So, a month later, where did those scans go?

xdarkyrex said:
All it accomplishes is to tear down something, and if your only goal is to just tear something down, then it's not critiquing. Just saying "it sucks" or "I don't like it" accomplishes nothing other than to irritate the person who made it.

Again, I think you're misrepresenting why we have fan sites to begin with. The information on Fo3 that sifts indirectly down to us doesn't amount to an art piece called "Ceci n'est pas un RPG" that we're supposed to shuffle around wearing berets and round glasses stroking our chins and ponderously going "The bloom is nice" or "Have you considered using more bloom?" We're a bunch of angry guys pouring into a convention centre and shouting, "What the fuck is this shit? Room 6 is supposed to be the CRPG exhibition, I don't see any!" because the whole room is hung with camo cloth and there's something back in the shadows looking for all the world like an electric real time machine. Anyone who wants our "help" is going to have to talk to us, and that "help" won't take the form of polite comments on bloom in any case.
Sorrow said:
The stylised graphics and text are enough for me to immerse myself into the game.
But then again, when you read text, you're imaging something's happening/happened, even if you don't see it in the graphics presentation.

Lisac Twok has been shot in the groin for 55 points and his left testicle rolled away.

Also, one needs imagination when making a game, my previous post was pointed to Todd.

xdarkyrex said:
I'm just advocating a little tact is all. I think we could be civil with Bethsoft and hate them at the same time.
NMA is not, nor it will ever be - a homogeneous community. There are civilised members... And those you don't want to f*** up with.

Jokes aside, I've been hanging around long enough to see that no one from Beth expressed a wish of taking constructive criticism or asking the community about opinions when it comes to FO3.
Per said:
xdarkyrex said:
All it accomplishes is to tear down something, and if your only goal is to just tear something down, then it's not critiquing. Just saying "it sucks" or "I don't like it" accomplishes nothing other than to irritate the person who made it.

Again, I think you're misrepresenting why we have fan sites to begin with. The information on Fo3 that sifts indirectly down to us doesn't amount to an art piece called "Ceci n'est pas un RPG" that we're supposed to shuffle around wearing berets and round glasses stroking our chins and ponderously going "The bloom is nice" or "Have you considered using more bloom?" We're a bunch of angry guys pouring into a convention centre and shouting, "What the fuck is this shit? Room 6 is supposed to be the CRPG exhibition, I don't see any!" because the whole room is hung with camo cloth and there's something back in the shadows looking for all the world like an electric real time machine. Anyone who wants our "help" is going to have to talk to us, and that "help" won't take the form of polite comments on bloom in any case.

Haha, I suppose you do have a point there.
I guess fans come in all shapes and sizes.
I'm more of the type I mentioned, and it seems many people here fall into the category you mentioned.
Oh well, I just hope this whole thing doesn't become some angst ridden war about what matters most in games, because god knows opinions vary widely, although the general argument on here that the original developers opinion matters most is pretty solid.
If only developers retained copyrights and not game publishers...
True Confessions

True Confessions

If not for the coverage by NMA of the GI, first to publish, magazine exclusive of FO3, I would have most likely not known about, or purchased, that July issue.

Without the hard headed social skills nurtured at sites like NMA, DAC, teh Codex, and Briosa's-blog, (Image your site named here! ask a crusty NMA mod fo' details!)
this sweat stained, steel toed American would never have stopped at 4 plus magazine venues and ASKED about the July issue of GI.
This gamey consumer would have missed the opportunity to sample GI AND would most likely have spend any pend up FO enthusiasm on the PC Gamer spread that's out now.

Even as sites fingered as still presenting the scans tells one story, the pointing aides those that feel the need to gaze at the GI sample.
GI earns more ''eye ball'' action, the glory of GI's FO3 exclusive will transcend it's full color glossy pages and forever amaze and stupefy teh web!

Buzz is buzz.
Grant that the buzz in this thread is back handed buzz.
The tough love moral tone is appropriate to the ethical stance of NMA, and other like minded free thinking independent entities,
against the YELLOW JOURNALISM that plagues all media in this - pay to play - information age.

Freedom ain't free, and so it appears, neither is truth.

To win the truth from journal opinions, one must suffer the lies that motivate their conception.

Read between the ''lies''.
