Snippet about FO3 @ NGR Oblivion interview


Night Watchman
Staff member
Video interview with Pete Hines (and later the mp3 podcast as well) is available at New Gaming Radio. Here's the transcription of that bit of the interview:<blockquote>New Gaming Radio: Is there anything you can tell me about Fallout 3, 'cause I'm a huge fan. Perspective? (indecipherable mumbling) Is it going to be true to the top-down or is it going to be Oblivion style?
Pete Hines: It will be true to what is good and memorable and what is "Fallout". That's it.
NGR: You have the rights to the Fallout (mumbling) and everything.
PH: We have the rights to everything we need to make Fallout 3. It's in development, we're working on it and as I've said before we're planning on making a Fallout game as if we've made the first two and now we're making the third. Just like we've made all the previous Elder Scrolls games and now we're making Oblivion. So that is the level of time and attention and detail and effort that we're putting into it. And much like with Oblivion we don't plan to talk about or show what we're up to until we're ready. Until we're far enough along to say this is what it looks like, this is how it plays, here's the information.
And once again it's going to be a "Here's the game we're making." [reference to earlier part of interview - Kharn] We're not going to go out there chasing individuals, pulling on their shirts saying please please please come buy it. Buy it. Don't buy it. We think that what we're up to and what we're working on is pretty spectacular, pretty amazing. And down the road, and it's not way down the road but a little bit down the road when we start talking about it. We hope folks will be as excited about it and as interested in it as we are. I'm playing it again. I'm in the Hub right now going through and doing caravans and whatnot. So I'm a fan of it as well and just as much as I'm looking forward to us putting it out there I'm looking forward to us playing it. </blockquote>Thanks go to our anonymous Finnish informer and props to Kharn for the transcript.
OK, if it's going to be "true to what is good and memorable about Fallout" then that implies an overhead view... but... I have a hard time imagining them doing that with their engine. If anything, I'd guess it'll be a camera toggle that'll be the equal to what they had in Morrowind.

Maybe he just said it to screw with our hopes and dreams (not that I really have any).
Well, if they realise its about the perspective then it's step in good direction.

Lets see if they make another one or just trip.
Heh, finally some information that does look good. Maybe they're learning...
I'm praying everyday that this game will be a blast so everybody will STFU with their sceptical comments...but I guess everybody's praying, even the most sceptical.
it will be true to what is good and memorable about Fallout'.

Wow, way to tell us absolutely nothing. Pete Hines could be a politician.

Just answer the question or don't give an answer at all, these types of half-baked rhetorical answers that are used to leave "options open" as it were piss me off to no end. He’s simply using it to sucker in some Fallout fans.
mortiz said:
Wow, way to tell us absolutely nothing. Pete Hines could be a politician.

Actually, no, I think it indicates that an FPP view is unlikely, or at least optional.
Silencer said:
Actually, no, I think it indicates that an FPP view is unlikely, or at least optional.

Maybe a free-movement camera at worse.

Bird's eye view with zoom at best. Which would be fine.

PS: someone with bad vocal skills interviewing someone with bad vocal skills. This is hell on my ears. The interviewer is MUMBLING and "uh"-ing. Shit!
Silencer said:
mortiz said:
Wow, way to tell us absolutely nothing. Pete Hines could be a politician.

Actually, no, I think it indicates that an FPP view is unlikely, or at least optional.

It's still hardly a definitive answer.

They either know the perspective they're going to be using or they don't. If they don't they should just say they don't and if they do they should make it clear. The way he answered the question was almost as if he was trying to avoid it, so he either doesn't know or the development team are trying to leave their options open. Either way his response doesn't put anything to rest.

They should come out once and for all and tell us exactly what form of perspective the game will use. Given how Pete Hines comes across in the video interview I have even less of an incentive to trust anything that comes out of his mouth.
MrBumble said:
I'm praying everyday that this game will be a blast so everybody will STFU with their sceptical comments...but I guess everybody's praying, even the most sceptical.

If the game does end up being a "blast", do you believe the true Fallout fans had nothing to do with it?

If the true Fallout fans never voiced their opinions, the game would 100% be a rip-off of Oblivion, and this is a GUARANTEE.

With a mass amount of fan input during the pre-development stage, brings influence onto the development stage.

Sure we could all sit here like fucking drones, yeah, just sit back and watch the assraping of Fallout.

Or we could discuss in detail, criticize, and vocalize our opinions of what Fallout 3 should be, every chance we get, in hopes of making a difference.

If Oblivion does decide to incorporate Isometric-View and Turn-Based combat, you better freakin' believe it was all our bitching and moaning that made them do it.

and not just from NMA, there's a pretty large following of Fallout fans from all around the world, letting Bethesda know what we want in a Fallout 3 game.
Ok, transcribed. It seems our anonymous tip-giver didn't interpret the interview quite like I would, but it is a hint in the positive direction.

True to the Fallout setting to us includes TB combat, isometric perspective, etc. etc. But I'm not sure what it means to him.

That was a bitch to transcribe again. Pete seems to be listening to us and "y'knows" a lot less, but that interviewer *sucked*. I never heard someone mumble that much.
Silencer said:
we're planning on making a Fallout game as if we've made the first two and now we're making the third.

Just like the Duke Nukem trilogy! 1, 2 and 3-D though I think 3D realms actually made them all, but still a huge leap between them.
Petey Pete Pete said:
it will be true to what is good and memorable about Fallout'.

would you tell us what Bethesda thinks is good and memorable about Fallout, Mr.Hines?


boy! that sure is neat-o keen!

the last time somebody claimed they were making a game with the spirit of Fallout in mind while simultaneously refusing to explain what exactly that spirit is, the result was FO:BoS, because the somebodies in question knew they hadn't any clue, and decided to eternally dodge the subject instead of making the whole thing obvious by trying to elaborate.

call me a sucker for nostalgia, but it seems to me Bethesda is now heading down the same old road with Petey Wetey in tow.

or are the horrific and point-missing brainfarts from quite awhile ago, that Bethesda was using to describe the "essence" of Fallout, what Pete means when he says "what's good and memorable"?
Well, considering that is the same bullshit speak we've heard from MicroForte and Chuck, Pete has some definite work to do if he doesn't want to sound like he's always speaking with the marketing department's metaphorical knob in his mouth.

And OH WOW! Pete's found the caravans! :roll:

So he and the rest of the development team on par with Chuck on two levels. Claiming that what Bethesda is doing is "good and memorable", when that was pretty much the same claim as Chuck, and a bonus of how both claim to be fans and have played the original games (despite their observation ability). If they were intending to keep to the unique setting and design of the atmosphere, then they would have said that instead of using some moronic marketing weasel words that prove that their understanding of said setting and design are likely highly flawed and nebulous at best, and that they're trying to bullshit their way into making changes. If they were developing Fallout 3 as if they developed the first two, then they could very well state something definite behind that. Otherwise, they sound just like Dan "Shitburger" Kingdom in this interview.

Dan: Luckily for us, the BIS guys were very interested in what we were doing with F:BOS*, and from the very beginning we had a lot of contact with them regarding storyline, setting and characters. They also provided us with a mountain of information to help out with all the tiny details that litter such a landscape, from timelines to bibles.

The actual design elements were wrapped up quite a while back, with the in-between time left to actually implementing them, and we finished production of the game a little before Christmas and the recent events in BIS.

* - Which is an outright lie, since nobody from BIS really remembers anyone from the F:POS team asking about Fallout, much less ask them about Fallout setting details, and most of the fans knew that MCA didn't quite have the Fallout Bible correct, as MCA was a bit ignorant himself when he designed Fallout 2. And Chuck's team was even more clueless and made greater claims than MicroForte to the point of having to close down their forums. Hell, most of the other Interplay employees knew that the F:POS developers were being idiots, from the Interplay forums alone.

Bethesda doesn't even have that option, and I can understand why the original developers wouldn't want to talk to Bethesda about the important setting points. Esepcially, you know, after MrHappyShiningRetard makes a tasteless crack on Troika's financial situation when they should have known as "Fallout fans" whom the Fallout fans as a majority wanted to continue the design of a Fallout CRPG, because they obviously knew the design as the majority of the core creators and setting designers over the puerile and failed attempts of the trend whore failures in the Fallout franchise. Or, "as Fallout fans", they could have worked some kind of development deal alongside those that were held to be the greatest hope for a sequel that doesn't suck brahmin testicles, and had a win-win situation with both PR and design.

Well, they maybe might be able to talk to Feargus, but that man's more about ego and trend whoring himself than design. A pity, too, since early in his career he had some intelligent design ideas, in small doses. Now he's giving excuses as to why SLAM DUNK!s are so great, except when you have to deal with the irate fans on the forums who are looking for the rest of the game...

For all we know, Bethesda's knowledge in any substantial amount might be "post-apocalyptic and you have the option to join different people, and you kill shit" in a similar superficial manner as in how they hacked down TES for Morrowind, and how it seems that they're chasing consoles more than anything else with Oblivion.

The bad part about this, Bethesda still hasn't given us any indication that they have a single clue between ANY of the developers. The lead, unless he's suddenly stopped making stupid comments, already has said enough to be worrying.

Bad show, Pete. Stop being a hype whore and start swinging your own cojones. And do your job with some integrity. If you guys are going to keep silent, then do so. If you're going to say something, make sure it's intelligent and doesn't write your ass a check the Fallout fans will shove down your throat after we can disect the design of the finished product. Stop this garbage that makes you sound like another Chuck Cuevas. I'll give you a hint; it didn't work for him, it didn't work for MicroForte.

Who the hell are you trying to fool?
somehow whenever i read an interview about besheda making fallout and seeing those things like "It will be true to what is good and memorable and what is "Fallout"" i get a really bad feeling that they might not know what that really is and start imagining oblivion with guns :(
Egis said:
somehow whenever i read an interview about besheda making fallout and seeing those things like "It will be true to what is good and memorable and what is "Fallout"" i get a really bad feeling that they might not know what that really is and start imagining oblivion with guns :(

And then some of their idiots, like HayT, wonder how people come to that conclusion when Bethesda doesn't have the collective balls to say either which way, and so we have to go by the last batch of idiots who tried that PR bullshit in the past that DOES leave the skullfucked design open as an option in the weasel words.

Such weasel words that are around ANY sell-out in the industry, because they ALL claim "staying true to the game's roots" in some manner, while trying to foist...nay, fence a poorly-stolen concept off onto those expecting a proper sequel.
First time i read -i still haven't seen the thing- good PR regarding FO3 from him. He's learning, slowly but he is.

This still doesn't say a thing about the actual game (or games) so i'll remain quiet on what they are doing, for now.
I don't see what's "good" about this. He's promised nothing; this is just what they might say if they have some nasty surprises in store.
As I said, weasel words. Anyone who has read any Interplay press-release in the last three years should be wise to this shit.