So this bum punched me once

Von Drunky

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Last Friday I was out bar hopping with some friends in Manhattan around St. Marks. In between Bars I had to piss and since I already had quite a few drinks in me I thought w/e let me find a dark spot in the street. I pick one out by a scaffold, as I’m unzipping my fly what I thought was just trash starts moving. Its turns into this huge homeless guy (I guess he wasn’t homeless for too long), without saying anything he charges at me and punches me in the face almost knocking me down. I look up and see that my friend had already knocked him to the ground, my other friend then runs in and starts kicking him in the ribs. The funniest part however was when the Bum was in totally submission and let’s call him “Dre” runs at the Bum and cracks him in the head and then runs away. The entire time I’m standing in the middle of the street with my dick still out saying “Oh shit”. The only disappointing part of that evening was the fact that I did not have time to get a signal hit on the assaulter. After the fighting stopped the talking started. The Bums justification for hitting me was that “what was I suppose to do let him pee on me” who would you side with in this scenario?
There is double morale standards in this issue; first of all, he did jump you - with all rights, if you're actually taking a piss on him, but this doesn't seem to be the case. But I still think it's wrong to beat a homeless guy, especially when he's already on the ground. I mean, he is already on the ground. Literally, and emotionally.
Zaron said:
There is double morale standards in this issue; first of all, he did jump you - with all rights, if you're actually taking a piss on him, but this doesn't seem to be the case. But I still think it's wrong to beat a homeless guy, especially when he's already on the ground. I mean, he is already on the ground. Literally, and emotionally.

We were abusing “Dre” the rest of the night because he was the only one to use unnecessary force. First two made sure he was down, which is why I deemed it needless to hit him myself.
I would fucking kick your little punk ass*. Who the fuck do you kids think you are, pissing on some dude and then beating him up in an unfair fight?

* depending on my physical ability to do so
Well, it all doesn't seem to bad then, 'cept for "Dres" actions.
And while at the subject: aren't you a bum yourself? Is that what <strike>you</strike> they really prefer to be called? Sons of the Trashcans, or reminiscent names, sounds more apropos... Considering you're a bum yourself, that is.
Seems like a misunderstanding. Still it sound like your friends were a little rough on him.
Brother None said:
I would fucking kick your little punk ass*. Who the fuck do you kids think you are, pissing on some dude and then beating him up in an unfair fight?

* depending on my physical ability to do so

I never pissed on him, I didn’t have time to and if I knew he was there I wouldn’t have, I wasn’t THAT drunk. Its not like we were walking around looking for a fight but once it happened the fangs came out. I’m 5’7 120 pounds so one on one that bum would have most likely kicked my ass and I don’t think he realized I was with people.

Zaron said:
while at the subject: aren't you a bum yourself? Is that what <strike>you</strike> they really prefer to be called? Sons of the Trashcans, or reminiscent names, sounds more apropos... Considering you're a bum yourself, that is.

I’m a hybrid between a drifter and a bum, you know the type that has a job and three major credit cards in the wallet, no panhandling for me! I just lack the permanent residents for the time being. I stay here and there and that’s what most of my summer has been like, and will be until I go back to school.

Ah-Teen said:
Seems like a misunderstanding. Still it sound like your friends were a little rough on him.

I would agree.
He probably thought you were doing it intentionally. Therefore, it would have been nice to cut him a little slack. Then again, I'm not sure if he was continuing the assault after the first punch, so fuck it... He's on the street because he didn't work hard enough to keep a job. Beat the fuck out of him.
It sounds to me like you are an alcoholic, maybe you should emit you have no control over your life and look to a higher power for help?

Nah just kidding, homeless people are pretty vile, i mean please they have no homes! What’s with that? What’s really cool is when you see one sleeping under a road bridge or whatever and they have an empty bottle of whiskey next to them. You can just tell they are hammered. Now get some whiskey of your own, take their bottle and piss in it, add whiskey to mask the taste. Replace the bottle. They will neither notice you do this nor taste the piss nor remember if there was any whiskey left! Just sit back and laugh. Or if you are really posh just set them on fire! Heh hehehhehe!

Nah just kidding, homeless people are kewl.
Makagulfazel said:
He's on the street because he didn't work hard enough to keep a job. Beat the fuck out of him.

You can never be 100 % sure about that ,besides thats not a good excuse to beat the fuck out of a outnumbered homeless guy .

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Everyone involved in this story should get beat up.

Probally the best solution !
But the better one would be to Piss on everyone envolved in this Story :mrgreen:
I had no idea he was there. He could have said something like “What the fuck are you doing” or “I’m sleeping here” jumping out and hitting me wasn’t his only option. I was really confused and didn’t realize what had happened until he landed a hit on me. Its like imagine your in the woods taking a piss on a bush and out of nowhere a fucking bear charges at you, you still have your dick out and you just don’t have anytime to react you wouldn’t expect your friends to shoot the animal down?

Vault 13 said:
Makagulfazel said:
He's on the street because he didn't work hard enough to keep a job. Beat the fuck out of him.

You can never be 100 % sure about that ,besides thats not a good excuse to beat the fuck out of a outnumbered homeless guy .

If a fucking Bum, hits you what would you do? I mean I live in America if you live in America and not making money you should get the piss beaten out of you.

Also the bum was bigger then me I’m 5’7 and I weigh 123 ponds. If my friends hadn’t intervened I would have probably been the one to get my ass kicked. Would that have been justified?
Von Drunky on August 21st said:
I’m 5’7 120 pounds...

Von Drunky on August 22nd said:
...I’m 5’7 and I weigh 123 ponds.

Gained 3 pounds in one day! Meh, it is possible. :crazy: :wink:

Seriously though. I have seen some rude homeless people throughout the states. The guy was definitely out of line in your case.
I don’t know if it was over a day or not I haven’t weighed myself for a while untill today, I guess I should go back and EDIT it over 3 pounds.
If some guy tried to take a slash on me I'd probably jump him too. Either way kicking him when he's down is just plain shitty :(
Unless your friend broke his rib, the bum had it coming.

I don't think it is fair to you for someone to come up, punch you in the face and then drop in the fetal position and complain "why are people being so mean to meeeeeeeeeeee?"

So long as there isn't any damage that will last more than a week (I broken rib would last more than a week for example) the bum got what he had coming to him.

Being homeless and losing the fight are no reason to get out of being punished for assaulting someone.

I am glad the assailant got the lion's share of the beating. Maybe he'll think twice before doing that again.

As a side note, that type of loyalty from friends is a thing to be cherished!
You peed on him. That's pretty gnarly and disgusting. But on the other side, you were drunk and didn't know he was there.

He should have probably screamed at you or something, but I guess bums would rather fight.