First time out of the vault

I notice a lot of people that do lore videos on Fallout about the resource war and events afterwards use the Fallout Bible for their facts, so I thought OK I'll read up on the resource wars, but I found out there are TWO version of these events, the one Chris Avellone wrote and the GNN Holodisk found in-game, but I also found out that that Fallout Bible is no longer canon so...What are the facts and the right way to learn about these events? and does this mean all those videos that cover this topic are wrong?
And I do like how the Fallout Bible clarified some missing details that the games didn't provide and it evens flesh's out the lore much more with character! But I want the straight facts ok. and yes I do understand that Chris said that the soldiers messed with the holodisk and changed the dates but that's when the Fallout Bible was consider canon so please can someone clarify.
And I do like how the Fallout Bible clarified some missing details that the games didn't provide and it evens flesh's out the lore much more with character! But I want the straight facts ok. and yes I do understand that Chris said that the soldiers messed with the holodisk and changed the dates but that's when the Fallout Bible was consider canon so please can someone clarify.
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