Still Mildly Glowing

Tagaziel said:Let's estabilish a few facts about the Cloud:
- it's a phenomenon unique to the Sierra Madre, not encountered anywhere else,
- it's somehow connected to the venting systems of the casino and the villa,
- when living/dead tissue is exposed to it, the Cloud attacks and slowly destroys it,
- can create residue,
- tastes like copper and gold,
- it does not destroy inorganic materials,
- it can be loaded and used as a weapon of mass destruction.
Personally, I think that the Cloud is some kind of unique geological phenomena.
The more I read about this, the more I like my "billions of microscopic mutated insects" theory. They would swarm around the convenient food source at the Sierra Madre. As for tasting like copper and gold: I have had bugs get into my mouth before (including a bee) and they tasted like a combination of metal and cardboard.