@Maphusio mah bro, the X-304 in the pic is the Odissey, and is pwning Cylon basestars, not the Enterprise. I know nothing about the ST universe (though I do SW and agree with stuff in the link posted by Profit), but I know this:
Tau'ri X-304 Odissey, equipped with Asgard (shields, beams, The Core) and Alteran technology (ZPM), did beat the crap out of Ori Warships. The Ori, dude, ascended beings! Their powers are beyond anything Jedi or Sith can even understand (force included), and their ships were the pinacle of technology in the know universe! Even Alteran's Aurora ships and Asgard O'Neill ships wouldn't scratch an Ori Warship. Hell, it took a "kwoosh!" from the Supergate to destroy one, and their shields even resisted for a few seconds!!!
I don't know if Enterprise is that powerful, but don't say X-304 Odissey don't kick ass. I'm 100% sure it could destroy the Empire's Deathstar.