So are the first two games worth playing?

LinkPain said:
Walpknut said:
Is this topic for real? I wonder how did you decided to register here without even knowing about the first Fallouts, or if anyone here liked them...

Don't most guys these days? I mean 90% of newbs think FO3 is a masterpiece, no offense here since it's been like 10 years.
Half of them tries to do the research and see it's not all in graphics and they are blessed with the first two games. Other half sticks to their consolified belief of uber graphics scripted games. Which suck eventually, after 2 years you dump them.
But it's 100% Bethesda fault for being shitheads towards the games in general. They quite literally explained that they don't care how the game is supposed to be, if we don't like it it's ours fault. And for that certain measures should be applied always.

I think Fallout 3 is a masterpiece, because of the story, I mean sure, the main quest was not really the best, but it was at least 7 out of 10, but that´s not the point. The point is all the side quests that were freaking awesome, like bombing or not bombing Megaton, electing a president, get the old lady her violin back so she can play it on her radio station etc. etc. And the gritty and dead athmosphere added a lot of the feeling to being a survivor of not so gritty and dead place.

The good graphics is merely a bonus, it makes the Capital Wasteland stand out so much more, giving you a reason for e.g. get that water purifier up and running. And what also differs from the first main game is how easy played it is, while in Fallout 1/2 the fighting system is annoying as hell some times, with the turn system and it´s harder to control the character. At least it is for me, but I started with F3, so I can imagine how you fellas feel about going from top view to first person system and all.

And another thing is, from the beginning in F3 an interest wakes up, it seems more alive, with having a real birthday party, (like in real life), a douche bag wants your sweetroll (like in real life) and some years later, the douchebag made a gang and now have other needs, like girls (like in real life). In F 1/2 you can´t really relate from the position you have in life from the position you have in the game, a wise elder wants you to leave the vault so you can look for a water chip... In F3 it starts slowly and then starts up dramatically with your father escaping and all, but at least that´s better than being thrown into a dungeon at start.

I don´t agree with you about F3, because F3 got some real good moment´s: it has an awesome story from time to time, the surroundings are perfect with human emotions and all (including dark athmosphere and a fatass map), the music could be better though since the only good song is the opening theme, the game keeps you interested for a long time with exploring and doing quests, the DLC is badass (and there is some major varieties in the DLC, like redneck zombies and aliens) and last but not least, the graphics make you feel like you´re in deep shit, all the time. And those who play game´s mainly because of how cool things look and only if it´s HD... They only look on the outside and most of them are probably old cod veterans that want fast action.

And another thing, newbs are newbs, most of them eventually end up playing the same old game´s as they did before.
Fallout 3 had good graphics? Actually if you compare it with Fallout 1, the art direction is superior in the latter, and it plain manages to use more colors, with locations having a more distinctive look.

The interface in Fallout 3 is no less clunky than in Fallout 1, and it's uglier by an order of magnitude.

Something's awfully wrong when you have millions of colors all being used for piss-gray, yet a game that only used 256 colors is prettier than yours.

I'm not going to start on the rest of your points, Fievel, such as "having a birthday party like in real life" because your post made my head hurt.
I wish I could enjoy Fallout 3. But I fear only a brain surgery removing the one or other part could achieve that ...
Fievel said:
having a real birthday party, (like in real life)
Fallout: America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation.

shihonage said:
Fallout 3 had good graphics?
Don't forget about superb animations. Also, I think that character's heads are true kvlt masterpiece - I'm sure that artists have put a lot of effort to create them. I can count triangles on his hat! Yay! Low poly in high-res is soo cool - it's even better than counting pixels on legendary four pixels chair.
The point is all the side quests that were freaking awesome, like bombing or not bombing Megaton

Yes, committing one of the worst unprovoked/non political mass murders in the history of the world (using the same tool used to nearly wipe out all of humanity (but not the US Capitol building)), in exchange for a crappy apartment is truly an amazing quest option. Especially because Moira not only survives, but is still willing to work with you afterwards.

And if you decide to make the decision not to be one most vile human beings ever to live that makes you a true hero! Unless you try to make someone else turn on a water purifier later.
dont forget that your companions would rather see you die a very sad death inside of that thing instead of starting the machine for you unharmed. I mean when was the last time a Ghoul or Supermutant got killed from radiation ... but hey! They would rob you your destiny ... seriously. They got awards for that writing ... sometimes I have the feeling it must have been like the paralympics of writing.
Read in Ron Perlman's voice "The Lone Wanderer pussed out and didn't commit senseless sacrifice, because he didn't understood the true meaning of courage, that is acting like a moron just to make cool endings."
The game should have praised you for finding a way to start the stupid thing without any senseless sacrifice.
I wasn't going to sacrifice myself for a purifier that's downstream. Seriously, what the hell Bethesda? You call me a douche for not wanting to kill myself for a purifier that won't even work?

In Fallout 4 you will play as the Courier again with a high survival skill, who journeys to the Capital Wasteland in order to teach them how they can easily purify water with all that junk that's lying around everywhere and a campfire. I would buy that.
Or just run a pipe from Goodsprings' inexhaustible clean water supply :trollface:

Thinking about it, it's pretty ironic that thirst wasn't implemented as a game mechanic until New Vegas. Despite all the whining (remember those thirsty beggars who asked for clean water and refused to drink the dirty stuff?) no lone wanderer ever suffered from lack of H2O.
James Snowscoran said:
Or just run a pipe from Goodsprings' inexhaustible clean water supply :trollface:

Don't they get their water from Lake Meade?

Thinking about it, it's pretty ironic that thirst wasn't implemented as a game mechanic until New Vegas. Despite all the whining (remember those thirsty beggars who asked for clean water and refused to drink the dirty stuff?) no lone wanderer ever suffered from lack of H2O.

I think it's more ironic that in New Vegas with an average survival skill you can easily purify water with materials that are common in both the Mojave wasteland and the Capital wasteland.
so to close this off, Squall, if you are still checking this forum, Play the first two games, they are very much worth your time, but download the patches before starting playing.
Its an underground water tunnel, you can see the pipes, the water towers in an specific palce and the filters under the end of the pipes.
I always assumed that they called it "Goodsprings" because it got its water from... springs. Springs that were good.

On topic, even if it is a token on-topic, yes, play the originals, and in the case of Fallout 2 I'd recommend Killap's restoration patch. Not only are they fantastic games in their own right, but if you consider yourself a Fallout fan, it'll probably be of interest to see the origins of the current post-nuclear world.
God, I can't stand the idiocy of 3's ending...Oh well, this is why I have NV and FO2. lol anyway, like everyone else said, hell yeah. play 1 and 2. (and tactics...maybe.) But, as I was not warned when I first found the originals, you will get your ass kicked. make no mistake. but it gets good when you've leveled, just hang in there. Which is something i can say for just about most Obsidian games. >_<