints and high armor.
* Stats of main character: without drugs.
* Weapon: hunting rifle (all tests).
* Small guns skill, without any bonuses: 70 for first part of tests, 85 for second part of tests (used a book, found before the tests in Preoria).
* Bonuses to gun skill during all tests: proning - +15%, +2 agility (Leader and any +agility drug - Buffout, Voodoo or Psycho) - +8%. So, fir first part (tests B1.X) - gun skill was 93%. For second part (tests B2.X) and last test, - gun skill was 108%.
* Traits: Kamikaze (and Gifted).
* Perks: variable during tests, will be listed for each test.
* Drugs: variable during tests, will be listed for each test. As mentioned above, 1 drug for extra +1 agility (and thus +4% gun skill) - always; if that drug is Voodoo, - then it's also +23% critical chance per each; Mentats were used to get higher perception (11 of it) for higher C-t-H.
* Turret fire: in all tests turret returned fire all the time. It wasn't able to hit character at all, tho, or, at best, - 1 hit during a particular test.
* Game mode: CTB, normal difficulty, for all tests.
A.2. Terms and shortenings.
For very first test, i'll list all shots performing (misses, zero damage and damaging shots in very natural sequence, as they happened in the game). For all other tests, i recorded all critical shots only - main part of the damage to the turret in following tests was made with crits.
I'll use following abbreviations: C-t-H - Chance to Hit, actual "shown" percentage during each test; N-A - non-aimed shot; A-Proc - aimed shot, target - processor of the turret; crit: 62% - "critical chance = 62%" (number will vary); 2xB.R.D. - character took both ranks of Bonus Ranged Damage perk (1xB.R.D., obviously, means only 1 rank taken); 2xM.C. - character took two ranks of More Criticals perk; t.d. - "top damage", and this WITHOUT counting criticals (i.e., maximum damage of non-critical shot); at last, RESULT - means number of shots it took to destroy the turret (
including misses and criticals).
Chapter B. Results of the tests.
B1. First part of the tests.
- Perks: 2xB.R.D. Drugs: 1xBuffout, 1xMentats. N-A, C-t-H: 95%, crit: 6%.
t.d.: 6. RESULT: 156.
Additional info:
* Only 8 criticals shots, a bit fewer than theiretical average would be (10). Total damage inflicted by crits: 99 (which is nearly only 28.5% of all damage inflicted).
* Raw data (all shots recorded, each row except last one - 20 shots, m = miss,
c+number = critical hit, number = damage). So, shots:
1 4 4 m 0 m 2 0 1 0 0 3 m 4 4 0 0 6 0
3 1 3 0 m 3 3 2 4 0
c21 0
c21 6 0 m m 0 0 0
0 0 m
c4 0 2 0 2 4 0 0 0 6 m 2 4 2 0 m 2
m 6 4 0 0 3 m 4 0 m 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 4 0 1
c28 1 6
c2 m 0 0 4 4 0 4 3 0 2 1 3 3 4 0 0
0 1 3 4 3 3 0 4 6 6 3 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 1 4 0 3 3 6 0
c0 c12 6 0 0 4 1 2 1
4 3 4 0 4 4 0 0 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 6
Verifying raw data. Let's sum all damage. Sum of rows: 40+67+28+29+65+40+47+33=349. With last shot being 6 damage and 349 of turret's health, - it seems that there are no mistakes made. At least no rude or many ones.
I will not list all shots in following tests (and didn't record it, too). This one is enough to see that any non-zero maximum-or-below damage of non-critical shot occurs with nearly the same frequency (we have nearly the same number of damage = 1...6 shots here).
Comment: this one (and only this one) was performed not by main character, but by Ice. She was proning in very same spot. She got Finesse, 7 base perception, and 5 luck. She had 138% in small guns during the test (including +10% from Loner perk).
- Perks: Loner. Drugs: 2xMentat, 1xVoodoo. A-proc., C-t-H: 95%, crit: 38%.
t.d.: 1. RESULT: 219.
Additional info. Criticals (74 total):
11 3 12 6 14 8 7 2 3 6 6 8 0 7 0 1 6 0 3 0
0 4 10 9 5 3 6 0 0 13 3 6 1 0 0 12 0 0 0 0
0 2 6 5 3 11 4 1 6 0 6 0 9 5 0 1 0 5 0 12
0 12 1 4 8 6 6 5 0 5 7 4 12 11
Comment: back to main character. Notice decreasing of C-t-H (no more mentats, means no more +2 perception): i spent all skillpoints before, and my small guns skill is still kinda low for this kind of test: for a start of the game, i use only guns'n'bullets magazines to raise it, to "save" some skillpoints. More importantly, i got no Sharpshooter perk yet (obviously, level 6 character can't get it).
- Perks: 2xM.C. Drugs: 1xBuffout, 1xMentat. A-proc., C-t-H: 81%, crit: 16%.
t.d.: 2. RESULT: 247.
Additional info. Crits (36 total):
3 9 21 17 17 19 12 17 2 4 0 1 9 9 0 2 1 1 12 3
0 9 12 0 2 0 11 19 7 4 0 16 14 19 19 12
Comment: this time only one perk (not two); and Voodoo instead of Buffout.
- Perks: 1xB.R.D. Drugs: 1xVoodoo, 1xMentat. A-proc., C-t-H: 81%, crit: 29%.
t.d.: 3. RESULT: 132.
Additional info. Crits (27 total):
0 3 11 14 6 14 14 4 16 6 2 14 4 0 3 8 27 13 9 22
2 19 17 22 16 2 24
Comment: i was so amazed by the last crit, that i even forgot to write down the result before re-loading "starting test" save. Alas, i am sure it was lower than 100 shots. And to mention, all further tests were made with hope to get another crit like that, - but no success. This one 1504 damage crit remains only and one-of-a-kind i was able to witness and write down myself today.
- Perks: 2xB.R.D. Drugs: 2xVoodoo. A-proc., C-t-H: 49%, crit: 52%.
t.d.: 6. RESULT: les-than-100-shots (forgot to write down).
Additional info. Crits (26 total):
6 4 18 8 0 6 1 13 8 13 13 6 14 7 8 19 3 19 0 16
18 3 0 23 21
Comment: as previous, 12 luck under drugs. But this time i went with N-A shots.
- Perks: 2xB.R.D. Drugs: 2xVoodoo. N-A, C-t-H: 69%, crit: 52%.
t.d.: 6. RESULT: 98.
Additional info. Crits (23 total):
18 17 22 2 21 18 18 6 0 17 28 12 13 11 2 23 0 29 6 0
12 16 23
Chapter B, - part 2.
Gun skill increased by 15 via 1 journal, and became 108% under test conditions.
All tests of B2 part were made with main character, proning on pre-saved position (and thus distance was *exactly* the same, - in B1 part tests it could differ by a pixel or two).
Comment: maximum non-crit damage of 2, since it's Kamikaze character. Non-crit damage=2 shots were as frequent as expected.
- Perks: 2xM.C. Drugs: 2xVoodoo. N-A, C-t-H: 84%, crit: 62%.
t.d.: 2. RESULT: 107.
Additional info. Crits (36 total):
0 13 2 8 18 9 1 16 12 0 18 22 11 1 12 1 12 11 1 3
8 0 11 13 12 0 22 0 0 12 19 21 13 0 22 13
Comment: 2xB.R.D instead of 2xM.C., everything else the same as previous. Also, repeating values of crits in the end are rather strange, but i checked the log of the fight twice - there is no mistake there. Coincedence or some glitch of the game? Dunno.
- Perks: 2xB.R.D. Drugs: 2xVoodoo. N-A, C-t-H: 84%, crit: 52%.
t.d.: 6. RESULT: 91.
Additional info. Crits (23 total):
0 0 12 3 18 3 6 1 18 27 13 19 21 0 3 28 28 14 14 17
17 3 13
Comment: in hope to get "insane" crit once again, and to compare things between N-A and A-proc, i went to try aimed shots with various settings (B2.3...B2.6 tests).
- Perks: 2xB.R.D. Drugs: 2xVoodoo. A-proc., C-t-H: 64%, crit: 52%.
t.d.: 6. RESULT: 67.
Additional info. Crits (23 total):
17 4 29 12 16 21 4 14 29 7 21 18 17 18 0 13 24 0 18 26
0 0 18
- Perks: 2xM.C. Drugs: 2xVoodoo. A-proc., C-t-H: 64%, crit: 62%.
t.d.: 2. RESULT: 126.
Additional info. Crits (39 total):
11 0 3 0 12 11 13 0 12 22 0 4 11 18 1 11 2 16 0 12
13 0 11 1 11 2 11 18 0 0 0 11 1 13 19 23 13 17 12
- Perks: 2xM.C. Drugs: 1xVoodoo. A-proc., C-t-H: 64%, crit: 39%.
t.d.: 2. RESULT: 138.
Additional info. Crits (33 total):
17 1 6 0 21 0 11 0 12 23 13 1 14 2 12 0 11 18 23 17
0 2 16 14 7 12 0 21 11 16 17 13 14
Comment: this one concludes second part of tests. In this test, lower crit percentage resulted in more total damage from non-crit shots, - even while top-damage of these shots was 2. Ammo spend is increased dramatically.
Perks: 2xM.C. Drugs: 1xPsycho. A-proc., C-t-H: 64%, crit: 16%.
t.d.: 2. RESULT: 235.
Additional info. Crits (28 total):
0 19 1 21 23 18 12 11 0 6 9 2 7 0 16 12 23 13 8 0
23 9 17 9 18 18 0 18
Chapter B, - part 3.
Just for curiousity, i moved character closer to the turret. Together with Kevin, i put them no far from a turret, in such a manner that second turret had no line of sight to the characters. Picture:
I gave to the character most effective perks and drugs. Goal was to see how fast he will kill the turret with 95% C-t-H. Data:
Perks: 2xB.R.D. Drugs: 2xVoodoo. A-proc., C-t-H: 95%, crit: 52%.
t.d.: 6. RESULT: 56.
Additional info. Crits (26 total):
19 0 18 0 0 13 0 18 7 4 19 19 16 2 18 24 6 27 17 0
13 23 19 2 19 9
MOST interesting of this test is not about damage - but about the fact that main character was INTACT during whole test! Not a sctratch. Turret missed every single shot! I didn't count how many shots turret made, but i'm very sure it's about 57...63 shots, most likely - 59 or 60. It's really not a problem to nuke them in CTB mode this way - from moderate distance.
This concludes my test-data of hunting rifle against Preoria's turrets for now.
C. Addendum.
C1. Evaluating the data.
- Numerical analysis of test data, may be, will help - but for now i have no time to do it. May be i will do it in future, may be not. If i will do, then it will be chapter D.
C2. Interesting observations.
- C2.1. 2xB.R.D. increase non-crit damage of Kamikaze character with hunting rifle against preoria's turret by HUNDREDS percents. Maximum damage raises from 2 to 6 (+200%). Average per-shot non-crit damage should raise, in theory, from ~0.25 to 1.75, i.e. - it's +600% of non-crit damage; it's possible to get "real" data on that, making some analysis of my test data above, and may be i'll do it, if i will have some spare time for this in the future. I know it's not that important anyways (stronger weapons will be used against same-or-higher-armored targets later in the game, thus greatly reducing "relative-power" of 2xB.R.D perks). But hey, +600% non-crit actual damage - it's quite a number itself for just two perks, eh?
![Wink ;) ;)](/../../xencustomimages/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
And last but not least, this feature allows to kill those Preoria turrets with hunting rifle from afar AND without any drug - with a reasonably not-so-high amount of ammo spent.
- With 2 endurance, my main character was able to eat 2 drugs at once, and even more - in most cases he didn't get "addicted". Although, i never used any drug with him before. Third drug took my character out into unconciousness ALWAYS, except the case of buffout: this one increase endurance by 3. Just for curiousity, i re-loaded the test-save to see what will happen with endurance=2 character, if he will eat only buffouts. Result: 3 buffouts, then 1 voodoo - no addiction, no problems at all. Next voodoo knocked him out uncounsiousness. So, in case of buffout, endurance=2 character can eat up to FOUR drugs at once. In case of radiation dangers, 3 buffout and one Rad-X will make him extremely resistful to radiation levels: 72%!
- Even more interesting, with 3 buffouts eaten, character get all the extra-hitpoints he could earn with such an endurance played from the start! In my case: base - str=5, end=2, lvl=6 character have 44 maximum health. After 3 buffouts, he got str=11, end=11, maximum health = 68. Conclusion: temporary increase of endurance brings in bonus life from increased endurance. Nice! I don't think it's a bug; or, at least, if it is, - it's not "unappropriate" one: if the character indeed have endurance boosted from 2 to 11 for some time - then why he shouldn't receive solid amount of extra-health? He IS "endurable" for the moment, and so it would be strange to see high-endurance but low-health character in the field.
- Poison resistance of my character, while under effects of 3xBuffout, jumped to impressive 55%.
- Drugs can't increase any stat above racial maximum. As such, even endurance=2 character can get end=11 - almost maximum for a human. From a curiousity, i tried to eat even more - 4xBuffout, 2xRad-X. I was unlucky this time and got addiction to Buffout from the first use. But other than that - it worked fine! 12 str, 12 endurance, 124% radiation resistance, 60% poison resistance, and 71 maximum life. On top of all that, i was able to eat 1 voodoo and still remain non-overdosed. It's a total of 7 drugs eaten at once! Now, who said that endurance=2 character can't use drugs much, eh?
07.01.2007: edit complete.
Edit (08.01.2007).
Chapter B4. AK-47.
95% Chance to hit, 108% small guns skill. Same turret is the target. Character is placed just like in B3.1 test.
Single fire mode. N-A shots, C-t-H: 95%, 2xB.R.D. and (wow! =) ) - 92% crit chance under 4xVoodoo: i forgot that i ate 2 already before the save i used to load the game, so i ate 2 more... It seems that with few minutes of waiting character can get "more and more" of drugs. Now that is something!
![Smile :) :)](/../../xencustomimages/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
I noticed 92% crit chance in character screen when i checked it (i do it to be sure). So, i got:
t.d.: 8. RESULT: 25.
Comment: Yep. 25 shots. Very mostly - crits. Top-damage crit was 37, and several crits were above 30 as well. You can figure, with crit chance of 92%, it works fast.
Everything the same, but with "usual" 2xVoodoo (thus 52% crit):
t.d.: 8. t.c.d.: 36. RESULT: 47.
t.c.d. is "top crit damage", ofcourse. Side note: only now i got a hit from a turret once. It really seems that these turrets have same chances (and very small chances, i must add) to hit proning, 34AC target - at any range between ~9 and 20 tiles.
Lowest crit for single-fire mode i noticed - was 1 damage.
Chapter B5.
Testing burst fire!
Everything else same to previous test (2xB.R.D, 2xVoodoo, etc, and to remind - AK-47 have 24-rounds clip in FoT, and fire bursts of 5, so last burst is 4 shots, not 5. I do tests in CTB, and i let character to reload the gun himself). RESULT for bursts - number of bursts, and i'll add precise ammo-spent, too.
Character is located still there - see third picture of this post:
t.d.: 12. t.c.d: 74. RESULT: 21. Ammo spent: 101.
more tries, very same turret and everything else also the same (reloading the game for each test), cause "it was too fast!"
![Wink ;) ;)](/../../xencustomimages/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
- t.d.: 7. t.c.d.: 117. RESULT: 7. Ammo spent : 34. //second highest crit was 88, and turret have only 349 hit points... =)
- t.d.: 12. t.c.d.: 82. RESULT: 21. Ammo spent: 101. //character was hurt by the turret's fire: -10HP. I mean, in one of many tries, turret was able to actually hit the character.
![Smile :) :)](/../../xencustomimages/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
In further tests, i'll add " -HP: number1:number2 " field for each test, to list number of hits and total damage, taken in a fight, if any ( hits:total damage ).
- t.d.: 18. t.c.d: 67. RESULT: 18. Ammo spent: 87. -HP: 1:17.
- t.d.: 12. t.c.d: 76. RESULT: 10. Ammo spent: 48. -HP: 0.
- t.d.: 9. t.c.d:103 . RESULT: 18. Ammo spent: 87. -HP: 0.
- t.d.: 12. t.c.d: 82. RESULT: 19. Ammo spent: 92. -HP: 0.
- t.d.: 13. t.c.d: 108. RESULT: 14. Ammo spent: 68. -HP: 0.
- t.d.: 17. t.c.d: 77. RESULT: 27. Ammo spent: 130. -HP: 0.
For ALL burst tests, lower non-crit burst damage was 0 (and that happened not so rarely), and lower crit-burst damage was 3.
Closer range. At about 9 tiles, my 34 AC, proning Kamikaze character was pretty unharmed by the turret's fire. So, why not to move a little bit closer for some more bursts? How about twice closer, i.e., - 4.5 tiles? Character moved into position while turret was turned off, and i saved the game before doing tests. Picture of character at work:
So, let's do 5 more "frags" of the poor turret
![Smile :) :)](/../../xencustomimages/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
- t.d.: 16. t.c.d: 62. RESULT: 24. Ammo spent: 116. -HP: 2:35. //It hurts here, ouch! =)
- t.d.: 6. t.c.d: 111. RESULT: 8. Ammo spent: 39. -HP: 2:36. //No, it really hurts here, really! ;/
- t.d.: 14. t.c.d: 76. RESULT: 16. Ammo spent: 101. -HP: 0. //But not if you're lucky.
![Smile :) :)](/../../xencustomimages/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
- t.d.: 12. t.c.d: 47. RESULT: 34. Ammo spent: 164. -HP: 0. //Turret wasn't good at shooting... Me too. Hehe.
![Smile :) :)](/../../xencustomimages/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
- t.d.: 18. t.c.d: 88. RESULT: 14. Ammo spent: 68. -HP: 1:12.
Lowest non-critical burst: 0. Lowest critical burst: 0 (at last! =) And you can see that on the picture above, near the cursor).
This concludes my AK-47 tests, as moving at point-blank range to the turret is a suicide, - in CTB mode and solo, i mean. In TB mode and with whole squad, i take one turret out in less than 2..4 turns of fire. With shotguns, energy knives, and main character bursting his AK-47, that is.
End of 08.01.2007 edit.