So this how Star Wars vs. Star Trek will go.

Patton89 said:
The force is overwhelming. Chance of the federation clowns winning is 0. :twisted:

I DO believe good sir, that a well placed photon or perhaps quantum torpedo would obliterate an Imperial Star Destroyer. Clearly the technological terror (otherwise known as the Enterprise D) would prevail against such a feeble display of the force... Why you ask, well I feel being the trekkie that I am, I must enlighten you... You see, Data being a non-emotion based artificial lifeform would not be effected by a force choke and would quickly enact safety command override DATAB59428, providing him complete command over the Enterprise where he would take care of the situation... He might also take advantage of an unconscious Lt. Diana Troy since Lt. Yar was killed by Armus AKA the oil monster on Vagra 2... And Spot just has not been his affectionate self lately.

generalissimofurioso said:
I still think Star Wars and Star Trek should team up to take down the collective force of Chuck Norris, Joss Whedon and Dan Didio

I want to see fictional things destroy real things for once instead of the other way around.

NO! NOT JOSS!!! I banish you into the black!

Makenshi said:
I know it has almost nothing to do with ST vs SW, but SG kick everyones' asses and the following SG/BSG related pic frakking cool:


X-304 Deep Space Carriers are bad ass & mofo :mrgreen:

Sir, an X-304 even with the assistance of the Asgard enhancements would be no-match for even the Enterprise B... Yes, the one that was destroyed in the nexus incident trapping Captain Kirk for hundreds of years in an alternate space time universe of sorts... Yes it was all Alan Ruck's fault, he was still acting his roll in the movie Speed and not fit to captain the Enterprise... His replacement Captain was due the following Tuesday... Trust me, Trekkie's everywhere are laughing at that line.

Lastly, I'd like to say that I weigh 400lbs often abbreviate "real life" (RL) and enjoy Jolt cola... Did I mention my odd yet amusing love for M*A*S*H* ?

Read the rest of the site if you're bored and feeling incredibly nerdy but with a desire for math and curbstomps. And please don't send an e-mail mentioning 'lasers can't penetrate navigational shields' or 'transporters for the win' or anything. They've been over all these things since before the days of usenet and AOL groups. So just read the site and the forums before getting hot under the collar that your favourite sci fi universe doesn't have as big guns as another sci fi universe.
@Maphusio mah bro, the X-304 in the pic is the Odissey, and is pwning Cylon basestars, not the Enterprise. I know nothing about the ST universe (though I do SW and agree with stuff in the link posted by Profit), but I know this:

Tau'ri X-304 Odissey, equipped with Asgard (shields, beams, The Core) and Alteran technology (ZPM), did beat the crap out of Ori Warships. The Ori, dude, ascended beings! Their powers are beyond anything Jedi or Sith can even understand (force included), and their ships were the pinacle of technology in the know universe! Even Alteran's Aurora ships and Asgard O'Neill ships wouldn't scratch an Ori Warship. Hell, it took a "kwoosh!" from the Supergate to destroy one, and their shields even resisted for a few seconds!!!

I don't know if Enterprise is that powerful, but don't say X-304 Odissey don't kick ass. I'm 100% sure it could destroy the Empire's Deathstar.
I loved this line:

"Speed: Voyager took 7 years to crawl across part of one quadrant of the galaxy, even with repeated assists from alien races, stolen technology, and even the occasional shove from a godlike being. Not hours ... years."

The X-304 can reach the Pegasus Galaxy in 13 days, with good old Naquadah Generators. With ZPM, the travel takes 4 hours. ;)

... The Ori have plastic staffs...

Bad argument to deny facts, bro. Anyway, Ori staffs (not plastic, probably lightweight alloy) are better than Jaffa staffs, and lighter. And staffs have nothing to do with ships, iirc.
Haha.. The last part, when Data escaped, was absolutely the best.

And please, Stargate??? The movie was OK, period.
General consensus among the Versus subculture (yes, it exists) is that, while Stargate is basically all over the place as far as power-levels (everything from orbital bombardment doing about as much damage as modern hand-grenades to Teraton-level Naquadah bombs blowing up continents) the Empire could beat the the System Lords hands-down, the Asgard through sheer numbers, the Replicators are still debated about but the Empire's assortment of slug-throwers and Flechette launchers would be a good counter on the ground, and the Orii... In fact, I'm not sure if there is a consensus on the Orii.

And the Anscients, being nothing but a collection of retired Plot Device-factory workers, would be dumb to debate about.
I think its too late already. :lol:
Replicators would kick empire, they would have hard time winning agaisnt enemies that can well, replicate themselves quickly, and in the progress destroy your ship.

Even if vader tried, he would be swarmed by them. Too many against one sith.
Hmmm... replicator infestation at the Death Star... sounds great!

@Profit: you're right, the Empire can squash everyone except the Ori, who were kicked only because Daniel Jackson is fucking imbalanced and solves every problem - he knew Merlin, ascention, ancient stuff, etc etc; Empire has no Daniel Jackson. Actually, Stargate's best chance at surving the Empire would be him.

I was talking about ship's sheer power; in smaller engagements, like 1x1 or 1x2, I don't see anything who can match the X-304 Odissey, except this so called Enterprise (guess I'll watch ST just to it in action).

Other than that:

Replicators > Empire > all others so far, except the Rebel Alliance... and the Orii. Hallowed are the Orii.

@BrotherNone: if you change that freaky'n creepy avatar, we have a deal :wink:
Brother None said:
Oh God seriously guys we were all just joking around please don't nerdify our forum

Rightio! Back to discussing an 11-year old game and its unfortunately retarded stepchildren!
Brother None said:
Oh God seriously guys we were all just joking around please don't nerdify our forum


"The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote. "
Just look at the names and you understand who will win.
War= War. You known killing, annexation and we all know what that is about. All in all the biggest meanest invention of humanity.
Trek= walking about chilling. Perhaps moving slowly from one place to another. No real rush. War>trek in any violence contest.