So who's excited for the Frontier?

Ugly Kid

Still Mildly Glowing
It comes out tomorrow but I don't see anyone talking about it here.

I personally think it will be really fun but I don't think the story will be good. The NCR is the only faction that has a right to be in Oregon. The BoS maybe, but apparently these guys broke off from the Mojave chapter, and just the fact that the BoS had been so oversatturated really put a me off. The Legion shouldn't be in Oregon during the events of New Vegas. If it took place after New Vegas than it could've been a remnants faction but it's still weird to have that far northwest.

And there's no original factions either which seems like a bad sign. Beyond the factions there's apparently a vault of snake people, so we have that to look forward to.

But it looks really fun, the vehicles especially look awesome. And this will be the first Fallout "game" with proper mounts. There are actual weather mechanics that look better than Fallout 4's weather. Then you have the really cool looking creatures. Minus the snake people. The main quests look and sound fun even if the writing is bad.

So any other thoughts?
I look forward to the new worldspace, companions and side quests, but I don't have high hopes for a main quest.

I appreciate getting a free expansion for a 10 year old game, but I'm also ready to critize. I fully expect to enjoy it.
So I haven't played it yet I'm waiting for the steam release, but im watching Tyler McVicker's stream on youtube and appearantly theres a ton of weird fetish stuff. I looked it up and that seems like a big red flag. Can anyone comment on that? Does it take away too much from the experience? Is the stuff common at all?
So I haven't played it yet I'm waiting for the steam release, but im watching Tyler McVicker's stream on youtube and appearantly theres a ton of weird fetish stuff. I looked it up and that seems like a big red flag. Can anyone comment on that? Does it take away too much from the experience? Is the stuff common at all?

Lord I'm watching the videos and good lord, the degeneracy.

I wouldn't mind this mods change to the NCR and Legion IF those artillery pieces and such were put into the Mohave as well. The NCR exiles are a splinter faction, they would NEVER be allowed to leave with that level of kit.

I'm not sure a finished product will ever see the light of day. The devs were twitter twats and redditards, coomers and yiffers, and others of the circus of the Woke left, low functioning narcissists who can't stand to have their feelings hurt or anyone criticize them, in fact, they seem to be WORSE than the FNC team, which is really saying something. And they've all left because they can't imagine people wouldn't call them out on being bad writers and/or degenerates.

I COULD offer a great deal of constructive criticism on the plot line. I can't write a plotline to save my life but I'm good at figuring out things that suck and suggesting alternatives. But these people DO NOT TAKE criticism, and most of them have 'peaced out'
i'm enjoying the trainwreck thats for sure.

so glad i never got hyped for this. saw the trailers and knew it was not for me. did not expect it to turn into such a clusterfuck tho.
Remember when this mod being not friendly to the lore was the main concern to a lot of people? If we only knew how much worse it would be.
I was really hyped for New Vegas modding to be revived.

But no, this mod just killed it even more. How will New Vegas modding ever catch up to Fallout 4 modding?
I was really hyped for New Vegas modding to be revived.

But no, this mod just killed it even more. How will New Vegas modding ever catch up to Fallout 4 modding?
What Fallout 4 modding? Most mods of Fallout 4 are either skimpy armors, or huge ass/boobs stuff. New Vegas modding is still superior to Fallout 4.
What Fallout 4 modding? Most mods of Fallout 4 are either skimpy armors, or huge ass/boobs stuff. New Vegas modding is still superior to Fallout 4.

I think he won't respond, it appears he was banned. Or went back to making crystal meth again.
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A lot of people seem to have taken issue with the "Can't join the Enclave" aspect, but honestly I think that's probably one of the things the mod did right:

Like, the Courier is a big ugly mutant, the Enclave wants them dead. This is honestly one of the few aspects Fallout 3 did right: the Enclave should realistically only manipulate the player, not accept them fully.

In the case of an Enclave victory, the player is dead. That's pretty integral to their ideology.
If this is not basis for a shitpost mod I don't know what it is. And I haven't mentioned tax evader saga.

This one is also good.

Yeah kind of funny too.

"You always were a kidder Rancor" is really appropriate given that the actor for Steve has many of the same...proclivities, as one of the Frontier devs.

I guess Steve really was a kidder.
"You always were a kidder Rancor" is really appropriate given that the actor for Steve has many of the same...proclivities, as one of the Frontier devs.

I guess Steve really was a kidder.

From what I heard he got his mugshot in the same shirt as from the game.