First time out of the vault

and it's now a Walker Colt 1847:

The gun has infinite ammo, always hits no matter your skill, has flavor text 50% of the time when aiming, equipping, unequipping or getting a crit. 10% chance to knock enemies back, and -5 luck while equipped.
If you know the comic/TV series Preacher you'll know what this is, but for everyone else: look I made a script!
Many thanks to Lexx, NovaRain and especially Zorchar, whose shotgun script I cannibalized for this.
Edit: Oopsie, forgot link (if anyone's curious): https://www.mediafire.com/file/t3i5no19t64mqpg/walker_colt.zip/file
Drop the .dat into your mods folder. The .msg probably won't play nice with non-RPU installations, sorry.

The gun has infinite ammo, always hits no matter your skill, has flavor text 50% of the time when aiming, equipping, unequipping or getting a crit. 10% chance to knock enemies back, and -5 luck while equipped.
If you know the comic/TV series Preacher you'll know what this is, but for everyone else: look I made a script!
Many thanks to Lexx, NovaRain and especially Zorchar, whose shotgun script I cannibalized for this.
Edit: Oopsie, forgot link (if anyone's curious): https://www.mediafire.com/file/t3i5no19t64mqpg/walker_colt.zip/file
Drop the .dat into your mods folder. The .msg probably won't play nice with non-RPU installations, sorry.
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