So are the first two games worth playing?

Fievel said:
LinkPain said:
Walpknut said:
Is this topic for real? I wonder how did you decided to register here without even knowing about the first Fallouts, or if anyone here liked them...

Don't most guys these days? I mean 90% of newbs think FO3 is a masterpiece, no offense here since it's been like 10 years.
Half of them tries to do the research and see it's not all in graphics and they are blessed with the first two games. Other half sticks to their consolified belief of uber graphics scripted games. Which suck eventually, after 2 years you dump them.
But it's 100% Bethesda fault for being shitheads towards the games in general. They quite literally explained that they don't care how the game is supposed to be, if we don't like it it's ours fault. And for that certain measures should be applied always.

I think Fallout 3 is a masterpiece,

I have to say I did not bother to read the whole post, sorry. My mind was in shut down mode after that first part. But I respect your opinion, someone needs to like it. But not as a masterpiece...there are over 100 games to be called that, Fallout 3 is definitely not among them. That's a painful fact.