Snipers in Fallout 3

Well, scopes do make aiming easier (as opposed to an open sight) but only if their sighted in properly and they dont make you a better shot. Also, i think that scoped rifles in fallout 3 should be bolt action and they should cost 2 more APs to fire than normal semi auto rifles.
Kain said:
Actually, besides helping you see your target, they do help aim. However, close range you shouldn't even be looking at the scope, let alone through it.

Actually they don't (hah, I'm politeness incarnate!) help you aim, because with scopes you don't suddenly gain manual dexterity necessary to correctly line up the firearm with the target in the same amount of time it would take you if you were using sights. Your hands still shake, you still feel the need to either rest the gun on something immobile or get in a crouched firing position to prevent your arms from moving excessively... but why am I telling you that, haven't you been to a shooting range? In other words, to be a good sniper you have to have a steady hand, or have lots of time and a still target. But because we're not assuming that Fallout 3 will use JA2's aiming system, the second option kind of falls off.
APTYP said:
Actually they don't (hah, I'm politeness incarnate!) help you aim, because with scopes you don't suddenly gain manual dexterity necessary to correctly line up the firearm with the target in the same amount of time it would take you if you were using sights. Your hands still shake, you still feel the need to either rest the gun on something immobile or get in a crouched firing position to prevent your arms from moving excessively....

Actually it does ever try aiming without a scope at REALLY long distances? A scope does help you aim a bit better. So :P!! You fell into my newbie trap!

PS. I'm going to bitchslap you like I am to my pc! (look at my avatar)
Kain said:
Actually it does ever try aiming without a scope at REALLY long distances? A scope does help you aim a bit better. So :P!! You fell into my newbie trap!

HAHAHA you silly sod, don't you realize that you just illustrated that this is precisely the reason why you DON'T need to give marksmanship bonus to scoped guns? Let me illustrate:

Say, you have a pistol (max.range 12) and a scoped rifle (max.range 40). Looking at the target 12 hexes away from you, the chance to hit with both weapons is 80%. BUT! At hex 13, you have absolutely no chance to hit the opponent with your pistol because it's beyond the range. Scoped rifle, however, gives you ~74% to hit the opponent at hex 13. Now you want to boost it up because what, in real life scopes remove the natural limitations of your vision and imperfect gunsights? Again, go to a range and do twelve shots total at two targets switching between a scoped rifle and a handgun after every shot, giving yourself two seconds to aim from a standing position. Tell me if your rifle's shot grouping will be tighter, I'll shut up because it'll mean that I'm dealing with an expert sniper here.

PS. I'm going to bitchslap you like I am to my pc! (look at my avatar)

You're too n00b to slap NMA dinosaurs.
Some of you guys don't realy like sniping... And some of you somehow ignored my last two posts(i think :? )
Let's face the facts. In Fallout2 you have a 200% big gunner, bozar and better criticals and sniper perks then you practically have a sniper. Only to be more realistic Fallout3 needs one or two proper weapons(big gun sniping single shot rifles) and slightly increased range. And don't tell me this will totaly disbalance the game. Some of you are just way too addicted to good old Fallout(ESPECIALY my bulgarian fellow 8) ) to accept any, even small changes, that's your problem(Fallout3 suggestions and ideas to be spit on)

Some of you like it tough... :D
APTYP you can say that the scope helps you aim because it helps you see looong distance foes like they are couple of meters away from you and since you see them better you can aim them better.
And i don't even mention the fact that proper sniping rifles have laser sights or something that actually helps you to nail them.

But still, it could not help you aim in the good cause of the balance.
And i think there should be more then one extra AP cost when sniping.

P.S. I realy want to assasinate that bitch Lynnete from VC :twisted:
And by the way. WHAT the freak are you talking about ??? Delta force, counter strike.
You need profesional help boys...
I just want to ask how many of u guys are realy hold some kind of a weapon, and how many of u are not only held it in their hands but shooting. I shoot with AK 47, sniper "Dragunov", smg, automatic pistol-9 mm. 14,7 mm machine gun and Bazuka in Bulgaria army. U got to be sure it,s not so easily especially with the rocket launcher, and the one i shoot with was onli 40 mm. The damage is oooooouuu that hurts but its hard to hit the target mostly when there's even a puff of wind. The sniper can knock u out. It has so god damned recoil, that after 7-th shot my shoulder became blue. AK-47 is only valuable when u shot no more than 3 patrons. Things are not so diferent at the pistol thing, u can injure your thumb. In one word shooting is f**king s**t.
Oh, and after I've shoot about 10000 cartridges with my AK-47, i became really really good, every single shot was in the target, but guys that's are 10 000 patrons. U understand what I mean.
Chaos-Scorpion said:
Let's face the facts. In Fallout2 you have a 200% big gunner, bozar and better criticals and sniper perks then you practically have a sniper.

Exactly. Sniper is not the person who uses a scoped rifle, he is a very good marksman, often with advanced weapons and tactics training.

APTYP you can say that the scope helps you aim because it helps you see looong distance foes like they are couple of meters away from you and since you see them better you can aim them better.
And i don't even mention the fact that proper sniping rifles have laser sights or something that actually helps you to nail them.

That is exactly what I said. Scopes help because they remove limitations. If the target is at the other end of the street, you have the same chance to hit it with a scoped and non-scoped rifles, provided you invest the same amount of time in aiming.
thats what I meant master AYBABTU!

I am not from the united stated (tho I do live in WA) and my perspective of the language is different!

Thanks for clearing this up guys!


PS. All you base are belong to us
Since all of you agree that aiming with scope is easier why argue ?

"Exactly. Sniper is not the person who uses a scoped rifle, he is a very good marksman, often with advanced weapons and tactics training." (I'm still learning)

Exactly APTYP :D ! That's a sniper. But i want a sniper to looke like a sniper. I mean, no one would be hurt if developers include one or two strong single shooting sniper rifles and increase their range little bit.(guess my big idea is evolving on the wrong direction :? )
This realy small change will be quite(i'm not sure 'bout that word)
refreshing, will make a lot of people happy :) (including me) and won't injure the balance at all.

lyuli i didn't realy got the idea from your last posts. Work on your language man :wink: . *Mejdu drugoto i az sum bulgarin*

Well ?
Chaos-Scorpion az sym ot Sofia, ako i ti si mi se obadi na 9588136/138 do 18 4asa.
My point is that no one can use something he never see or hear, isn't it right? Please can someone explain me how can I be experienced with whatever it is, if you don't know how it looks.
The hero/male or female/ lived in isolatoin, in small village/FO2/,and only saw once or twice a firearm, wearing of the traders related with your village, even never SAW it shooting.
In my opinion in the begining every one must have identical indicas, and developing them during the game, but it has to be something like that: the more you use one weapon,the more gifted you become. That's what i try to say while explaining how dificult is to shoot with no matter what weapon.
Thats must be valid for all of the skills. How can you lock pick a door when you never saw a tricklock. May be there must be some bonuses for doktor and first aid.
*Iyuli az ne sum ot sofia. Ako iska6 da nameri6 men i o6te fallout junkies - #vault13*

Iyuli that's probably realistic(like in Morro wind), but this just isn't Fallout. That's different system. And this isn't valid only for snipers.
The same vilager from F2 shoots with vindicator gun when all of his life he has been practicing spear throwing 8) .

Kain this must be serious discussion. You ain't funny any more(well, not to me... :? )

Isn't it funny? You hear a phone ringin'. It could be anybody... But a ringing phone has to be answered doesn't it ?

Doesn't it :?: :?: :?:
8) Sniper rifles?? No big deal.I like Automatic, big guns mostly
which consume huge amounts of ammunition, so that i should check my inventory more often for ammo status.Killing stuff with one bullet-->no good.In Fo1,, using sniper rifle is more like cheating. Messages like: HIT in THE EYE for 85 points, with only one bullet spent, while my Avenger does "no points of damage"
shooting from the same distance. So my vote is neg.
Most of the energy weapons in Fo could be classified as "sniper"
because the ammount of damage is about the same (modifiers check), the difference is only in the type of damage.


the FN FAL often did 60 dmg when it in the head, but around 40 in the eyes... After I put a scope in it, it only did 30 head and 40 eyes.

PS. I'd like to see uranium tipped bullets, in FoT they killed everything with 1 or 2 bursts, including tanks & behemoths.
Globus, that's bullshit 8) . Energy weapons are as snipers as i am a ghoul. Especially the pulse rifle. It has a range smaller then most of the guns in the game. Sniping rifle is a rifle with big range not strong rifle. And you do better dmg with one shot in the eyes because... Suppose your enemy has strong armor and you shoot him with many but weak bullets(like - 35). Alone by their selves the bullets won't injure your foe if his armor is good enough. But if you shoot him in the right spot with one powerfull bullet you will logically make reasonable damage. That's just realistic. Isn't it?

And you ALSO hit the balance issue. Fucking read my posts man!

As for your vote - you don't like snipers and that's cool with me.
(No it isn't i wish you DIE !!! :P :P :P )

P.S. Watch Phone Booth.
:arrow: Consider Laser rifle or plasma:damage is outstanding while 8) sniping.esp.FOL1.
Since you didn't read my mesage properly i'll be more specific this time.::
>>The point is ,that ,ammo consumption makes the game more chalenging
--- The Cash acquired durring the game is practicaly useless, unless a constant outflow is assured. Even with a BIG GUNNER
I had 100.000 $$ cash with no option to use it(FOL2). The game
offers only a limited types of items, however the cash inflow is not.
Therefore,{as i said}, You'll need to spend cash regulary and the only option is ammunition=>(the only AMMO-HUNGRY weaponry --
---Selling/buying/,,part is a key criteria for a prime RPG, Which distingueshes a wise player from an action hungry redneck.

Comments like ..??realistic ?? are simply meaningless.
is it possible in the real world to gain LEVELS(not experience but
hit points), or do you think that killing a few people will improve your health or fighting skills.

And about that thing with rooftops..Those should fit just fine
esp, for granade throwers.

8) 8)
Fallout at all isn't realistic but the fact i've mentioned IS.

I see. You think that snipers are unwelcome in Fallout3 because they'll spend 6-7 max. bullets per combat, right? While burst firing rambos will have to sell their equipment just to afford having enough bullets for the next battle. You like being short of ammo all the time, but you want every type of gun fighter in the game to feel the hunger. I like that idea also. So here's a simple solution.

Since sniping rifles' ammo are powerfull and special bullets, 10 of 'em can be as rare and cost as much as 120 minigun bullets(for example). How 'bout that? Once again - i like the idea for the REALLY rare ammo.

P.S. You're nobody 'till somebody kills you !